19 September 2022
Newsletter Articles
ELSS staff acknowledge and pay respect to the Traditional Owners and ongoing custodians of the lands on which our school is built and where learning takes place. We pay our respects to Elders, past, present & emerging and recognise their continuing connection to Country and ways of learning over thousands of years.
Explicit Improvement Agenda for ELSS in 2022
WHAT: Literacy- Greater than 75%
of students will achieve a C standard in English.
HOW: Positive Relationships and High Expectations
WHY: Literacy is the key to a life of choice not chance
Principal’s News
Jingeri (Hi) ELSS families and community,
Welcome to the end of term 3. We have celebrated student GROWTH, staff GROWTH and school GROWTH.
Some of our recent events- Vision screeners for Prep, Catch up photos, RU OK day? Year 5 camp, STAR of the school, Parent/Teacher interviews, Student council dress up day, Principal tour, Rewards Day.
Our school provides many opportunities for students to be engaged, inspired and empowered. See some of these in the images below-
The ELSS 2022 improvement plan has the watermark GROWTH. We will focus on building a positive culture for learning with focussed teaching and learning for EVERY student to succeed at ELSS = GOAL is 75%+ A-C English in semester 2. The three major priorities for 2022 are Reading, Curriculum Access and Culture.
School events Coming up- GALA sport, Mental Health week, Mental Health Fair, Principal Conference, Public Speaking Competition.
Remaining 2022 ELSS events- Magic of Music Concert, Colour Run and Carols.
- School starts at 8.50am! Our first bell will ring at 8.45am for students to make their way to their meeting point. Please focus on students arriving to school on time and not leaving early as these impacts learning for your child and all students in the class.
- I have issued over 50 Uniform reminder notes to families of students who are still out of uniform. We have worked closely with the P&C to build a strong focus on pride and unity through our uniform. We welcome any family to discuss financial hardship if this is a barrier to full school uniform. We are happy to support and help. We are partner in learning.
- BULLYING- NO WAY is EVERYDAY at ELSS. ELSS process for how our students are to respond to an incident: TALK-WALK-REPORT. If you have concerns of an incident, please contact your child’s classroom teacher, if needed it will progress to Deputy Principal. Thanks for your support of the process. Edens Landing SS does not tolerate Bullying.
Attendance at ELSS – Our school goal is 90%. As you can see from the image below, our community has work to do and a clear focus on coming to school on Fridays is required.
On behalf of all the 80 staff at Edens Landing State School, I hope you have a wonderful school holiday, stay safe and enjoy the opportunity to refresh. Our 712 students have successfully worked through different learning challenges. Congratulations and thanks for being partners in learning.
Parents are a child’s first teacher. School staff are a child’s second teacher. Our learning walls are a child’s third teacher. Together we are Partners in learning.
Yours in Education
Clint Curran
Deputy Principal’s News
Edens Landing State School Student Council will once again support this important day on 28 October. Students are invited to wear red to signify the day as our school walks around the block to raise awareness of this important message. Please look out for the flyer coming home shortly. We ask students to bring a gold coin to donate to this very worthwhile charity.
Academic Pentathlon
Congratulations to the 10 year five students who were invited to attend Windaroo Valley State High School’s inaugural Academic Pentathlon. Those who attended represented out school with pride and showed true determination across the events.
From the Year 3 Team
3R - We had the “Masked Reader “come to our room in Book Week. The class loved watching Mr Curran read a book as well. We loved working on surveys in the class to discover whose favourite ice-cream was the same as our own!
3S- Predicting, observing, recording and discussing - it's all in a day’s work for the scientists of 3S as we investigated heat.
3D- This term in English we have been learning to write persuasive letters so that we can convince Mr Curran that our school needs an awesome pool! We have also been practising our no excuse words and had a pop-corn party to celebrate our success with spelling these words.
3V - For Book Week we had an action-packed week including visiting the book fair, a mystery guest reader, guess the teacher challenge, and most importantly of all, the book week parade – who knew Harry Potter was so popular again – 5 Hermione’s just in 3V! In English we’ve been working on our persuasive texts with a select few bringing these to Mr Curran. In Maths, we’ve been exploring time, matching analogue and digital times. Here is another Letter from Karom 3V.
To my amazing principal Mr Curran,
Wouldn’t you like an awesome pool here at ELSS? Well, I obviously believer that you must absolutely get a pool for this such mature and responsible school! These are some of the reasons that I’ll include: How it makes us very fit and healthy, how it’s very refreshing for a hot day and how it is good training for the future Olympics.
First of all, we undoubtedly need a cool pool because we will get more fit and healthy, even you too! For example, most kids look like twigs and some, well…elephants but when we get a pool, we’ll be stronger that Dwayne Johnson!!!
Second of all, we definitely must get a pool because it is refreshing for a desert-like day. For example, the sun is making us all blind and frying us, so all we do is we simply run for it and cannon ball into the pool.
Last, but not least, a pool is fantastic for training for the future Olympics. For example, we have head-sweating swim lessons and in the future, we’ll be better than all of the Olympian swimmers on the planet and come first place in all of the games because of all of the hard training.
From your superb student
From the Year 4 Team
This term year 4 is celebrating the successful use of our 'Bump It Up Walls' for English. Students have participated in the construction of our walls and have utilised them to improve their work and find 'where to next'.
From the Year 5 Team
This term, year 5 students have been comparing the novel and TV series versions of ‘The Forests of Silence’. They have compared the characters, plot, setting and themes and focused on using language features such as noun and verb groups and evidence from the text.
This is a comparison of the book ‘The Forests of Silence’ by Emily Rhodda, and the TV series of the same name, directed by Hiroyuki Nishimura. Comparing each, book and TV series, there are some significant differences between both versions. I prefer the book over the TV series because the exaggeration applied to the descriptors were absolutely essential for a person with a wide-ranging imagination. Although some parts did not make sense, I quickly picked up my pace throughout the chapters and maintained an inquisitive visual in my head.
By Nicole
The characters shown in the novel and TV series had only a few differences. The similarities of both book and TV series characters are that Barda and Lief are two of the main characters. The differences, though, are that Jasmin takes the place of Jarred and Endon in the TV series. In the TV series, minor characters like Lief’s friends are left out. Leif has a kind and stubborn soul. This is shown when the text says, “Lief, however, was unwilling to waste his last hour of freedom.” and “I am a fool to judge her, Lief thought.”
Barda is demanding, “Look ahead,” hissed Barda furiously…”
In the novel, Jasmine has wild hair, but in the TV series, her hair looks extremely straight.
The TV series’ setting starts from the miserable city of Del, quickly changing to the Forests of Silence, where they stay for two and a half episodes. In the novel, the setting starts in the castle of Del, turning to the dictated land of Deltora, then quickly to the Forests of Silence. The setting has some minor differences.
By Sara
The plot of the TV series and book is that the problem Lief and his friends have to face is defeating the golden knight Gorl, who lives in The Dark and guards both the lilies of life and the first gem. They must defeat Gorl to hold the first gem but the heroes cannot. The solution to this problem happens when Jasmine asks a tree to drop a branch on Gorl, and they heroically defeat the guardian of the gem. The plot was mostly the same though in the book it shows the castle that has lots more shown about what is happening in the TV series. In the plot the TV series is the same except the beginning that shows the broken belt of Deltora. The TV series also skip the colossal castle of Del with marble pillars and beautiful gardens all round.
By Elijah
Our year 5 Students also celebrated a wonderful camp this term. Lots of fun had by all, even Mr. Curran!
From the Year 6 Team
Term 3 has been a very busy but enjoyable one for Year 6. Many students were involved in the production of the School Musical "The Jungle Book" and had a fantastic experience being on the stage or assisting backstage. Students have been kept busy with visits to their future High Schools, getting to spend time learning how to transition to the next stage of their education. Students also enjoyed their last Book Week Parade and STEM day at Primary School and were a huge help to the younger students on these days. We are now looking forward to Inter-school Sport Gala Days beginning in Term 4 and preparing for our Big Day Out and Graduation at the end of the term.
From the Specialist Team
Health and Physical Education:
Handball competition
This term students have been involved in the Ultimate Handball Warrior tournament. The competition attracted 117 participants from years 3 to 6. Students have been competing each week for the coveted trophy and bragging rights to become the ultimate champion in their event.
Grand finals were played last week with our final contestants for the years 3-4 competition being Naveed playing Khovi with Naveed winning the trophy. Diya also winning a close grand finale against Matteen in the year 5-6 competition.
All these contestants will play in the champion of champions tournament held next term, made more interesting when they’ll also playoff against the best staff our school has to offer.
Year One have been very excited about learning how to make a storyboard in preparation of their Media Presentation next term.
Year Two have created a dance to communicate a season. Can you guess what they are doing?
Yours in education
Cheryl Gibson
Deputy Principal
Deputy Principal’s News
This term has gone by so fast. It is not until we get to the end of a term that we have time to look back on how far our young ones have come- all the chidren have improved so much in their reading and writing.
I enjoy going into the classrooms to see the children’s work on the walls – from the foxes in boxes, snakes on cakes and ducks in trucks in Prep; the interesting space or ocean stories in Year 1; and the new Paddington stories in year 2. The children are beaming with pride and everyone wants to show off how well they have done.
Holiday Fun
Reading great stories with your child has more benefits than teaching them to be literate. Research can demonstrate that
The purpose of introducing tales, stories and poems to children is not only to develop speaking and thinking but also to offer behavioural models which will contribute to forming children’s personality. (R. STAN)
Stories like The Very Cranky Bear help children develop problem solving skills; Who Sank The Boat gives the opportunity to explore scientific thinking; and The Wonky – Donkey helps explore the sounds in words that create new words - a great skill for reading and spelling.
Have fun reading with your child this break. You may also wish to explore some exciting events happening in Brisbane and surrounding areas.
Prep P is celebrating our writing. We have learned to write a simple sentence with rhyming words and worked together to create a colourful Bump It Up Wall that helped us with our learning.
They have written rhyming sentences with the og ig or at word families
Year 1
1/2w Science
Children experimenting with toys to see which one travels further and why.
1/2w Using the Bump it up wall to improve writing.
Year 2
This term our year two students have loved exploring various Paddington Bear story books. He has been on many adventures with the students during this term. They have created so many amazing narratives of Paddington’s adventures and were so excited to share some with you all. The students have added some fantastic pictures to match their story.
Anthea Grant
Deputy Principal
PBL News
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a whole-school framework used in our school to promote positive behaviour. PBL helps us to develop a safe and supportive learning environment, build positive relationships and improve student learning outcomes. Edens Landing State School has CC (Captain Courageous) as our mascot. He helps to remind students of our expectations.
Our school community has worked together to establish simple, clear and explicit expectations for behaviour. Student behaviour improves when students know what is expected of them and when good behaviour is recognised.
Our school takes a proactive, preventative approach, ensuring that all students receive the appropriate level of support to help them to succeed. Our PBL team constantly works to ensure that all students benefit and identified students receive additional support when needed.
Find out more about PBL in this video .
Go for Gold Day
Congratulation s to all of the Students who achieved Gold this Term. They will certainly enjoy the giant slide and fairy floss as part of a day of exciting events and activities.
Edens Landing is a PBL School. This means that we explicitly teach students about the behaviour we want to see repeated. The rules are explained on assembly each Friday and teachers follow up with lessons and activities in class.
Weeks 1-2 Term 4: I am a Respectful when I use Kind Words.
Teaching Children to use kind words
Using kind words goes a long way in making people feel good. Everyone deserves to feel good and one of the best ways that we can help someone feel good and happy is by saying nice things and using kind words.
We all know the old rhyme: “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never harm me.” We also all know that words certainly can hurt us. By the same token positive words have an incredibly encouraging impact on a person’s confidence and are vital for a children’s healthy development.
What Parents Can Do to Help.
Try to be conscious of the words that you use when talking to or correcting your child. It is easy to be overwhelmed and to say things in the heat of the moment that we do not mean and that we later regret. It is impossible to always avoid these negative words, but when our tempers do erupt it is important to acknowledge and to apologise for hurtful words said in anger. Instead of saying words like “don’t do that,” rather try to phrase it more positively by saying “let’s try to do it this way,” or “imagine how you would feel if…” By being conscious of your words and trying to phrase things positively your child can learn and develop their behaviour in a constructive way. This in turn helps them have alternate ways of communicating with others during conflict or misunderstandings.
Social Worker News
Hey Parents! Welcome to ‘The Lab’ Wednesday’s 1:45-2:45pm in the Library
Throughout Term 4 we will be hosting a special time for all parents to come to.
The Lab is all about sharing experiences and skills to support each other to do the best we can as parents.
We invite you to come to the Library (Corner Conference Room) every Wednesday afternoon between 1:45-2:45pm.
Each week we will share afternoon tea and have a variety of speakers on different topics:
- Creating routines that work
- How to get your child to enjoy doing homework
- Resilience done right
- Same-page parenting (whether together or separate)
- Boundaries and self-care
- How to support your child’s mental health
- How to create environments that support emotions regulation and positive behaviours
- Specialist sessions with Speech and Language Therapists, Guidance Officers and more…
Tea, coffee, snacks, conversation, support.
Please contact Andrew (Social Worker) or Andrea (Guidance Officer) for more info.
It’s free and all parents and carers are most welcome.
Thanks heaps
Andrew Rienecker
Social Worker | AASW
Office News
Enrol for Prep 2023 now, please contact the office 3826 0333.
Payment Window is open Eftpos only from 8.30am-10.30am Wednesdays and Fridays.
Report Student Absences
Text message your childs absence to 0429 904 926
Text first and last name of your child, date, duration and reason of absence.
to leave a message. Alternatively you may also use the absence email - absences@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au .Please record your child's name, class, date of absence/s and reason for absence.
Late Arrivals
Students who arrive to school after 8.50am must report to the office windows for a late slip prior to going to class.
Change of Details
Please email the school on office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au stating your child’s name and class to confirm your email address and if applicable advise of any contact details that may have changed, to ensure we are able to contact you in an emergency.
Thank you for your continued support
Tuckshop News
Thank you everyone who ordered sushi this term. Due to the low numbers of order each week, it has been decided to only offer sushi every fortnight in term 4. The first date for Sushi will be Wednesday 12 October (Week 2) It will not be available the last two weeks of term 4.
These dates are open for ordering now – October 12, 26, November 9, 23. You can order now for any of these dates.
All orders are to be placed on Flexischools by Tuesday, 12 noon. As the Sushi is ordered from an outside company, orders cannot be cancelled after 12 noon Tuesday, as the order is placed just after the cut off time. If the minimum order is not reached, any orders placed will be cancelled.
If you order Sushi for your child/ren and they are absent from school on the day, please contact the tuckshop (0482 175 646) to arrange collection. The Sushi orders can be kept until Thursday if your child is away on the Wednesday but after Thursday if they are not collected, they will be disposed of.
Information and reminders will be on our Facebook page regularly about Sushi Wednesday.
Children absent from school
If you have ordered tuckshop for your child and they are not attending school on that day, PLEASE call the tuckshop DIRECTLY on 0482 175 646 by 8.30 am to have their order cancelled. PLEASE DO NOT contact the office staff to ask them to pass on a message to the tuckshop. PLEASE DO NOT leave a message on the absentee line/email that you want tuckshop cancelled. If you do not contact the TUCKSHOP by 8.30 am your order will stand and will not be cancelled.
If your child’s order has been cancelled you will have to reorder when you want them to have tuckshop, there is no ability to hold over orders.
Tuckshop relies on volunteers to run. If we do not have the volunteer base to carry out daily tuckshop tasks, then menu items have to be streamlined to accommodate the amount of help we have. There are no special skills required to help in the tuckshop. Some of the jobs you may be asked to do are, make sandwiches/wraps, process bags, help pack food into bags and class tubs, wash up, staple bags, filling fridges and freezers. This list is not exhaustive but gives you an idea of what sort of things you might be asked to do to help. If you think you can help on a regular basis, please contact the tuckshop. The only requirement from the school is you complete the mandatory training in the office prior to starting to help. Anyone other than the parents of a child ie grandparents, aunts/uncles must apply for and have Working with Children (Blue) card before starting.
If you have not signed up for Flexischools or need help registering please pop up to the tuckshop on Wednesday morning between 8:30 am – 9:00 am for us to help you set Flexischools up or email the tuckshop at tuckshop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au or message the Tuckshop and Uniform Shop Facebook page.
Any information about tuckshop will be posted on our Facebook page and or sent via the Flexischools App.
Annette Honnery
Tuckshop Convenor
0482 175 646
Uniform News
Uniform Shop is open Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 am - 9:30 am.
Yes, you can come in without placing a Flexischools order or making an appointment.
Yes, you can come in during open hours and pick up your Flexischools order you placed.
PREP 2023
A Prep 2023 Class has been made on Flexischools so your able to start placing your orders via Flexischools now. Please remember that this is a pickup service and orders will need to be collected on the day of ordering from the Uniform Shop between 8:30am-9:30am Tuesday or Thursday. If your order isn’t collected between those times, it will be available to collect form the office between 10:00am – 4:00pm on those days.
Any more questions please email the Uniform Shop. uniform_shop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
Delivery of orders to classrooms has ceased
Flexischools orders must be collected from the Uniform Shop by Student or Parent. If cannot pick up your order, please email the Uniform Shop and we can arrange to have the order left at the office for collection the same day. You will receive and email reminder message for your order on the day and you can reply to that email with any questions or if you need it left at the office.
When coming into the Uniform Shop please follow all the schools Covid Safe plan as stated in the newsletter also on their official Facebook page.
Make sure you like and follow our Tuckshop & Uniform Shop Facebook Page for any updates. We post on our Facebook page about what is going on in those areas and it is also a platform for you to communicate with the Tuckshop & Uniform Shop besides our emails and the Phone number.
Getting online is easy and only takes a few minutes to register.
Simply go to www.flexischools.com.au click “Register”.
You will be sent an email with further instructions on how to complete the registration. Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. There is a variety of payment options supported, including Visa, MasterCard (credit and debit) and Bank Transfer. The system operates via a pre-paid account.
If you have any questions, Flexischools provide a great help desk on:
(Online): Any time, at our parent contact form which can be found here.
(Phone): Between 8am - 12pm (AEDST) on Weekdays, at our parent phone line (1300 361 769).
Flexischools has a cut off time off
Monday 4:00 pm for Tuesday orders each week, and Wednesday 4:00 pm for Thursday orders each week.
Any other questions please email the Uniform Shop and we will be sure to answer them as soon as possible. uniform_shop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
*If you have any uniforms your children have outgrown but that are still in good condition.
You can donate them to the Uniform Shop, we need items so families can still feel like they are purchasing a uniform and not missing out.
Thank you.
Uniform Policy sharing directly from the school’s official website
Please take note of the sections regarding:
- Footwear
- Socks are white ankle socks (available in the uniform shop.)
- Winter Uniform
- Jewellery/Hair/Makeup
Please contact the school office if you need further clarification on the policy at: office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
Outside School HOURS CARE- OSHC
Important Dates to Remember
16 September |
Rewards Day- Last Day Term 3 |
3 October |
Public Holiday |
4 October |
First Day Term 4 |
7 October |
Gala Sports |
12 October |
Mental Health Fair 3-4pm |
17 October |
P&C Meeting 6.15pm |
11 November |
Planetarium excursion Year 5 |
21 November |
P&C Meeting |
25 November |
ELSS Christmas Carols- All School Community Event |
Contact Details
- Have your contact details changed?
- Have you moved address?
- Do we have your current phone number in case of an emergency?
- Are your emergency contacts still current?
- Are you receiving our newsletters by email?
- Do we have your current email address?
Phone 3826 0333 or Email office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
Community News