Edens Landing State School
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Jamie Nicolson Ave
Edens Landing QLD 4207
Subscribe: https://edenslss.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe

Email: office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
Phone: 07 3826 0333
Fax: 07 3826 0300

14 November 2022

Newsletter Articles

ELSS staff acknowledge and pay respect to the Traditional Owners and ongoing custodians of the lands on which our school is built and where learning takes place. We pay our respects to Elders, past, present & emerging and recognise their continuing connection to Country and ways of learning over thousands of years.

Explicit Improvement Agenda for ELSS in 2022

WHAT: Literacy- Greater than 75% of students will achieve a C standard in English.
HOW: Positive Relationships and High Expectations
WHY: Literacy is the key to a life of choice not chance

Principal’s News

Jingeri (Hi) ELSS families and community,

A year 6 student shared that she is nervous but excited when reminding me that there is only 4 weeks left until they graduate. 20 school days for them to finish the year strong and soar into 2023. That same message is for all students as they move to the next stage of their learning. Thank you for your support to live out our mission, vision and expectations-

Mission – Engage, Inspire and Empower EVERY student to a life of choice not chance
Vision – Positive Relationships and High Expectations for EVERY student succeeding.
Expectations – Safe, Respectful, Learner
Motto- Soar to Success

See below our Prep students Soaring to Success in writing-

Last term, you may remember, all familes where offered to complete the annual school opinion survey (SOS). Not to be confused with the school based survey monkey on how to make our school great. The highlight report from the SOS (below) demonstrated our focus on growth- this is in our celebration of students achievement, high expectations and a growth mindset to get better. Thanks to the 121 parents/caregivers that completed the survey. This also shapes our future planning for input, behaviour and assessments. I encourage parents to read the newsletter that outlines assessment and marking for each year level and each term. Finally, I encourage families to engage with the parent/teacher interviews to help understand how your child is assessed and provide input. We always look for ways to impove, if you have some feedback (input) please reach out to me at- Principal@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au . Overall, we have made significant gains as partners in learning.

Many budgets within our school funding are based on enrolments. It is at this time of the year that families are advising that they are moving away from the area and a change of school is necessary. If you are planning to leave our school for the 2023 school year, I ask that you advise the office in writing as soon as possible and complete our Exit Form to ensure we have the most up to date enrolment information. Please share this with friends who are leaving or those you may know are enrolling. If your circumstances change over the upcoming months and a change of school is necessary please let us know.

We celebrated Tuckshop Day and on behalf of the community- Thank you to Annette our tuckshop convenor, Peta-Marie and volunteers for providing meals to our students. Thanks to our Edens Landing State School P&C Association for running our Tuckshop

Some of our recent events- Bullying Zero workshops, Lockdown drill, Gala Sport, Tuckshop Day, Year 5 Planetarium Excursion.

Celebrate ELSS Success in 2022, as a whole school community we had significant success. Let’s recap-

  • Increase in: students passing English at the school. student learning and growth in every classroom. students in full school uniform. messages of thanks and support from parents, families and community partners. connection with our community partners.
  • Decrease in: Term 1, 2 and 3 decrease in major behaviour incidents.
  • Mr Tuckett named as a finalist for Excellence in Teaching. ELSS Regional commended for Queensland showcase awards for Excellence in Early Years education.
  • Success events such as Bushdance, Athletics carnivals, cross country, rewards day, star of the
  • school, music concerts and weekly assembly.
  • A calmer, cleaner and happier school for our students.

The ELSS 2022 improvement plan has the watermark GROWTH. We will focus on building a positive culture for learning with focussed teaching and learning for EVERY student to succeed at ELSS = GOAL is 75%+ A-C English in semester 2. The three major priorities for 2022 are Reading, Curriculum Access and Culture.

School events Coming up- Prep play dates, Evacuation Drill, Magic of Music, Beach Safety workshops, Colour Run Explosion, White Ribbon Day, Swimming year 1 and 2, P&C meeting, Teacher V Student touch football challenge, ELSS Carols and Community Awards Ceremony.

Remaining 2022 ELSS events- Magic of Music Concert, Colour Run and Carols.


  • School starts at 8.50am! Our first bell will ring at 8.45am for students to make their way to their meeting point. Please focus on students arriving to school on time and not leaving early as these impacts learning for your child and all students in the class.
  • We have worked closely with the P&C to build a strong focus on pride and unity through our uniform. We welcome any family to discuss financial hardship if this is a barrier to full school uniform. We are happy to support and help. We are partner in learning.
  • BULLYING- NO WAY is EVERYDAY at ELSS. ELSS process for how our students are to respond to an incident: TALK-WALK-REPORT. If you have concerns of an incident, please contact your child’s classroom teacher, if needed it will progress to Deputy Principal. Thanks for your support of the process. Edens Landing SS does not tolerate Bullying.
  • Our 2023 Student resource scheme (SRS) is active to supply all the resources needed for your child to learn next year. The total cost is $220. We have ensured high quality products, device apps and equipment. As the SRS purchase is in bulk, we have significant savings as this will cost a family over $700 to purchase individually.

Attendance at ELSS – Our target is 90%. We currently sit at 88%

Parents are a child’s first teacher. School staff are a child’s second teacher. Our learning walls are a child’s third teacher. Together we are Partners in learning.

Yours in Education

Clint Curran

Deputy Principal’s News

Year 6 Graduation

This year ELSS will host our Year 6 Graduation Ceremony at the Beenleigh Entertainment Centre for our Year 6 students only.

  • Date: Tuesday, 6 December, 2022
  • Time: Students to arrive at 5:30 pm for a prompt 6.00 pm start (4:30-5:30 pm for photos) – finishing approximately 7:30 pm
  • Venue: Beenleigh Entertainment Centre, Kent Street, Beenleigh
  • Type: Formal ceremony.
  • Dress: Smart casual (not formal) - School appropriate attire is expected: No midriffs, low cut dresses/tops, short skirts, high heels or excessive make up/fake nails for the girls. Boys should be dressed neatly, suits are not appropriate but a collared shirt is required (No tee-shirts and board shorts please). It is fun for our Year 6 students to dress up on their special night; however, we ask that parents keep the occasion in perspective. This is a Year 6 graduation, not a Year 12 formal.
  • Cost: $37 per graduating student (This includes 2 tickets for parents and a graduation pack)

What is a graduation pack? This package contains a graduation certificate and senior photograph, and a senior year book (each student has their own dedicated space in the year book).

Please note: This is a ticket only event. Each student will be allocated two (2) seats for parents (not siblings). Additional seating is extremely limited and will be distributed to two-household families only, who may apply for (no more than) 2 additional adult tickets (parents only), on the return slip attached. No siblings permitted due to the very restricted number of seats at the venue.

Student Council Messages

Whilst the Student Council will not be doing a fundraiser for this, we would like everyone to be aware of the upcoming World Diabetes Day

World Diabetes Day (WDD) was created in 1991 by IDF and the World Health Organization in response to growing concerns about the escalating health threat posed by diabetes. It is marked every year on 14 November, the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, who co-discovered insulin along with Charles Best in 1922.

The campaign is represented by a blue circle logo that was adopted in 2007 after the passage of the UN Resolution on diabetes. The blue circle is the global symbol for diabetes awareness. It signifies the unity of the global diabetes community in response to the diabetes epidemic.

Every year, the World Diabetes Day campaign focuses on a dedicated theme that runs for one or more years. The theme for World Diabetes Day 2021-23 is Access to Diabetes Care.


From the Year 3 Team

Year 3 Science Assessment Term 4 2022

Solid and Liquids

The Year 3s are going to identify everyday objects according to whether they are a solid or a liquid. This is an important area of Science known as chemistry. It is part of Science that can identify a number of important discoveries for our World’s future.

Importantly, the children must decide HOW they know that the object has this characteristic. They need to be able to say why it is a liquid; because it can flow and pour.

You can assist your child by talking about the qualities of everyday objects – in the kitchen we have liquids and solids like honey and butter. Some of these objects change from solids to liquids through the introduction of heat (e.g. butter). Other objects change from liquids to solids by removing heat (e.g. water becoming ice). Discussions about these will assist your child.

From the year 4 Team

In Science this term, students use contact and non- contact forces to describe the interactions between objects. They identify when science is used to ask questions and make predictions. They describe situations where science understanding can influence their own and others’ actions. Students conduct fair tests to establish how friction affects moving objects across different surfaces and explain their observations using their knowledge of friction. They will then apply their knowledge of friction and contact / non-contact forces to a real-life scenario by designing a ‘60 second slam game’.

From the Year 5 Team

In year 5 this term, our science assessment has 3 components. Firstly, students are demonstrating their understanding of the solar system by drawing a detailed and labelled diagram of the various features of the solar system.

The second component involves researching the planets and using a Venn diagram to compare another planet to Earth, specifically the weather, atmosphere, temperature and availability of water.

Finally, our students will be describing and evaluating some discoveries and inventions that were a result of space exploration programs.

From the Year 6 Team

This term in Science, Year 6 students will be choosing to research a natural disaster (earthquake or volcano) and then writing a detailed report focussing on the cause and effects of these phenomena. Students will examine such topics as how and where these natural disasters occur, identify the impacts on humans and wildlife and how scientists predict and measure the size and strength of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Students will also complete a short answer assessment to demonstrate their understanding of aspects of the geophysical sciences, such as the layers of the earth and tectonic plate movement.

From the Arts Teacher

Assessment tasks term 4 2022

Year 1

Students make and share media artworks (Book Creator) using story composition, sound and technology. They communicate about media artworks they make and view, and where and why media artworks are made.

Year 2

Students compose sounds for a soundscape to go with a familiar nursery rhyme.. They identify a sound they made and which instrument they used.

Year 3

Students collaborate to make and share media artworks that communicate ideas to an audience (create an iMovie telling a humorous poem using puppets). They describe the similarities and differences between their media artwork and another groups iMovie.

Year 4

Students plan and make artworks from around the world that communicate ideas using different techniques.

Yours in education

Cheryl Gibson
Deputy Principal

Deputy Principal’s News

Christmas is in the shops! The end of the school year is fast approaching! Assessments are being completed and the children are demonstrating how far they have come in their learning. I am so proud of both students and their teachers who work so hard so that the children have the best opportunities to demonstrate their learning. It is probably more obvious in the lower school where I see children who did not know the letters of the alphabet now reading and writing sentences. Thank you for working with us and doing the homework that reinforces the learning.

The Pre - Prep playdates are next week – this is a great opportunity for all the new students to come along a be part of a class for an hour.

Some of the children from our local Kindies have been visiting on a regular basis since June. These children have been learning how to sit in a classroom and participate with the current prep children, and do activities in the library or kitchen area with Mr Tuckett.

The playdates give an opportunity for all the new students to experience a classroom and participate in learning activities with our current prep teaching staff. The more we know about our students, the more we can help them on their learning journey.

Year 1- Science Term 4

Learning Intention:

We are learning to observe and describe changes that occur in the sky and landscape.

Success Criteria:

I can…

  • identify and describe the features of the day sky
  • identify and describe the features of the night sky
  • recognise and describe the features of the sky in different weather conditions
  • describe how skies and landscapes change during different seasons
  • identify natural, managed and constructed features of a landscape
  • identify and sort landscapes into Natural, Managed and Constructed
  • identify and describe ways that landscapes can change over time.

day sky


night sky

Our beautiful school landscape, consisting of natural, managed and constructed features.

Year 2 Science – Water Works

This term in Science students are learning how water is essential to life. Through investigations, students explore how water is used, where water comes from and how to use it responsibly.

Students will be given opportunities to identify different uses of water at home and describe ways to conserve it. They will also be posing questions for a guest speaker and creating a poster encouraging water conservation.

Anthea Grant
Deputy Principal

PBL News


Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a whole-school framework used in our school to promote positive behaviour. PBL helps us to develop a safe and supportive learning environment, build positive relationships and improve student learning outcomes. Edens Landing State School has CC (Captain Courageous) as our mascot. He helps to remind students of our expectations.

Our school community has worked together to establish simple, clear and explicit expectations for behaviour. Student behaviour improves when students know what is expected of them and when good behaviour is recognised.

Our school takes a proactive, preventative approach, ensuring that all students receive the appropriate level of support to help them to succeed. Our PBL team constantly works to ensure that all students benefit and identified students receive additional support when needed.

Find out more about PBL in this video .

Weeks 7 and 8 Term 4: I am a learner when I actively participate in learning activities.

What is Actively Participating in Learning?

Actively participating in learning is a process whereby students engage in activities, such as reading, writing, discussion, or problem-solving, instead of sitting quietly and listening or being distracted by the environment around them.

This are what the characteristics of actively participating in learning in the classroom:

1. The student is involved and concentrating:

  • Able to focus on an activity for a period of time,
  • Shows high levels of energy and fascination,
  • Not easily distracted,
  • Pays attention to details.

2. The student keeps on trying:

  • Persists with an activity, even when challenges occur,
  • Shows a belief that a different approach or using more effort will work better,
  • Bounces back and tries again after difficulties.

3. The student enjoys achieving what was set out to do:

  • Shows satisfaction when they meet their own goals,
  • Can be proud of their methods of accomplishment, not just the end result,
  • Enjoys meeting challenges for their own satisfaction, not just for prizes or praise.

HPE News

School Swimming

Payments and medical forms for school swimming is due Wednesday 16th November. Attached are the notes for this program.

School Swimming Carnival

This carnival will be held on Wednesday 7th December at Bethania Aquatic Pool. This is a fun filled day of races, activities and games. This is a free event for all students in years 3-5. Further information will be send out via sms soon.

Gala Sport

Gala sport has come to an end. It has been great to see Edens Landing students playing against other schools in the zone over the last five weeks. Win or lose, students have enjoyed themselves. A special mention to the Junior Boys Touch Team who were runners up losing the grand final 5-4. Well done boys!

Thanks to all the families who came out to support each week and a huge thank you to our teachers for coaching.

Shout Outs

Our school would love to hear about any sporting achievements your child/ren have made. It could be as simple as competing at a ballet performance, player of the match, a new personal best or an action shot playing a game. We are always looking to celebrate student success. Please send photo and a short comment of their achievement to kodon30@eq.edu.au


Over the course of the year, lessons will be held on the oval. It is essential that your child/ren has a suitable school hat for all lessons. If your child/ren is unable to take part in a lesson due to an injury or medical reason, please provide a note.

Sporting Events

Swimming- Year 1 and 2- 21/11-25/11, Year 3 and 4 28/11-1/12 (1 day only for each class)
Big Day Out- Year 6 2/12
Swimming carnival- 7/12 (Years 3-5)

Yours in Sport

Ken O’Donnell & Leo Hopkinson
Health and Physical Education Teachers

Social Worker News

This afternoon in our weekly parent lounge meet-up we discuss the importance of routines.

The session goes from 1:45-2:45pm. We have informed our parent/carer community via text.

We provide afternoon tea and great input. While we are seeing a small number of parents/carers at this stage, it’s the opportunity to connect that we are focused on for now. We believe quality input and connection will provide a solid foundation for increased engagement moving forward.

Andrew Rienecker
Social Worker | AASW

Office News

Enrol for Prep 2023 now, please contact the office 3826 0333.

Last day for Payment Window will be 25 November.

Report Student Absences

Text message your childs absence to 0429 904 926

Text first and last name of your child, date, duration and reason of absence.

to leave a message. Alternatively you may also use the absence email - absences@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au . Please record your child's name, class, date of absence/s and reason for absence.

Late Arrivals

Students who arrive to school after 8.50am must report to the office windows for a late slip prior to going to class.

Change of Details

Please email the school on office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au stating your child’s name and class to confirm your email address and if applicable advise of any contact details that may have changed, to ensure we are able to contact you in an emergency.

Thank you for your continued support

P&C News

At the last meeting held on the 17 of October we were successful in electing (2) two new Executive members, Carly Downer as President and Renay Signorini as Treasurer. We still have (2) two positions available on the Executive team, Vice President and Secretary. Their roles are in the images below.

The P&C supports and works with the school and community to achieve our future goals as a united team. These visions cannot be reached without your help and support.

All committees have the full assistance of the executive team as all events are a group effort, we cannot do it alone – “Many Hands make light work” – John Heywood.

Coming up we have the Colour Explosion Fun Run on the 18th of November. Online Fundraising closed Friday the 11 of November while cash donations are still able to be made via the P&C collection box inside the office until Wednesday the 16 of November or via EFTPOS and Cash at the collection table Wednesday the 16th from 8:30-9:00am Wednesday the 16th of November. If you are available to donate some time to volunteer for the event, please email us at: pandc_exec@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au or contact us via our Facebook page:


By fundraising or paying $10 to participate every student will get to join in on the fun in the colour explosion fun run and will receive a pair of sunglasses and a sweatband each.

We also have incentives for our highest fundraisers.

Our highest fundraising class will get a Pizza Party organised by the P&C.

Our top 3 fundraisers can colour Mr Curran on the day of our Colour Run.

We are also looking for prize donations for the Carols by Torchlight held on the 25th November. If you or someone you know is able to help out by donating please contact us via email or our Facebook page.

Our last P&C Meeting for the year is on Monday the 21st of November at 6:15pm in the staff room. Everyone is welcome and does not need to be a member to attend. Child minding is available so please bring your children along if need be.

Uniform News

Uniform Shop is open Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 am - 9:30 am.

Yes, you can come in without placing a Flexischools order or making an appointment.

Yes, you can come in during open hours and pick up your Flexischools order you placed.


PREP 2023

A Prep 2023 Class has been made on Flexischools so your able to start placing your orders via Flexischools now. Please remember that this is a pickup service and orders will need to be collected on the day of ordering from the Uniform Shop between 8:30am-9:30am Tuesday or Thursday. If your order isn’t collected between those times, it will be available to collect form the office between 10:00am – 4:00pm on those days.

Any more questions please email the Uniform Shop. uniform_shop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au

Delivery of orders to classrooms has ceased

Flexischools orders must be collected from the Uniform Shop by Student or Parent. If cannot pick up your order, please email the Uniform Shop and we can arrange to have the order left at the office for collection the same day. You will receive and email reminder message for your order on the day and you can reply to that email with any questions or if you need it left at the office.

When coming into the Uniform Shop please follow all the schools Covid Safe plan as stated in the newsletter also on their official Facebook page.

Make sure you like and follow our Tuckshop & Uniform Shop Facebook Page for any updates. We post on our Facebook page about what is going on in those areas and it is also a platform for you to communicate with the Tuckshop & Uniform Shop besides our emails and the Phone number.


Getting online is easy and only takes a few minutes to register.

Simply go to the link below and click “Register”.


You will be sent an email with further instructions on how to complete the registration. Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. There is a variety of payment options supported, including Visa, MasterCard (credit and debit) and Bank Transfer. The system operates via a pre-paid account.

If you have any questions, Flexischools provide a great help desk on:

(Online): Any time, at our parent contact form which can be found here:


(Phone): Between 8am - 12pm (AEDST) on Weekdays, at our parent phone line (1300 361 769).

Flexischools has a cut off time off

Monday 4:00 pm for Tuesday orders each week, and Wednesday 4:00 pm for Thursday orders each week.

Any other questions please email the Uniform Shop and we will be sure to answer them as soon as possible. uniform_shop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au

*If you have any uniforms your children have outgrown but that are still in good condition.

You can donate them to the Uniform Shop, we need items so families can still feel like they are purchasing a uniform and not missing out.

Thank you.

Outside School HOURS CARE- OSHC

Important Dates to Remember

18 November

Colour Run Fundraiser- starts at 12pm, Registered students only.

21 November

P&C Meeting

21-25 November

Yr1 & Yr2 Swimming

28 Nov- 2 Dec

Yr3 &Yr4 Swimming

25 November

ELSS Christmas Carols- All School Community Event

2 December

Yr6 Big Day Out

6 December

Yr6 Graduation ceremony- Beenleigh Events Centre

7 December

Swimming Carnival

8 December

Rewards Day

9 December

Last Day Term 4, 2022

Contact Details

  • Have your contact details changed?
  • Have you moved address?
  • Do we have your current phone number in case of an emergency?
  • Are your emergency contacts still current?
  • Are you receiving our newsletters by email?
  • Do we have your current email address?


Phone 3826 0333 or Email office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au


Community News

Edens Landing Police Beat

The most wonderful time of the year is almost here! Christmas is just around the corner. Every child deserves to experience some Christmas magic. Unfortunately, some children may not be able to.

This year, Edens Landing Police Beat is asking for your help.

YFS is a locally run Logan based charity, that provides support to vulnerable children. This could be children who are victims of domestic violence situations, homelessness and other vulnerabilities. YFS have been providing support to the Logan community since 1983.

Edens Landing Police Beat’s Christmas Light Display will be operating every night from 1 November 2022 from 6pm.

We are asking for your help and generosity in gift donations that will be donated to YFS, to provide children who may be in a vulnerable situation this Christmas season, and spread a little bit of that Christmas magic to them. Gift donations may be left under the Christmas tree at Edens Landing Police Beat drop off point, which will be delivered to YFS throughout the Christmas period so that they can give these children some positive Christmas experiences. The following requests have been made by YFS, to allow for an effective process:

Please do not wrap the gifts, as they need to be checked for suitability by YFS as to how best distribute (Gift bags are suitable). Please no weapons, or mock weapons. Please only new items in packaging (for health and safety reasons).

While donations will be accepted during the light display each night, you may also make donations at any time during the day at the Edens Landing Police Beat.

For more information on YFS and the work they do, or if you are in a vulnerable situation and in need of assistance, please check out their website at YFS.org.au.

We thank you for any contribution you can make to help these vulnerable children’s Christmas experience, and hope you enjoy the light display this year at Edens Landing Police Beat.

Merry Christmas,
Senior Constable Mitch Collins.