12 November 2021
Newsletter Articles
ELSS staff acknowledge and pay respect to the Traditional Owners and ongoing custodians of the lands on which our school is built and where learning takes place. We pay our respects to Elders, past, present & emerging and recognise their continuing connection to Country and ways of learning over thousands of years.
Explicit Improvement Agenda for ELSS in 2021
WHAT: Literacy- Greater than 75%
of students will achieve a C standard in English.
HOW: Positive Relationships and High Expectations
WHY: Literacy is the key to a life of choice not chance
Principal’s News
Hi ELSS families and community,
During a disucssion with year 6 students, we were reminded that there is only 4 weeks left until they graduate. 20 school days for them to finish the year strong and soar into 2022. That same message is for all students as they move to the next stage of their learning. Thank you for your support to live out our mission, vision and expectations-
Mission – Engage, Inspire and
Empower EVERY student to a life of choice not chance
Vision – Positive Relationships and High
Expectations for EVERY student succeeding.
Expectations – Safe, Respectful, Learner
Motto- Soar to Success
ELSS raised $502 at our Day for Damiel walk. Thanks to Senior Constable Mitch for leading walk on the day. The students think our adopt-a-cop is pretty cool with the AVT vehicle. We are proud of our community taking a stand at Australia’s largest child safety education and awareness day, honouring and remembering Daniel Morcombe.
Thie pictures below show student success. I see this type of success, everyday in classrooms for learning, music, art, japanesse, english and maths. Behind this success is staff who work tirelessly to provide Positive Realtoinship and High Expecataions for EVERY student. Further to this, we have families supporting the school to make Edens Landing GREAT.
Last term, you may remember, all familes where offered to complete the annual school opinion survey (SOS). Not to be confused with the school based survey monkey on how to make our school great. The highlight report from the SOS (below) demonstrated our focus on growth- this is in our celebration of students achievement, high expectations and a growth mindset to get better. Thanks to the 118 parents/caregivers that completed the survey. This also shapes our future planning for input, behaviour and assessments. I encourgae parents to respond to teachers who ask for input. I encourage parents to read our code of conduct which outlines how our school manages behaviour. Finally, I encourage families to engage with the parent/teacher interviews to help understand how your child is assessed. We always look for ways to impove, if you have some feedback (input) please reach out to me at- Principal@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
Many budgets within our school funding are based on enrolments. It is at this time of the year that families are advising that they are moving away from the area and a change of school is necessary. If you are planning to leave our school for the 2022 school year, I ask that you advise the office in writing as soon as possible and complete our Exit form to ensure we have the most up to date enrolment information. Please share this with friends who are leaving or those you may know are enrolling. If your circumstances change over the upcoming months and a change of school is necessary please let us know.
3 weeks to go! Don’t forget to register for FREE. Want your children to be able to cope better with life’s ups and downs? This free seminar can help you raise more emotionally resilient children, and looks at examples of the kinds of difficulties kids may encounter online.
Come to the free Raising Resilient Children (Focus on Cyberbullying) – Triple P online seminar on Wednesday 1st December from 9:30am to 10:30am.
Don’t miss out - book your free seat now at the link below:
We celebrated Tuckshop Day and on behalf of the community- Thank you to Annette our tuckshop convenor, Peta-Marie and volunteers for providing meals to our students. Thanks to our Edens Landing State School P&C Association for running our Tuckshop
- Small number of students are still arriving to school not in full school uniform with black socks or coloured shoes and jumpers.
- Students are to be supervised, in school uniform, when across the road in the basketball courts before and after school. We have received reports of students being rude to other children and adults. Mitch our adopt-a-cop has spoken with numerous students to speak and act respectfully.
- Meeting with any ELSS staff member is still by appointment only. If you wish to meet with a teacher, please contact them directly. If you wish to meet with a member of the Administration team, please contact office during business hours or email office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
- BULLYING- NO WAY is EVERYDAY at ELSS. ELSS process for how our students are to respond to an incident: TALK-WALK-REPORT. If you have concerns of an incident, please contact your child’s classroom teacher, if needed it will progress to Deputy Principal. Thanks for your support of the process. Edens Landing SS does not tolerate Bullying.
Attendance, Uniform and celebration-
Our 95% & 0 Pizza Party Disco is only a week’s away. All students with 95% and above attendance and Zero negative behaviours for term 4 will be invited to celebrate. We had 412 students last term.
2021 School Priorities-
Our focus in 2021 at ELSS is about- “GROWTH”- We will build a positive culture for learning with focussed teaching and learning. The target is 75%+ of students achieving A-C in English. Three Priority Areas are: 1. Curriculum. 2- Data. 3- Culture.
Parents are a child’s first teacher. School staff are a child’s second teacher. Our learning walls are a child’s third teacher. Together we are Partners in learning.
Clint Curran
Deputy Principal’s News
Once again the term is rushing past as we head towards the end of term. Teachers will shortly be assembling the classes for 2022. ELSS does not offer parents the opportunity to request a specific teacher for their child. However, if parents feel there is a need to notify of specific friendships or other which the current classroom teacher is not aware of, please submit these requested in writing to the office for consideration. Once classes are formed, no changes will be made.
Our Year 3 students have been consolidating their knowledge of fractions by applying it to real life – sharing pizza slices! Students made simple cheese pizzas which they then shared equally among 2, 4, and 8 people – they segmented the pizzas into halves, quarters and eighths. What a delicious way to learn.
Over the course of term 3, Year 4P and 4A have been practising the development of their spelling rules and to add an element of fun, we ran our first ever spelling bee. On Friday, the eight finalists competed against each other in the final round for the title of the spelling bee champion. All students showed great support for their classmates and our final three were Chloe in 3rd place, Breeana in 2nd place with Elijah in 1st place. Wonderful fun was had by all, including their proud teachers! Everyone is looking forward to our next spelling bee.
Our Year 4 students have also been learning to write Poems this term. The teachers challenged the students to have a go at using idioms in their writing. The students are learning that an idiom is a phrase, saying, or a group of words with a metaphorical (not literal) meaning, which has become accepted in common usage. Here is one example of our students first ever attempt to write a poem using idioms. Can you pick the idioms in Jett’s poem?
Poetry Writing – By Jett 4M
My teacher made me write two stanzas,
Sometimes it makes me go bananas.
Hopefully I’ll get a trophy for this,
My hand is moving so fast.
But that’s just in the past.
I’m concentrating and it’s working Miss.
This is a great poem I’m going to make,
This poetry writing is a piece of cake.
Year 5 Science Immersion Day – Learning About Light
Students in Year 5 recently enjoyed a full day engaged in science activities. They explored and extended their understanding of light. Guided by questions, students investigated….. How does light reflect, refract and travel? How are shadows are formed? How do we see? Making periscopes to see around corners and separating white light to create rainbows were also part of an exciting day of learning about light.
Leadership 2022
Senior badge selection is continuing, with many students already successful. The second part of the leadership process is now underway with students who have been successful in gaining a senior badge being eligible to apply for captains and school leader positions. The school has a process for selection of school leaders. It is important that families support school decisions as they are being made. At Edens Landing State School, we see all Year 6 students as leaders, even if they do not hold an official position. This is why all students will have ongoing opportunities to gain the senior badge. Whilst this means some students will not be eligible to apply for official positions, this is the process and we ask that families support the school as we go through the remainder of the leadership selections. Shortlisted students presented their speeches this week and the successful candidates will be notified soon. Next week the PBL leaders and Sports Captains will be elected.
We have placed the order for our 2022 Senior Shirts. If you missed the payment deadline but want a shirt for your child, please contact the office. A small number of extras have been ordered. Once these are gone, there will be no other opportunity to purchase a senior shirt for 2022.
Our Year 6 students have been learning how to write narratives which provoke emotion in the reader. Her is one example of our wonderful Year 6 writing.
“Stranded” by Geias 6H
Jack was sprinting as fast as he could, trying to make it to the massive rusty cargo ship, as bullets were blazing across the cargo storage. The bullets were ringing in his ears and his entire body was trembling and goose bumps covered his skin. The terrorists were screaming, spraying their bullets everywhere killing almost everyone with no mercy. Jack ran to the ship’s ladder as fast as he could, knowing what could happen if he stopped. He felt like he was climbing forever and he reached the top in tears, terrified of what could have happened if he didn’t make it. He looked back knowing he would never again see India, but he stood strong with his decision. Jack walked forward looking at focusing on his future, but he was winded, so he slowly and painfully walked to the medic’s office to see if he had obtained any minor or major injuries, however he was instantly sent back as there were patients in much worse condition that he was, most with bullets in them.
Jack went to bed resting his poor aching body and he slowly fell asleep. Suddenly BOOM, a huge clap of thunder shot him out of his bed, he fell down on the floor before struggling to get back up, but he pulled through. Jack looked out his small circular window and what he saw traumatised him for life, as the entire bottom side of the ship was underwater. Lightning flashed as it struck the boat and hearing a blood curdling scream, Jack bolted out of his small dusty room knowing he would see death if he was too slow. Through the narrow corridors Jack raced, finally making it to the ships deck where he heard the ear-piercing clap of thunder and felt the furious downpour of rain. Jack sprinted to the life boats, trying to make it in time, but he tripped over the loose cargo that had blown across the deck and he fell into his own small life vessel. He tried to stand up but the weak strap came loose and he plummeted into the deep black ocean. He was stranded all by himself and he was terrified. He screamed for help, but his voice was carried away by the wind and Jack felt lonelier than he’d ever felt in his life. He held tightly to the sides of the wooden lifeboat, and as he looked overboard, he saw a fin breach the surface and Jack passed out.
When Jack opened his eyes, he was lying in a pool of dirty water on the bottom of the boat. Spitting out a mouthful of water, he sputtered like a car’s dying engine. He looked gazed up at the blue sky and there was not a cloud in sight, only a yellow blazing ball of fire. Jack slowly stood up, still in a state of disbelief about last night. He looked at his body and it was completely red from the salt water. Jack looked around in his small wooden lifeboat trying to find supplies, and he wondered what he had done to deserve this. Searching the old dinghy, he found a sun-bleached, wooden chest under the seat in the bow. Jack easily broke into the chest’s rotting wood and he found what he was looking for - supplies. Among them was a huge pack of water and a survival guide. But most importantly, there was a pack of makeshift fishing gear, most of it in excellent condition. Jack sat down slowly, already looking through his guide and he hit the jackpot. There was a whole chapter on fishing skills!
He read for hours, drifting in the now calm waters, while trying to gain as much knowledge as possible. He knew this was his final chance for survival in the ocean, and already he was getting hungrier so he finally pulled out his rod and he looked over the side of the boat at the ocean. There was pollution everywhere, he looked around in disgust knowing that this was all from humans. Jack turned around and he looked into the sea and tried out his fishing skills. After what felt like hundreds of failed attempts, Jack finally caught a shiny, red fish. He looked at his fish and he saw all the razor-sharp teeth and he was exhilarated. Jack needed to cook his food, he took a look over board and realised he had floated into the centre of a massive ocean rubbish dump formed by the tides. He found a branch of dry rotting, drift wood and split it in half with his bare hands. He created a fire using the wood and rubbing it rapidly together, and he cooked his food. The smell of the frying fish was mouth-watering and Jack could hardly wait until it was cooked, before he scoffed the hot juicy meal. Jack was hot, thirsty, and his skin was burning. Trying to conserve his energy, he makes a shelter out of a large sheet he found in the rubbish. He grabbed a pointed stick from the rubbish to reach a large piece of canvas that was bobbing up and down in the ocean, and he pulled it on board. Draping it across the end of the boat, Jack finally had shelter from the relentless heat of the burning sun. He kept this up for a few days until the rain began, his boat was flooding and the rain was furious. Jack had flash backs of the storm that had changed his life so cruelly.
The savage and furious downpour of rain was creating massive waves and Jack was tumbling around his small boat. Jack couldn’t take it anymore and the waves exhausted him. Just when he thought that he couldn’t go on, another massive wave smashed the front of his boat knocking him back into the deep blue. He paddled up to the surface with all his might, his lungs screaming for oxygen and then he saw a huge whale leap out of the water. Jack’s eyes widened as he looked at the majestic sight until it created a massive wave as tall as a building that pushed Jack back under the water. He gave up to exhaustion and grabbing hold of a piece of floating debris, he slowly fell asleep and as he slowly bobbed up to the surface.
Jack woke up in a hospital tent, and he slowly looked around the room, squinting his eyes wondering where he was. There were wooden walls strapped together with string and then he saw a person, he rubbed his eyes still recovering from the initial shock of seeing a human after so many days alone at sea. He muttered the words “Where am I?” and the medics explained that they had found him washed up on the beach, close to death and they saved him. They then said that Jack was allowed to stay and recover on the island. A tear came to Jack’s eye for he had been chased from his home, lost at sea and now he was finally saved. Jack was eternally grateful.
Graduation for Year 6 Students 2020
At the end of this Term, our Year 6 students will graduate from Edens Landing State School. A note has been sent home. Please take notice and pay as soon as possible as this is a ticketed event. Tickets are very limited due to the additional Covid requirements.
Year 6 Camp
Year 6 Camp will take place week 9 this term. Please ensure you have completed all paperwork and returned it to school promptly. Those students not attending will be supported at school with an alternate program run by Mrs. Hill.
Yours in education
Cheryl Gibson
Deputy Principal
Deputy Principal’s News
It is hard to believe that we have less than four weeks until Prep students finish their first year of school and head for Year 1. It is even harder to believe that our Year 2 students will be leaving the lower school and soaring into ‘big school’ and Year 3. Over the next few weeks, all students will get to meet their new teacher and see the classroom they will be in after the holidays. Additionally, they will get to see where they will play and which eating area they will use. This process is a fantastic opportunity for students to prepare themselves, their teacher, their friends and family about what to expect the following year.
As part of this process, our students will be able to debrief with their current teachers when returning to their grades and share their excitement and nerves about the reality of being in grade 1, 2 or 3 next year!
It is our goal that each child feels safe, happy and comfortable in their new learning environment. This is important to all staff at our school and can be supported by strong preparation from home.
It has been wonderful to meet our new 2022 prep students in our pre-prep transition days, both the 2 sessions they have in a prep-classroom and the opportunity to come to Edens Landing SS with our child care community partners.
Yours in education
Wendy Williams
PBL News
Edens Landing is a PBL School. This means that we explicitly teach students about the behaviour we want to see repeated. The rules are explained on assembly each Friday and teachers follow up with lessons and activities in class. It would be wonderful if parents spoke with their children about the importance of the rules each week.
ELSS has CC (Captain Courageous) as our mascot. He helps to remind students of our expectations.
Week 7, 8 & 9 Term 4:
During weeks 7, 8 and 9, students will be learning about one of our strategies for dealing with problems. This strategy encourages students to have a voice, seek help from an adult and then finally report if the issue is escalating. During this focus, we also explicitly teach students that there are times when we go straight to report.
Office News
Its that time of year again. Please continually check your inbox and junk mail as next week we will be sending our Student Resource Scheme invoices for 2022. If you do not receive your invoice in the next two weeks please contact the school and we can check the email that we have recorded and we can also arrange for another copy to be sent to your email.
Cash Payment No Longer Accepted
Report Student Absences
Text message your childs absence to 0429 904 926
Text first and last name of your child, date, duration and reason of absence.
to leave a message. Alternatively you may also use the absence email - absences@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au. Please record your child's name, class, date of absence/s and reason for absence.
Late Arrivals
Students who arrive to school after 8.50am must report to the office windows for a late slip prior to going to class.
Change of Details
Please email the school on office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au stating your child’s name and class to confirm your email address and if applicable advise of any contact details that may have changed, to ensure we are able to contact you in an emergency.
Thank you for your continued support
PE News
Interschool Sport
Edens Landing has been in action playing against local schools in an Interschool Sport competition over the last five weeks. Boys have been playing touch and girls participating in softball. Congratulations to all students who have represented our school with pride. It has been an opportunity to show and demonstrate sportsmanship, leadership, team work and most of all having fun on the field.
A special mention to the Junior Touch Football Team who were undefeated and won the grand final 3-1. A big thank you to our coaches Miss Trudinger, Mrs Hropic, Mrs Brookes and Mr O for coaching and leading our students. Thanks to all our cheering parents, family and friends from the sidelines each week. Three cheers for Edens!
School Swimming
Please see the attached notes for swimming for grades 1-4.
Swimming Carnival
Our school will hold its first ever swimming carnival for grades 3-5 on Wednesday 10th December. This is a free event for students to attend and will be an expectation that everyone attends. Further information will be sent home next week.
Extra Curricular Programs
Please see when clubs and programs will conclude for the year
Softball club-finished
Interschool Sport training- finished
Touch Football/training- Thursday 2nd December week 9
Running Club- Wednesday 1st December week 9
RACQ Incursion
Next week, staff from RACQ will be conducting road safety lessons for all students. The Streets Ahead program focuses on topics such as passenger, pedestrian and bicycle safety.
Instructors are qualified teachers who will enthuse and educate students through a variety of teaching methods including demonstrations, interactive activities and meaningful discussions.
A specially designed road mat gives prep to grade 2 the ability to learn correct road safety behaviours and practice crossing the road safely. For grades 3 - 6 students, instructors will demonstrate the importance of responsible behaviours and safety equipment, like helmets and seatbelts, through engaging lessons.
Hats continue to be an issue in HPE lessons. A number of students are failing to bring a hat to lessons. It is essential that your child/ren has a hat to take part in lessons.
Yours in Sport
Ken O’Donnell & Shannon Beck
Health and Physical Education Teachers
P&C News
The next P&C Meeting will be held on 15th November at 6:15pm in the staff room. This is a great way to come along and discuss changes we can make to the school that benefit our children’s learning and make the community better. It also a great way to get the heads up on fundraisers, meet new people and make friends.
There are a few more fundraisers in the works. Colour run will be on the 19th Nov all day - a time table will be out shortly with times for each grade running. Carols will be held on the 26th of November start time is to be advised. We are desperate for volunteers for these events, if you can help even for 20-30 mins it is appreciated. Without volunteers events can not run. if you can help please contact us.
To be the first in the know please follow our Facebook page - Edens Landing State School P&C Association.
Should you ever need to to ask questions please drop us a line at our Facebook page (Edens Landing State School P&C Association) or you can email us - PandC@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting!
Tuckshop News
Children absent from school
If you have ordered tuckshop for your child and they are not attending school on that day, PLEASE call the tuckshop DIRECTLY on 38057999 by 8.30 am to have their order cancelled. PLEASE DO NOT contact the office staff to ask them to pass on a message to the tuckshop. PLEASE DO NOT leave a message on the absentee line/email that you want tuckshop cancelled. If you do not contact the TUCKSHOP by 8.30 am your order will stand and will not be cancelled.
If your child’s order has been cancelled you will have to reorder when you want them to have tuckshop, there is no ability to hold over orders anymore.
Birthday Buckets
This year the Tuckshop is offering Birthday Buckets for $16. Your child will receive a Quelch Fruit Ice Stick for every child in their class (plus one for the Teacher/Aide) and they will also receive a balloon to take home. When ordering please allow one weeks’ notice to be assured that the ice blocks are available and frozen. If you order the morning or day before, the ice blocks may not be in stock or frozen, that is why a weeks’ notice is needed. Click on ‘LOAD MORE DATES’ to find the date and day the following week that you want the Bucket. Please contact the Tuckshop (38057999) on the day you have ordered the Birthday Bucket to confirm the child is at school. The Birthday Buckets can be found in the First Break option in Flexischools. Any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
If you have not signed up for Flexischools or need help registering please pop up to the tuckshop on either a Tuesday or Thursday morning between 8:30 am – 9:00 am for us to help you set Flexischools up or email the tuckshop at tuckshop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au or message the P&C Facebook page
Annette Honnery
Tuckshop Convenor
Uniform News
Uniform Shop is open Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 am - 9:30 am.
Yes, you can come in without placing a Flexischools order or making an appointment. Yes, you can come in during open hours and pick up your Flexischools order you placed.
- When school is no parents on site, we run on appointments only to be booked via uniform shop email.
When coming into the Uniform Shop please follow all the schools Covid Safe plan as stated in the newsletter also on their official Facebook page.
Make sure you like our P&C Association Facebook Page for any updates as we post on there a lot about what is going on and it is also a platform for communication with the P&C.
...Prep 2022...
Uniform ordering is now available via the new order tab on flexischools made just for you.
"Prep 2022 Uniforms"
- Please make sure when you order via the tab on Flexischools, you create your Prep 2022 child's account and select their class to be Prep 2022.
- Orders will be ready for collection after 9:30 am on the selected order date from the office.
- Please do not order for your Prep 2022 child in your current ELSS child's account as the order will be cancelled.
- We need the orders in the Prep 2022, Name and Class to be Prep 2022.
- Yes, siblings can pick these orders up from the office for you if you can't make it.
Make sure if you know someone with an enrolled ELSS 2022 Prep child you let them know about our page.
Any questions please message our Facebook Page or Email the Uniform Shop, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Email: uniform_shop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
Sports Shirts:
What stock we have left is now up on flexischools and ready for purchasing. Please keep in mind that this is all we have, once gone there is NO MORE coming in. They are in sizing 16 and above across the house colours some only have 1 or 2 sizing available which you can see on flexischools.
Getting online is easy and only takes a few minutes to register. Simply go to the link below and click “Register”. You will be sent an email with further instructions on how to complete the registration. Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. If you have any questions, Flexischools provide a great help desk on 1300 361 769 (unavailable at the moment so please email them), or you can contact them via their website. There is avariety of payment options supported, including Visa, MasterCard (credit and debit) and Bank Transfer. The system operates via a pre-paid account.
Flexischools has a cut off time of:
Monday 4:00 pm for Tuesday orders each week,
Wednesday 4:00 pm for Thursday orders each week.
Any other questions can be emailed to the Uniform Shop and will be answered as soon as
possible. uniform_shop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
*If you have any uniforms your children have outgrown but that are still in good condition.
You can donate them to the Uniform Shop, we need items so families can still feel like they are purchasing a uniform and not missing out.
Outside School HOURS CARE- OSHC
If your child is attending an extra curricular activity you will need to sign a YMCA permission form.
All families need to resubmit their childrens enrolment form and request Bookings for 2022 via the My Family lounge website (Please note: bookings do not rollover to the new year)
Please ensure you email, text or call the service if your child will be absent for after school care.
My Family Lounge app
To enrol your child please email the service ael@ymcabrisbane.org
Or follow the OSHC links to register on the YMCA Website
Information for Families
Family and Child Connect – 13 32 64 or visit the link below
If you feel that you’ve lost your way or been side-tracked, Family and Child Connect can give you a hand to get back on track.
Important Messages
Reminder to parents and families regarding parking.
Parking is not permitted in the top administration staff car park or in the School Staff car park at any time.
Outside School HOURS CARE- OSHC
Opening times:
Monday to Friday
Before school: 6am – 9am
After school: 2.30pm -6pm
Pay as little as $3.50 per session after ccs
YMCA Edens Landing OSHC
P: 07 3805 1233
M: 0459 899 887
Important Dates to Remember
15 November |
Magic of music concert MPH 4pm-5pm |
15 November |
P&C meeting, 6.15pm Admin Staffroom |
19 November |
Colour Explosion School Fun Run Fundraiser |
22-26 November |
Yr 1+2 School swimming |
29 Nov- 3 Dec |
Yr 3+4 School swimming |
1-3 December |
Year 6 Camp |
7 December |
Year 6 Graduation Ceremony-Beenleigh Entertainment Centre |
10 December |
Rewards Day |
Contact Details
- Have your contact details changed?
- Have you moved address?
- Do we have your current phone number in case of an emergency?
- Are your emergency contacts still current?
- Are you receiving our newsletters by email?
- Do we have your current email address?
Phone 3826 0333 or Email office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
Community News