Edens Landing State School
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Jamie Nicolson Ave
Edens Landing QLD 4207
Subscribe: https://edenslss.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe

Email: office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
Phone: 07 3826 0333
Fax: 07 3826 0300

26 July 2021

Newsletter Articles

ELSS staff acknowledge and pay respect to the Traditional Owners and ongoing custodians of the lands on which our school is built and where learning takes place. We pay our respects to Elders, past, present & emerging and recognise their continuing connection to Country and ways of learning over thousands of years.

Explicit Improvement Agenda for ELSS in 2021

WHAT: Literacy- Greater than 75% of students will achieve a C standard in English.
HOW: Positive Relationships and High Expectations
WHY: Literacy is the key to a life of choice not chance

Principal’s News

Hi ELSS families and community,

Welcome back from school holidays. I spent time with my family, exploring some fishing spots on the Gold Coast and time camping at Beaudesert. We are ready to SOAR to success together. I will start the term 3 newsletter with my goal-

“My personal goal is to create a school culture where students enjoy coming to school, engage in the learning process and set themselves up as successful young people ready to thrive at High School; developing character through curriculum learning”

We have celebrated the milestone of 100 school days in 2021. The foundation of our daily work is based on Positive Relationships and High Expectations. With these foundations we can Engage, Inspire and Empower EVERY student to a life of choice not chance.

NAIDOC week was a highlight of the year, with all students and staff engaging with the theme ‘Heal Country’. As a community, we can be proud of our learning and connection to the Gugingin Country our school is on.


  • 2021 school opinion survey has been emailed from The Department of Education. We use this survey, P&C meetings and our end of year survey to shape our work and planning for the schools future. Make sure you have your say, it is vital that your voice is heard as we are partners in learning.
  • Please focus on students arriving to school on time and not leaving early as this impacts learning for your child and all students in the class.
  • Mask mandate is enforced by Qld government until Friday 30 July. Masks are to be worn by all visitors to the school, including parents and carers. If you do not wish to wear one please drop off/pick up your child from either of our stop, drop and go areas. Primary school students are not required to wear a mask. Staff may choose to wear one while walking around the school, however will not be wearing one when teaching. Any Qld Government updates regarding mask mandate end date will be communicated to parents and carers via SMS.
  • Check in QR codes are displayed at all entry gates and other central places around the school. If you haven’t already, please download the check in app so you are ready to use it if coming into the school.
  • Parent/Carer school access times remain the same as term 2: Morning 8.30am-8.50am to drop off at gates or undercover area. Afternoon between 2.40pm-3pm to pick up from undercover area or gates.
  • Meeting with any ELSS staff member is still by appointment only. If you wish to meet with a teacher, please contact them directly. If you wish to meet with a member of the Administration team, please contact office during business hours or email office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au

Welcome to our new Adopt-a-Cop, Senior Constable Mitch Collins. Mitch was introduced to our Prep students on their 100 days of Prep. Mitch works at the reopened Edens Landing Police Beat.

Online privacy, School Uniform and attendance-

For the majority of our families, a huge thanks for role modelling respect by sending their child/ren to school in full school uniform (outlined in student diary and on website), on time, ready to learn. I urge all families to keep toys, coloured jackets and jewellery at home. Reminder that staff will direct students to put these items in their bags straight away- Pokémon cards, poppers, Beyblades, plush toys, necklaces, bracelet and multi coloured jackets (only school jacket or plain navy blue will do!). The school takes no responsibility for the loss of these items at school as they are not part of our uniform or resources. Please read the information in the student diary. If you have financial hardship with school uniform, we are always ready to assist.

Please monitor what your child does on technology at home, there are many Apps that allow for direct messaging where students can be targeted and bullied. Please contact the Police about this as it sits outside the schools parameters. The latest information about a game called ‘Roadblock’ is users can be accessed by strangers and children can bully others within the chat. With this, I strongly encourage parents to remove this game/app.

Whole school attendance in 2021 is still below average at 89%. Shout out to Year 6 who are leading the way. Our school goal is 93%.

Prep- 87
Year 1- 89
Year 2- 88
Year 3- 88
Year 4- 89
Year 5- 88
Year 6- 91

Letters will be sent to some families with individual attendance percentage and individual behaviour incidents after 100 days of school in 2021.


SeeSaw communication:

Communication between home and teachers is a crucial feature of Partners in Learning. Please ensure this communication is kept between work hours and allow for a 24-hour response time by staff.

2021 School Priorities-

Our focus in 2021 at ELSS is about- “GROWTH”- We will build a positive culture for learning with focussed teaching and learning. The target is 75%+ of students achieving A-C in English. Three Priority Areas are: 1. Curriculum. 2- Data. 3- Culture.

Look out for an end of term Pizza and Disco for students who have an attendance rate 95% or above and 0 major behaviour incidents. A new 95-0 student celebration.

Parents are a child’s first teacher. School staff are a child’s second teacher. Our learning walls are a child’s third teacher. Together we are Partners in learning.

Clint Curran

Deputy Principal’s News


Welcome back to what is already shaping up to be a busy term. Lunch time activities are back into full swing already. One of the many activities offered to students during second play break is our craft club. This club provides opportunities for students to participate in a wide variety of activities, from bubble blowing, play dough, painting and construction right through to learning how to code using the school robotics equipment. If anyone you know has unwanted craft items at home please send them our way. We are always looking for anything which can be used. The items most needed are fabric, glue, scrap booking resources and items to glue to constructions (feathers, sequins, pompoms etc.) All unwanted craft items can be used and will be greatly appreciated. Please send any items to the office.

Student Council Jeans for Genes Day Friday 6 August

On Friday 6 August, students are asked to wear their jeans and bring a gold coin donation to support this great cause. Students may wear jeans of any colour with their uniform shirt and jumper. If students own a denim jacket or skirt (of an appropriate length), they may wear that in place of their school jacket or shorts/skorts. Students who do not wish to wear jeans are expected to be in full school uniform. Please note this is not a free dress day so all other aspects of school uniform are to be followed.

What is Jeans for Genes? Jeans for Genes is the iconic fundraising campaign of Children’s Medical Research Institute.

Jeans for Genes was established in 1994 by Children’s Medical Research Institute to fund revolutionary research that helps diagnose, understand, and find cures or treatments for conditions affecting kids, including genetic diseases, cancer, and epilepsy.

1 in 20 kids is born with a genetic disease or birth defect. You likely know and care about someone affected.

Genetic diseases are one of the leading causes of death in kids under four and the main cause of ongoing hospitalisation. To fight this epidemic, we need more research.

Health Plans for Students with Asthma and Allergies

It is our desire to provide the best possible environment for the health, well-being, and safety of all students. Good management of your child’s asthma and allergies is important to his or her success at school. Clear communication between you and your child, your health care provider and school staff is the key to managing asthma and allergies at school. If the school does not currently have a formal Asthma or Allergy Action Plan for your child, please provide one as soon as possible. A written Asthma or Allergy Action Plan developed by your health care provider and shared with the school will help keep your child safe at school. Following the Action Plan will enable your child to participate fully in school activities. If your child is able to administer his or her Asthma medication without any supervision or assistance, an Action Plan is not required. If this is the case, please send a written note or email stating this to the school promptly. Likewise, if your child’s allergies do not impact their schooling, please notify the school that an action plan is not required. Thank you to the many families who have already done this.

From the Year 3 Team.

This term 2/3K we have been learning about the language of location and direction. They headed outside with their 'Maths Mats' to do some more hands on Mathematics. Students used positional language and grid coordinates to explain where objects were located on the mat. They also took turns in directing class mates from a start point to end without running into any objects. They will be experts at giving directions in no time.

From the Year 4 Team

Week 1 this term we celebrated NAIDOC Week. Over the course of the week, all students and staff walked on country and participated in indigenous games. Year 4M escorted our local member of parliament Mr Bert van Manen to walk on country.

From the Year 5 Team

2022 Senior Shirt

As an acknowledgement of the final year in Primary School, the Year 5 students have the option to purchase a 2022 Year 6 Senior Shirt. Our senior shirt helps to foster a leadership culture within all Year 6 students. Edens Landing State School believes that every student in Year 6 has the shared obligation to lead the Primary student population and the senior shirt signifies to others in our community that they hold this responsibility. The cost for each shirt is $36.50. This is the only opportunity to purchase a senior shirt for 2022 so please watch for the SMS and get your orders in. Parents may order as many senior shirts as they wish, however, once the order has been placed with the supplier, no further orders can be made.

This year we are trialling SMS invoicing. You will receive an SMS on Monday 26 July with the information you require to purchase a senior shirt. Once you receive the SMS, you will need to enter in the parent notes section: your payment receipt number, the size of shirt your child needs and the number of shirts you want. You then hit the accept button and the order is sent directly to the school. If you are unsure of the size, enter the size you think is correct. You can then come and try on the shirts with your child and we can alter the size if needed.

This year we are very excited to launch our new senior shirt design. The artwork on the shirt was inspired by one of our Year 4 students, Charlie, who is a proud Bundjalung child. His art work has been interpreted and embedded into the new design. I am sure you will agree that our 2022 Seniors will look amazing in the new design.

Year 5 Camp

Our Year 5 camp will take place next term. This is a valuable opportunity for students to experience a short stay away from home, and to build strong leadership skills. Camp is designed for encouraging personal growth and building resilience in all students. The camp also covers a large part of the Year 5 curriculum, so we encourage all year 5 students to attend. Notes have been sent home and payment is open. If you require a payment plan for camp, please contact the school so arrangements can be made.

From the Year 6 Team

Last semester our Year 6 students learned about our nation’s history through an enquiry project leading to a pop-up museum in their classrooms. Students created artefacts for their museum, created displays and became the experts about the information they were displaying. Students engagement was amazing and they were all able to tell their visitors about the information they had gained during their research and exploration of their Federation. The Year 5 students came to visit the pop-up museum and went away knowing a lot about the work they will learn next year.

Yours in education
Cheryl Gibson
Deputy Principal

Deputy Principal’s News

Welcome back to another exciting term.

A lot has been happening in the Junior Sector of Edens Landing State School.

This week we have begun the interviews for prep students enrolling for 2022. If you have friends or relatives who intend to enrol their children in our school, please let them know they can contact the school office so we can give them an enrolment pack.

We have been talking about book week, 21 August – 27 August. This year’s theme is Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds, what world would you like to live in? This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our Australian authors and illustrators.

Walking around the Junior Sector, it is wonderful to see the children with their healthy lunches and fruit break snack, being independent as they open containers and packets!


We celebrate 100 days at school this week! It’s really wonderful to see how our prep have engaged in learning and settled into school life.

Year 1:

Last week the children have been taking part in NAIDOC week, Heal Country. Our Year 1s have been learning how to make responsible choices and look after the land we live in.

Some great learning happening, a photo of year 1s learning about measurement.

Year 2

Our year 2 students had a great time in our Yarning Circle reading stories and having a yarn.

Acting Deputy Principal
Wendy Williams

Student Support Services News

This week we welcomed Jay Ohmsen and her Educational Support Dog ‘Floyd’ to the school. Jay and Floyd will be visiting our school each Tuesday as part of a Regional Support Program offered to some of our students. Floyd has been trained as an Educational Support Dog and is approved and registered by Assistance Dogs Australia. He is gentle, caring and accepting and will be able to help our students with building their self-esteem, emotional regulation and motivation to learn.

This week was a getting to know Floyd session, and each of the students he met. The students in each session enjoyed meeting Floyd and going for a walk with him outside G Block. They are all looking forward to his visit next Tuesday.

Ms Karen Collishaw
Head of Special Education Services

PBL News


Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a whole-school framework used in our school to promote positive behaviour. PBL helps us to develop a safe and supportive learning environment, build positive relationships and improve student learning outcomes.

Our school community has worked together to establish simple, clear and explicit expectations for behaviour. Student behaviour improves when students know what is expected of them and when good behaviour is recognised.

Our school takes a proactive, preventative approach, ensuring that all students receive the appropriate level of support to help them to succeed. Our PBL team constantly works to ensure that all students benefit and identified students receive additional support when needed.

Find out more about PBL in this video.

‘Go for Gold’ Day Term 2 – Friday week 2 Term 3

Last term we had to postpone rewards day due to wet weather. The weather was great for Fridays ‘Go for Gold Day’. It was certainly the best rewards day so far! We will be soon advertising the next great rewards day scheduled for end of Term 3.

Edens Landing is a PBL School. This means that we explicitly teach students about the behaviour we want to see repeated. The rules are explained on assembly each Friday and teachers follow up with lessons and activities in class.

Rule of the Week

Week 3 & 4 Term 3: I am safe when I use talk, walk, report

Students are explicitly taught this strategy for dealing with conflict.

  1. Talk: use a firm voice and tell the person to stop and state the school expectation being breeched.
  2. Walk: If the behaviour continues, walk away from the situation. Go to a safe space, walk towards a staff member and ask the adult for help to resolve the problem. Stay calm.
  3. Report: If the behaviour continues, tell the person on duty at break times or classroom teacher during learning times.

Sometimes, students may need to go directly to Report when the problems are dangerous or persistent. All staff members on duty wear a fluorescent vest with STAFF written on the back. This makes it easy for students to locate the closest adult to support them.

Office News

Student statements were sent via email to parents this week, if you have any queries relating to the statements please email the office : office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au

SRS REMINDER: 23 July 2021 is the final date for SRS to be paid in full, unless Centre pay deductions are in place.

Excursion/ Incursion permission system

The school is currently trialling a online permission form system, some of you will have already have used it. Parents will receive a text message asking to click on a link, then it will give you the information about the excursion/ incursion via pdf format and an option to give permission. The benefit of this system is parents will have instant access to the information on their phones and not having to look for forms at home. Invoices for payments will remain the same sent via email, bpoint is our preferred method of payment.

Cash Payment No Longer Accepted

The payment window will be open as usual on Wednesday and Friday mornings, 8.30am – 10.30am, for EFTPOS payments. BPoint is the easiest way to pay for school activities. Payment information and a hyperlink are on the bottom left-hand corner of each invoice. The hyperlink makes the payment process very easy, providing a simple and quick link to the payment portal for that individual invoice.

Report Student Absences

Text message your childs absence to 0429 904 926

Text first and last name of your child, date, duration and reason of absence.

to leave a message. Alternatively you may also use the absence email - absences@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au. Please record your child's name, class, date of absence/s and reason for absence.

Late Arrivals

Students who arrive to school after 8.50am must report to the office windows for a late slip prior to going to class.

Change of Details

Please email the school on office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au stating your child’s name and class to confirm your email address and if applicable advise of any contact details that may have changed, to ensure we are able to contact you in an emergency.

Thank you for your continued support

HPE News

Representative News

Rugby League

Congratulations to Harper who was selected in the Pacific District Rugby Team. She will now compete at the Regional Trial this term.


The Edens Landing Athletics Team competed at the Divisional Athletics Trial last term. Congratulations to all students who took part. Their effort and attitude was truly highlighted on the track and field and are all to be commended on their performances. With many outstanding individual results, our school was awarded the Divisional Track and Field Champions. A special thanks to all the parents, grandparents and friends who came along to support our students. Well done Edens!

Sporting Clubs

Softball- This activity is offered to all girls in grades 4-6 who are interested in developing and improving their skills required to play a game of softball. Students taking part in this club, will also have the opportunity to represent our school at future competitions. If your child is interested, please see Mr O’Donnell.

Sessions will be held on Tuesday afternoons from 3-4 pm.

Running Club- This activity is offered to any student in grades P-6 who is interested in developing and improving their fitness. Sessions will be held by Mr Vergers on Wednesday mornings from 8:00am to 8:30am. Students attending must ensure they have appropriate footwear, change of clothes, spare socks and a water bottle. If your child wishes to take part in the running club program, please see Mr Vergers.

Sporting Achievement Shout Outs

Our school would love to hear about any sporting achievements your child/ren have made. It could be as simple as competing at a ballet performance, player of the match, a new personal best or an action shot playing a game. We are always looking to celebrate student success. Please send photo and a short comment of their achievement to kodon30@eq.edu.au


Over the course of the year, lessons will be held on the oval. It is essential that your child/ren has a suitable school hat for all lessons. If your child/ren is unable to take part in a lesson due to an injury or medical reason, please provide a note.

Interschool Sport

This is offered to students in grades 5 and 6. Nomination forms were sent home 13 July, Students who are participating will be invoiced once numbers are finalised.

Additional Programs

Please see the attached information for further programs

Yours in Sport

Ken O’Donnell & Shannon Beck
HPE Teachers

Chappy News

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to term 3. I hope that all of you had a restful holiday, even though I guess the first week was forced rest for most of us with lock down. I hope not too many of you had their plans ruined for the holidays.

I was to work at a Chappy Day Camp in the first week and to attend a Chaplain Conference in the second week, but both were cancelled. I found myself doing a jigsaw puzzle and a few projects at home.

This term the YMCA breakfast club is continuing Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday mornings from 8.30 to 8.45am, and this year it has been more popular than previous years. We have some wonderful regular volunteers and have had some come and go over the years. Now because of the number of students attending we are short of a few volunteers to make the morning run smoother and on time. If there is anyone who would like to volunteer to help on one or more of our mornings, please talk to one of our lovely office ladies for information on how to start, or you can email me on Pquat0@eq.edu.au

We start preparing for breakfast club around 7.45am and finish around 9am. We need helpers to help wash dishes, cook, and spread the toast and help to serve the food.

Here is a photo of myself with some of our wonderful helpers. The couple on my right is Ann and Ralph (they have been helping for several years) and on my left Karupali who was helping every morning starting last year (unfortunately she is unable to help now). Thank you to you all for your support of breakfast club along with all out other volunteers.

Chappy Tricia (Pquat0@eq.edu.au)

P&C News

P&C meetings: 16 August , 6.15pm – Administration Building Staff room.

Mother’s Day stall was a smashing success, and we would like to thank all that participated. We hope all our mothers had a fabulous mother day.

Bush dance was a great event, it was fantastic to see all our lovely families out enjoying themselves. Our children put on a fantastic show for us. Thank you to eveyone who volunteered across the stalls and the tuckshop.

Here are a few more fundraisers in the works – Fathers Day stall & Billy G’s cooky dough. To be the first in the know please follow our Facebook page - Edens Landing State School P&C Association.

Should you ever need to ask questions please drop us a line at our Facebook page or you can email us - PandC@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au

The next P&C Meeting will be held on Monday 16 August at 6:15pm in the staff room. This is a great way to come along and discuss changes we can make to the school that benefit our children’s learning and make the community better. It also a great way to get the heads up on fundraisers, meet new people and make friends.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Tuckshop News

Welcome back to term 3!

A few things to talk about with things happening in Tuckshop. Sushi has had a price increase and will be updated next week. I received notification from our supplier that they have increased prices as of 1 July and therefore our price must be increased. Flexischools has the new price applied.

There will be some price increases after 1 September on items that we supply with plastic cutlery. As the ban on single use plastic items comes into effect on 1 September, I will no longer be able to supply or source plastic cutlery to be provided with our items. The replacement items are more expensive to purchase and unfortunately prices will have to rise to cover these inevitable cost increases. Once the price is confirmed Flexischools will change to the new price.

If you have ordered your children items from the before school menu, please let them know to come to the tuckshop from 8.30 am to collect these. If your child does not collect the items, the order slips just sit here and by the end of term are disposed of.

If you order tuckshop for your child/ren and they are absent from school on that day, PLEASE contact the tuckshop on 38057999 by 8.30 am to have the order cancelled. If you do not make contact or make contact after 8.30 am the order will stand and there will be no refund. Please do not contact office staff or leave a message on the absent line. Contact the tuckshop directly.

If there is an issue with money on your flexischools account or anything relating to funds, any technical problems with flexischools, contact them directly. I am unable to access your accounts. I only can deal with the food side of flexischools.

Please be aware of how much food you are ordering for first break (11 am) The children have a limited time to eat and keeping food until later in the day that should be consumed hot or food that should be consumed cold is less than optimal for your children.

Tuckshop is needing help on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10.30 am to around 11.30 am on a regular basis. This time of the day is only packing orders into bags and class boxes and handing out the boxes. Our tuckshop relies on volunteer help and cannot continue to operate each day at full capacity without the regular help. If you think you can commit to regularly helping, please get in contact with me.


  • Ordering for tuckshop is only via flexischools and daily lunch cut off time is 8 am
  • Tuckshop does not have EFTPOS facilities
  • Sushi is available on Tuesday, order on flexischools by Mondays 12 noon cut off time
  • Contact tuckshop if your children are absent from school and you have ordered lunch
  • Birthday buckets – please allow one weeks’ notice to make sure ice blocks are available

Ways to contact the tuckshop

Thank you for your continued support. Any important information regarding tuckshop will be on our Facebook page, don’t forget to like and follow us.

Annette Honnery
Tuckshop Convenor

Uniform News

Uniform Shop open, Tuesday and Thursday 8:30am- 9:30am.


When coming into the Uniform Shop please follow all the schools Covid Safe plan as stated in the newsletter also on their official Facebook page.

No appointments needed for now so if you miss the Flexischool cut off pop on in and purchase during open hours.

Make sure you like our P&C Association Facebook Page for any updates as we post on there a lot about what is going on and it is also a platform for communication with the P&C.


New jumpers are here! They have the new logo on them, which looks fantastic!

Jumpers with new logo are now priced at $34.00.

Jumpers with the old logo are $31.00 and still available in some sizing. When they are gone, the new jumper with the logo will replace them.


A new price list is being organised and will represent any new price changes and will be advertised ASAP.

Sports Shirts:

What stock we have left is now up on flexischools and ready for purchasing. Please keep in mind that this is all we have, once gone there is NO MORE coming in. They are $30.00 each and are in sizing 14 and above across the house colours some only have 1 or 2 sizing available which you can see on flexischools.


Getting online is easy and only takes a few minutes to register. Simply go to the link below click “Register”. You will be sent an email with further instructions on how to complete the registration. Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. If you have any questions, Flexischools provide a great help desk on 1300 361 769 (unavailable at the moment so please email them), or you can contact them via their website. There is a variety of payment options supported, including Visa, MasterCard (credit and debit) and Bank Transfer. The system operates via a pre-paid account.


Flexischools has a cut off time of:

Monday 4:00pm for Tuesday orders each week,
Wednesday 4:00pm for Thursday orders each week.

Any other questions can be emailed to the Uniform Shop and will be answered as soon as

possible. uniform_shop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au

*If you have any uniforms your children have outgrown but that are still in good condition.

You can donate them to the Uniform Shop, we need items so families can still feel like they are purchasing a uniform and not missing out.

Uniform Policy sharing directly from the school’s official website.

Please take note of the sections regarding:

  • Footwear
  • Socks are white ankle socks (available in the uniform shop.)
  • Winter Uniform
  • Jewellery/Hair/Makeup

Please contact the school office if you need further clarification on the policy at: office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au

Outside School HOURS CARE- OSHC

Due to COVID 19 restrictions we have place the sing in/out IPAD outside the Hall. Please do not enter the Hall.

Please ensure you sign in and out upon drop off and pick up. If you have not set up a pin number for this please see one of our friendly staff and we will help you set this up.

If your child is attending an extra curricular activity you will need to sign a YMCA permission form.

The App is currently undergoing maintenance due to an error. For Bookings or absences please email us ael@ymcabrisbane.org


Please ensure you email, text or call the service if your child will be absent for after school care.

My Family Lounge app


To enrol your child please email the service ael@ymcabrisbane.org

Or follow the OSHC links to register on the YMCA Website


Information for Families

Family and Child Connect – 13 32 64 or visit the link below


If you feel that you’ve lost your way or been side-tracked, Family and Child Connect can give you a hand to get back on track.

Important Messages

Reminder to parents and families regarding parking.

Parking is not permitted in the top administration staff car park or in the teachers/staff car park at any time.

Outside School HOURS CARE- OSHC

Opening times:

Monday to Friday
Before school: 6am – 9am
After school: 2.30pm -6pm

Pay as little as $3.50 per session after ccs

YMCA Edens Landing OSHC

P: 07 3805 1233
M: 0459 899 887

Important Dates to Remember

26 July-6 Aug

Life Education

6 August

Jeans for Genes day, fundraiser for Children’s Medical Research Institute.

9 August

Logan Ekka show holiday

13 August

STEM IT day.

16 August

P&C Meeting -6.15pm Admin building staff room

17 August

ELSS cultural day

23-27 August

Book week

27 August

Book week parade

2 September

ARTS Showcase

3 September

Student Free Day

8-10 September

Yr5 Camp – Runaway Bay Sport and Excellence Centre. Payment due 13 August

9 September

RUOK? Day.

Contact Details

  • Have your contact details changed?
  • Have you moved address?
  • Do we have your current phone number in case of an emergency?
  • Are your emergency contacts still current?
  • Are you receiving our newsletters by email?
  • Do we have your current email address?


Phone 3826 0333 or Email office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au






Community News



A casual position exists for a School Crossing Supervisor at Edens Landing State School.

The hours of work for the School Crossing Supervisor may be up to an Hour and a Half on any school day in all weather conditions.

Commencement of work for the successful applicant is dependent on:

  • The favourable outcome of a health assessment carried out by a duly qualified Medical Practitioner according to the guidelines in the “Notes for Medical Practitioner” on the School Crossing Supervisor Scheme - Health Assessment Form;
  • The applicant either hold a current Blue Card or eligible to apply for a Blue Card to the Commission for Blue Card Services. An applicant will not be employed by the Department of Transport and Main Roads unless they meet this criterion.

Department of Transport of Main Roads will organise and fund both Medical and Blue Card for selected applicant.

Interested applicants should send their Resume to Ros at southportroadsafety@tmr.qld.gov.au by Friday 30th July 2021.