19 March 2021
Newsletter Articles
ELSS staff acknowledge and pay respect to the Traditional Owners and ongoing custodians of the lands on which our school is built and where learning takes place. We pay our respects to Elders, past, present & emerging and recognise their continuing connection to Country and ways of learning over thousands of years.
Explicit Improvement Agenda for ELSS in 2021
WHAT: Literacy- Greater than 75%
of students will achieve a C standard in English.
HOW: Positive Relationships and High Expectations
WHY: Literacy is the key to a life of choice not chance
Principal’s News
Hi ELSS families and community,
What an amazing school and community we have here at Edens Landing State School. At the heart of this, is our 712 students. Daily they remind me of my purpose- Giving EVERY student the opportunity to the best start in learning. It is the combined passion of the 80 staff that provide the wonder learning experiences at ELSS. A few photos below demonstrate the different ways we deliver the National Curriculum.
Every day is Bullying NO way day at ELSS, however on the one day each year we make another whole school commitment. We want to promote “Be a Buddy not a Bully”. Every school day, our students are explicitly taught through PBL to be respectful to each other. Respectful relationship is the most impactful way to address Bullying and change behaviour. Please continue to discuss and model this at home to support our staff.
ELECTRONIC PERMISSION FORMS: Do we have your current mobile phone number on file? Due to the launch of our new Electronic Permission Forms being trialed shortly, it is imperative that we have up to date contact details for the success of this new system. Please notify the office of any changes via email office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
School Uniform
ELSS uniform pride. Keep up the great work
Reminder- The ELSS Uniform Policy is on the enrolment form and website. Please take note of the sections regarding:
- Footwear- Black Shoes. White socks
- Winter Uniform- Navy Blue jacket
- Jewellery/Hair/Makeup- No necklaces
- Navy Blue Shorts
Please contact the school at: office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au if you need further clarification.
Thank you to all who have ensured that their children have begun the year in the correct uniform. In ensuring we maintain high standards and whole school expectations; all students are required to wear the school uniform. It was wonderful on our assemblies to see the students wearing their uniform with pride.
Thank you for ensuring your children are wearing predominantly black shoes with white socks as per our school uniform policy. As the weather gets cooler, please ensure you have a navy blue jacket.
Research is clear about student attendance contributes to student achieve and progress. The table outlines the impact of student who arrive late. If a child misses full days of learning, the learning gap can get wider but also the resilience to learning can decrease. We are sending letters home to families that these risks are impacting their child/ren progress.
NAPLAN information for year 3 and 5 parents only.
During Week 4 of Term 2, students in year 3 and 5 students will undertake NAPLAN Online. NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life.
Parents/carers can support their children with NAPLAN online by accessing the Public Demonstration site at home. Families can explore some of the key features of NAPLAN online including a range of questions types, onscreen tools, timers and interactive navigation. Students are encouraged to try all the tests for their year level to practise the complete range of item types in the online assessment.
Teachers are supporting students at school by continuing to provide quality teaching of the Australian Curriculum English and Mathematics learning areas. As a school we are also providing students with the opportunity to take the Practice Tests on the 25th and 26th March, which will familiarise students with the online mode.
During the NAPLAN online testing window which runs from 11-14 May, students will undertake testing during the following sessions.
Tuesday 11 May |
Wednesday 12 May |
Thursday 13 May |
Friday 14 May |
Year 3 Writing 9-10am |
Year 3 Reading 9-10 am |
Year 3 Numeracy 9-10 |
Catch up testing 9-2:50pm |
Year 5 Writing 9-11am |
Year 5 Reading 9–10:15am |
Year 5 Numeracy 9–10:15am |
Year 3 & 5 Conventions of language 11:45-12:30pm |
Catch up testing 11:45-12:30pm and 1:50 – 2:50 |
Catch up testing 2-2:50pm |
Parents are asked to access the following documents attached to this email to be informed about NAPLAN online and associated privacy notices.
For further information, please visit Queensland’s NAPLAN Online website, ACARA’s NAPLAN Online website and ACARA’s Assessment Platform. Advice for parents and caregivers about NAPLAN in general is also available.
Our school supervision starts at 8.30am, please do not drop students at school early, we cannot ensure safety. To support this we have a wonderful before and after school care provider onsite YMCA. Police have been notified about ELSS students throwing rocks at cars and running onto the road between 7.30am and 8.30am. Let’s work together to unsure students have safe behaviours.
Stop Drop and Go area at the start of each year in EVERY school requires patience and understanding. New families learning the system, students learning our processes and lots of traffic. Outside the school gates is council land supported by Queensland Police.
Respectful relationships are expected on school grounds. Everyone is responsible to keep good order and a safe school. Please model being kind with words and actions.
Please use our school student diaries to engage with your child’s classroom teacher for teaching and learning. I have seen this powerful tool to align the teacher and families to be partners in learning. When student know we are on the same page, it support keeps a clear aligned message.
After nearly 2 years in discussions with transport and councillors. ELSS families in Brookhaven, Holmview, Woodlands and Bahrs Scrubs will now have a school bus service from 22 March. Thanks parents! Great team work between school and community
Our three school wide expectations are:
Our school motto and expectations link closely, students can SOAR to success daily-
Families can help this through our STEPS to success at school: Had sleep – Breakfast - Healthy food - On time - In uniform - Ready to learn.
At ELSS we have an attendance policy that aligns with Education Queensland’s state-wide initiative ‘Every Day Counts’. We are committed to ensuring a 95% attendance rate for all students.
Our focus in 2021 at ELSS is about- “GROWTH”- We will build a positive culture for learning with focussed teaching and learning. The target is 75%+ of students achieving A-C in English. Three Priority Areas are: 1. Curriculum. 2- Data. 3- Culture.
More For Some = Equity.
You may have seen this statement on our electronic sign. This coordinated advocacy across the whole state is part of our ongoing effort to raise awareness and understanding. State primary schools embrace the responsibility to provide children with the academic and social foundations to discover and fulfil their potential. In our school communities, each child’s identity and culture are celebrated; personal responsibility is encouraged and expected; and resilience built.
In Australia, despite the critical importance of the foundation learning that primary schools deliver, the primary years, in particular Years 3 to 6 remain the lowest funded per capita of all compulsory year levels.
If Queensland's state primary schools are to equip our 340,000 students with the skills and mindsets to thrive in increasingly complex global workplaces, it is imperative that the resources provided enable true needs-based decisions to be made.
Clint Curran
Deputy Principal’s News
Student Council Fundraiser
A huge THANK YOU to the familes and staff members who have very generously donated chocolates and Easter Eggs to kick start the prizes for our annual Easter Raffle. We already have 50 prizes generously donated!
Mrs Alterator and Mrs Blair have been selling tickets every Thursday 2nd break and before school on Friday. We had a real line-up with many families supporting this fundraiser. Our Kitchen Garden Program is going to really benefit from our amazing community support.
The raffle will be drawn on Wednesday 31 March. Winners will be notified and prizes will be ready for collection before the end of term.
A huge thank you to the many families who also showed their support for our “Say no to Bullying” day by wearing orange. This is a very important message which our school delivers throughout the year.
Year 3 Team
What is coding?
Computers are amazing, but they can’t think for themselves. They require people to give them instructions. Coding is a list of step-by-step instructions that get computers to do what you want them to do. Coding makes it possible for us to create computer software, games, apps and websites.
Coders, or programmers, are people who write the programs behind everything we see and do on a computer. When students learn to code, it helps them to develop essential skills such as problem solving, logic and critical thinking. Through coding, students can learn that there is often more than one way to solve a problem, and that simpler and more efficient solutions are often better. Learning to code encourages students to become creators, not just consumers, of the technology they use.
While learning to code at the primary school level, students are encouraged to think critically and strategically to solve problems. During their specialist lessons with Mr Tuckett and Mrs Harding, our Year 3 students are learning coding skills with Edison Robots using the EdScratch app on the iPads. Learning and having fun is all in a day’s work at ELSS.
Our Year 3 students have also been learning through doing as they use the garden to inform their sensory Poems. What an amazing outdoor classroom our garden is.
Year 3 are certainly busy with StarLAb also featuring this week. This incursion is a wonderful way to consolidate the learning happening in Science.
Year 4 Team
Year 4 students have been learning about symmetry. Something is symmetrical when it is the same on both sides. A shape has symmetry if a central dividing line (a mirror line) can be drawn on it, to show that both sides of the shape are exactly the same. Our little mathematicians have been demonstrating their understanding through
Year 5 Team
Our Year 5 students braved the threat of poor weather to attend their excursion to the Planetarium and Botanic Gardens. They were rewarded with a wonderful day filled with great learning opportunities around their Science learning this term and next term.
Year 6 Team
Our Year 6 students are learning real life skills with Mr Tuckett and Mrs Harding in Technology as they use spreadsheets to work out budgets. They are currently helping Mr O’Donnell work out his sports budget using formulas in Numbers which is the IPad version of excel. Our students are very lucky to have two Technology teachers leading their digital learning.
Year 6 students also looked at the amount of sugar in drinks and made a table and graph of the results in the Numbers app on the iPads.
Yours in Education
Cheryl Gibson
Deputy Principal’s News
Self-Reflection and Goal setting
Self-reflection is a tool that kids and adults can benefit from. Reflecting on one’s actions and behaviour’s is a great way to grow as an individual and to meet personal goals. By self-reflecting on a day’s events, you can determine what worked in meeting your goal and what didn’t work.
Helping your child reflect on their day – how they felt, what went well, what didn’t go so well, leads to discussing strategies to try in the future and setting goals – breaking problems down into smaller steps.
Improving self-reflection can help kids with self-regulation, knowing what coping strategies to pull out of their toolbox, how to act with impulse control, how to better pay attention, how to improve executive functioning skills, and how to function more easily. During HPE, our children are learning about the Zones of Regulation, if your child says they are angry or sad, ask them which tool they can pull out of their tool box to help them become green zone ready to learn.
Ask them what actually made them feel sad or frustrated or even angry? What strategies can they experiment with that could help?
The rhyme “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me” helps us understand that we cannot control what other people say, however we can control how we react to it. If we are aware of our own triggers (e.g. name calling) then we can set goals or develop strategies to improve how we react and use a tool out of our tool box.
These are lessons for life, and we cannot learn to cope in later life unless we have experimented with strategies and practiced impulse control when we are young.
Acting Deputy Principal
Wendy Williams
PBL News
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a whole-school framework used in our school to promote positive behaviour. PBL helps us to develop a safe and supportive learning environment, build positive relationships and improve student learning outcomes.
Our school community has worked together to establish simple, clear and explicit expectations for behaviour. Student behaviour improves when students know what is expected of them and when good behaviour is recognised.
Our school takes a proactive, preventative approach, ensuring that all students receive the appropriate level of support to help them to succeed. Our PBL team constantly works to ensure that all students benefit and identified students receive additional support when needed.
Find out more about PBL in this video.
Go For Gold Day
Students are working hard to achieve enough tokens to attend ‘Go for Gold Day’ which is our rewards day at the end of each term. With so much on offer it is sure to be an amazing day.
Edens Landing State School has CC (Captain Courageous) as our mascot. He helps to remind students of our expectations.
Week 8 & 9 Term 1:
Edens Landing is a PBL School. This means that we explicitly teach students about the behaviour we want to see repeated. The rules are explained on assembly each Friday and teachers follow up with lessons and activities in class.
Week 8: Turn Taking: Why is Turn-Taking Important?
Turn-taking isn’t a natural skill for any child, yet it’s a life skill we need for social success in all environments including the playground. Some children may face difficulties with appreciating the feelings of others or tolerating waiting times. This makes turn-taking harder.
Board games are predictable and have rules so are a great way of teaching and reinforcing Turn Taking. Revisit the rules before they play EVERY time. Start with games for two players so their turn comes around quicker and start by playing with an adult/older sibling.
Beginning with simple, visual games and those that involve spinning a wheel or throwing a die are good for turn-taking practise. Increase the number of players as your child improves their turn-taking skills. Remember to praise your child when they’re attempting to turn-take. Patience pays off!
Week 9: Being Safe at Eating Times
Office News
Cash Payment No Longer Accepted
The payment window will be open as usual on Wednesday and Friday mornings, 8.30am – 10.30am, for EFTPOS payments. BPoint is the easiest way to pay for school activities. Payment information and a hyperlink are on the bottom left-hand corner of each invoice. The hyperlink makes the payment process very easy, providing a simple and quick link to the payment portal for that individual invoice.
Report Student Absences
Text message your childs absence to 0429 904 926
Text first and last name of your child, date, duration and reason of absence.
to leave a message. Alternatively you may also use the absence email - absences@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au. Please record your child's name, class, date of absence/s and reason for absence.
Late Arrivals
Students who arrive to school after 8.50am must report to the office windows for a late slip prior to going to class.
Change of Details
Please email the school on office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au stating your child’s name and class to confirm your email address and if applicable advise of any contact details that may have changed, to ensure we are able to contact you in an emergency.
Thank you for your continued support
Charmaine Johnson
Business Manager
PE News
Cross Country
Congratulations to all students who participated in the Edens Landing Cross Country. This was a great day with lots of great results and a lot of fun had by all participants.
Thank you to all of the families and friends who came along to attend the event. Thank you to the P & C who provided ice blocks to all students at the conclusion of the race
Results of the first three place-getters in each grade are published below.
Boys |
Girls |
Place |
Grade/yr |
Name |
Place |
Grade/yr |
Name |
1 |
P |
Malakhi |
1 |
P |
Zena |
2 |
William |
2 |
Lucy |
3 |
Liam |
3 |
Ayvah-May |
1 |
1 |
Nikau |
1 |
1 |
Hannah |
2 |
Cohen |
2 |
Sophie |
3 |
Charlie |
3 |
Thalia |
1 |
2 |
Parker |
1 |
2 |
Amelia |
2 |
Connor |
2 |
Meika |
3 |
Ahi/Blake |
3 |
Destiny |
1 |
8yr |
Austin |
1 |
8yr |
Aurora |
2 |
Korbin |
2 |
Eva |
3 |
Kaden |
3 |
Tallara |
1 |
9yr |
Chase |
1 |
9yr |
Nevaeh |
2 |
Flynn |
2 |
Anna |
3 |
Elijah |
3 |
Brooklyn |
1 |
10yr |
Lyncoln |
1 |
10yr |
Chloe |
2 |
Lakey |
2 |
Ebony |
3 |
Maxton |
3 |
Brooke |
1 |
11yr |
Edward |
1 |
11yr |
Billy-Rose |
2 |
Izak |
2 |
Miley-Grace |
3 |
Judah |
3 |
Hannah |
1 |
12yr |
Ayden |
1 |
12yr |
Jessy |
2 |
Kai |
2 |
Maharlia |
3 |
Bailey |
3 |
Mia |
Representative News
Congratulations to Kahu & Kati who were selected in the Pacific District Basketball Team.
Sporting Achievement Shout Outs
Our school would love to hear about any sporting achievements your child/ren have made. It could be as simple as competing at a ballet performance, player of the match, a new personal best or an action shot playing a game. We are always looking to celebrate student success. Please send photo and a short comment of their achievement to kodon30@eq.edu.au
Over the course of the year, lessons will be held on the oval. It is essential that your child/ren has a suitable school hat for all lessons. A note will be issued to students who fail to bring a hat to lessons. If your child/ren is unable to take part in a lesson due to an injury or medical reason, please provide a note.
School Sport Dates
Senior Sports Day (3-6): 7
Junior Sports Day (P-2): 6 May (please note
Spectators at ELSS sport- COVID safe plan
Term 1 plan approves one adult per family member onsite for sporting clubs/events and training sessions
Yours in Sport
Ken O’Donnell & Michelle Goulding
HPE Teachers
Ken O’Donnell- kodon30@eq.edu.au (grade
Michelle Goulding - mhlin0@eq.edu.au (prep to
Chappy News
Hi everyone,
We are well on our way into the school year. I trust you are going well, as we have crossed the halfway point through term 1. On the Chappy front, YMCA breakfast club has been running well with our wonderful volunteers. Breakfast club is on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings in the kitchen, from 8.30am to 8.45 am. We have on average between 20 to 30 students each morning.
SUPA Club has also commenced on Thursdays at second break, this is a spiritual support program for year 4 to 6 students and requires parent permission. During this time, we read the Bible, sing songs, and pray. As we get closer to Easter, we will be looking at Palm Sunday and Easter. If you child has talked to you about wanting to attend, please look out for a permission form coming home.
Chic Chat will be starting next term so forms will be coming home at the end of this term. This is a social, emotional program for year 6 girls run over 10 weeks. I run two groups in both term 2 and term 3 with around 8 girls. This program promotes self-worth, and we discuss subjects such as, friendships, resilience, goals and dreams, cyber bullying and looking after ourselves and our bodies. In term 4 we also attend a Mother-Carer/Daughter dessert evening that is aimed to strengthen the relationship between them, as well as celebrate who they are.
Chappy Parents/Carers Afternoon Tea is on again this year. Our first one was held last Thursday with a fantastic turn out of parents. For those of you that have not heard of the afternoon tea, it is very relaxed. We just sit and chat over a tea or coffee. We have had mums, dads, aunties, grandparents and carers join us. It is a great opportunity to get to know other parents and carers in the school, as well as to get to know the school chaplain.
If you would like more information on any of these programs, would like your child to attend one, or would like to contact me about anything about work here at Edens Landing, my email address is pquat0@eq.edu.au
P&C News
We had another successful meeting on the 15.03.21 and we welcomed some new faces. It was great to meet you. We welcomed Jodie Hunter to the executive team as Secretary, we appreciate you putting your hand up to assist.
We still have one (1) position available on the Executive team, of Vice President. Their role is explained in the image below.
We also have sub-committee positions available:
- Fundraising Committee/Team – help organise events eg. Mother’s & Father’s Day Stall, Bush dance BBQ, Christmas Carols BBQ and Raffles, and other Fundraising ideas throughout the year.
- Grant Committee – write and apply for grants to help raise money for school projects.
The P&C supports and works with the school and community to achieve our future goals as a united team. These visions cannot be reached without your help and support.
All committees have the full assistance of the executive team as all events are a group effort, we cannot do it alone – “Many Hands make light work” – John Heywood.
Thank you to all the volunteers who came down and helped hand out ice blocks to all our cross-country finishers. Your help was greatly appreciated, and these events cannot take place without the help of the community, so we thank you.
So far this year we know we have the following events. We still need to have all the dates confirmed yet, at the moment it is all still under advisement:
- Mother’s Day Stall in May
- Bush Dance BBQ Stall June/July (we think it is around then)
- Father’s Day Stall in September
- Carols BBQ Stall and Raffle Table in November
If you can assist, please email us at: pandc_exec@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au or contact us via our Facebook page:
Our Next P&C Meeting is on Monday the 17 May 2021 at 6:15pm in the staff room. Everyone is welcome and it is fine to bring your children if you need too. Meetings roughly go for a 1 hour with a maximum of 2 hours (not that this occurs, we try to be extremely efficient) Although, we understand everyone’s time is important to them, if you cannot stay for the whole meeting and need to leave, that is fine.
We look forward to seeing you
Tuckshop News
Sushi at the Tuckshop
For a limited time only on Tuesday’s we are offering Sushi as part of our tuckshop menu. Orders for Sushi need to be placed by 12:00 noon each Monday. No late orders can be taken for this, as the Sushi is ordered from an outside company. All orders are to be placed on Flexischools as this is the only way to order Sushi and Tuckshop. Scroll across (on the APP) or click the arrow across (on website) to find the Sushi option.
If you order Sushi and your child is away from school on Tuesday, please contact the Tuckshop by 8.30 am to arrange collection. Your child can have the Sushi on Wednesday but after Wednesday the Sushi will be disposed of as it will no longer be fresh. There is no ability to refund the Sushi once you have placed an order.
Happy Birthday Buckets
This year the Tuckshop is offering Birthday Buckets for $16. Your child will receive a Fruit Icy Stick for every child in their class (plus one for the Teacher/Aide) and they will also receive a balloon to take home. When ordering please allow one weeks’ notice. Click on ‘LOAD MORE DATES’ to find the date and day the following week that you want the Bucket. Please contact the Tuckshop (38057999) on the day you have ordered the Birthday Bucket to confirm the child is at school. The Birthday Buckets can be found in the First Break option in Flexischools. Any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Hot Cross Buns
For the rest of the term Hot Cross Buns are being offered to children for second break. Please order on Flexischools in the first break section. In the app, scroll to the bottom of the first break options to find second break and select which Hot Cross Bun.
If you have not signed up for Flexischools or need help registering please pop up to the tuckshop on either a Tuesday or Thursday morning between 8:30 am – 9:00 am for us to help you set Flexischools up or email the tuckshop at tuckshop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au or message the P&C Facebook page
Annette Honnery
Tuckshop Convenor
Uniform News
The Uniform Shop is open on Tuesday mornings from 8:30am – 9:30am on the following dates.
Term 1: 23 March, 30
Term 2: 20 April, 27 April, 4 May, 11 May &
18 May.
It is also open on Thursday mornings from 8:30am – 9:30am every week during each of the terms.
*The Uniform Shop is also completely cashless we only take card/EFTPOS as payment in the shop.
When coming into the Uniform Shop please follow all the schools Covid Safe plan as stated in the newsletter also on their official Facebook page.
Make sure you like our P&C Association Facebook Page for any updates as we post on there a lot about what is going on and it is also a platform for communication with the P&C.
Getting online is easy and only takes a few minutes to register. Simply go to the link below and click “Register”. You will be sent an email with further instructions on how to complete the registration. Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. If youhave any questions, Flexischools provide a great help desk on 1300 361 769 (unavailable at the moment so please email them), or you can contact them via their website. There is a variety of payment options supported, including Visa, MasterCard (credit and debit) and Bank Transfer. The system operates via a pre-paid account.
Flexischools has a cut off time of:
Monday 4:00pm for Tuesday orders each week,
Wednesday 4:00pm for Thursday orders each week.
If you want to order something and it is not available on flexischools you will need to come in and or contact the uniform shop to see if it is available. Flexischools cannot be watched 24/7 so sometimes items are removed when the stock is low, so no one misses out. Our discontinued lines once off most likely well not have the stock available.
Any other questions can be emailed to the Uniform Shop and will be answered as soon as possible. uniform_shop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
*If you have any uniforms your children have outgrown but that are still in good condition.
You can donate them to the Uniform Shop, we need items so families can still feel like they are purchasing a uniform and not missing out.
Thank you.
Uniform Policy sharing directly from the school’s official website.
Please take note of the sections regarding:
- Footwear
- Winter uniform
- Jewellery/Hair/Makeup
Please contact the school at: office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au if you need further clarification.
Outside School HOURS CARE- OSHC
Welcome back to a new school year!
REMINDER: Families need to log in to My family Lounge and resubmit their childs Enrolment form. Booking requests also need to be made. Bookings from 2020 do not roll over to the new year. (Must log in on computer or laptop)
Please use the app to book casual places or Mark as absent.
To enrol your child please email the service
Or follow the OSHC links to register on the YMCA Website
Important Messages
Reminder to parents and families regarding parking.
Parking is not permitted in the top administration staff car park or in the teachers car park at any time
Outside School HOURS CARE- OSHC
Opening times:
Monday to Friday
Before school: 6am – 9am
After school: 2.30pm -6pm
Pay as little as $3.50 per session after ccs
YMCA Edens Landing OSHC
P: 07 3805 1233
M: 0459 899 887
Important Dates to Remember
23-25 March |
Prep Vision Screening, |
26 March |
Interschool Sports Years 5 & 6 |
24-25 March |
School Photos |
1 April |
Rewards Day |
2 April- 18 April |
School Holidays |
19 April |
Term 2 commences. |
21 & 22 April |
Parliament House excursion Year 6 |
30 April |
Beenleigh Zone Cross Country |
3 May |
Public Holiday – Labour Day |
5 May |
Mothers Day stall |
6 May |
Junior Sports Day |
7 May |
Senior Sports Day |
Contact Details
- Have your contact details changed?
- Have you moved address?
- Do we have your current phone number in case of an emergency?
- Are your emergency contacts still current?
- Are you receiving our newsletters by email?
- Do we have your current email address?
Phone 3826 0333 or Email office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au