19 February 2021
Newsletter Articles
ELSS staff acknowledge and pay respect to the Traditional Owners and ongoing custodians of the lands on which our school is built and where learning takes place. We pay our respects to Elders, past, present & emerging and recognise their continuing connection to Country and ways of learning over thousands of years.
Explicit Improvement Agenda for ELSS in 2021
WHAT: Literacy- Greater than 75%
of students will achieve a C standard in English.
HOW: Positive Relationships and High Expectations
WHY: Literacy is the key to a life of choice not chance
Principal’s News
Hi ELSS families and community,
Daily I am in classes and see the amazing teaching and learning at ELSS. Our students are proud to share their work and how they are progressing. Students are asked these 5 guiding questions to provide feedback on learning-
- What are you learning?
- How are you doing?
- How do you know?
- How can you improve?
- Where do you go for help?
From our Day 8 numbers, we have included a Prep/Year 1 class and collapsed the Year 1/2 class to support the student enrolments and learning conditions. Thank you to all staff, parents and students for patience during this time. We have since had more enrolments after day 8 and will explore any further changes to classes.
Our teachers and students are amazing. My favourite photo
of the year is our Engaged Prep E students. You may have seen this photo last newsletter. The whole class doing a celebration dab as they completed their daily English foundation work of Phonemic Awareness.
Welcome classroom teacher, Megan McGuicken, who will take a contract with 4P for term 1.
Congratulations to our 2021 P&C executives.
President- Sky Marshall.
Treasurer- Caitlin Dayman.
We had a solid turnout for our first meeting. We encourage more families to attend on Monday 15 March, 6.15pm, in the Administration building. We would love a Secretary, Vice President, Fund Raising coordinator and Grant coordinator.
Let’s Celebrate-
Our brand new fully inclusive Senior Playground. These images tell the amazing 2-year journey of providing a wonderful playground for our wonderful students.
Our school supervision starts at 8.30am, please do not drop students at school early, we cannot ensure safety. To support this we have a wonderful before and after school care provider onsite YMCA. Police have been notified about ELSS students throwing rocks at cars and running onto the road between 7.30am and 8.30am. Let’s work together to ensure students have safe behaviours.
Stop Drop and Go area at the start of each year in EVERY school requires patience and understanding. New families learning the system, students learning our processes and lots of traffic. Outside the school gates is council land supported by Queensland Police.
School uniform policy- White socks and Black Shoes. Please support this with your next purchase of socks and shoes to align with the school uniform policy. There are actually no changes from the 2018 policy however, I will be encouraging families/students to meet with guidelines. Part of the reason for high expectation in student uniform is- Safety, cost, confidence, school spirit, saves time, reduce distraction, encourages discipline and high school ready.
Our three school wide expectations are:
Our school motto and expectations link closely, students can SOAR to success daily-
Families can help this through our STEPS to success at school: Had sleep – Breakfast - Healthy food - On time - In uniform - Ready to learn.
At ELSS we have an attendance policy that aligns with Education Queensland’s state-wide initiative ‘Every Day Counts’. We are committed to ensuring a 95% attendance rate for all students.
Our focus in 2021 at ELSS is about- “GROWTH”- We will build a positive culture for learning with focussed teaching and learning. The target is 75%+ of students achieving A-C in English. Three Priority Areas are: 1. Curriculum. 2- Data. 3- Culture.
Clint Curran
Deputy Principal’s News
PBL Explicit Teaching of Expectations
With the opening of our new senior playground, teachers have been explicitly teaching our students how to use the equipment appropriately. Staff spent some time in the playground to produce a PowerPoint to include in the lesson for students. They all reported that the playground is indeed lots of fun.
Student Council Fundraiser
2021 has once again seen the election of a very keen group of Student Council representatives. They are organised and hoping to raise significant funds to help with school projects and community support projects. The first school fundraiser for the year is our annual Easter Raffle. Staff members have very generously donated chocolates and Easter Eggs to kick start the prizes. If you would like to donate Easter items towards this fundraising, please drop your chocolates and other items at the office. The more donations we get the more prizes we can offer. Last year we ended up with almost 30 prizes. It would be great to be able to offer the same again this year.
A note will go home in the next few weeks outlining how tickets can be purchased. The raffle will be drawn on the afternoon of Tuesday 30 March. Winners will be notified and prizes will be ready for collection on the last 2 days of term.
Save the date and start looking for your orange shirts - Our annual Say No to Bullying ‘orange’ Day this year is on Friday March 19. Please watch for further information closer to the date.
Year 3 Team
Our Year 3 students are already exploring the senses through poetry. They are visiting the kitchen to experience the senses they encounter and collecting ideas about what they can see, hear, feel, taste and smell. Our students are then using their experience to learn about sensory poems. They use many strategies to help them with their writing. One of them is this ‘Stuck on a Word’ Bookmark
Year 4 Team
The Year 4 students and their teachers have been out in the garden for their science lesson this term, looking at the insects and other animals who visit the garden. Students counted these and had to determine whether they were friends of the garden, e.g. friends-bees or foes- snails. They also carried out an investigation into the eating habits of ants. The ants loved the green apple but students were surprised to discover that the ants were not as interested in eating the cracked pepper crackers or, very surprisingly, the honey.
Year 5 Team
Year 5 Science
Our Year 5 students have been busy learning about ‘Our Place in Space’. They have investigated the size of planets and the distance between them. Data about each of the planets has been gathered and organised and students have had the opportunity to further their understanding by creating their own solar system and researching additional facts about each of the planets.
The entire Year 5 cohort is looking forward to their March excursion to the Planetarium, where they will get to view an epic ride through our galaxy to discover more about ‘Our Place in Space.’
Year 6 Team
This term Year 6 students are learning how to use descriptive factual language to create news reports on current school events. Students are exploring how reporters establish a sense of time and place and use bias to present different perspectives on topics that are of interest and relevant to the community. By carefully using catchy headlines and starting paragraphs with topic sentences, students are practicing using techniques to draw in the reader.
Year 6 are also very excited about their upcoming Leadership Big Day Out. This year we have organized a Leadership Big Day Out for our year 6 students at the Bethania Aquatic Centre. Students will participate in leadership activities throughout the day, that involve co-operation, team-building, self-esteem, persistence and social skills. This event is completely FREE to all Year 6 students. We have planned a very exciting day with activities both in and out of the pool, which will create memories and strengthen friendships for our senior students.
The canteen will be open and offers a limited selection of food and drinks. Students will be allowed to bring a small amount of money to purchase bottled water, packets of chips and ice blocks. Students will not be permitted to purchase soft drinks.
Please refer to the letter sent home for more information. We look forward to seeing every Year 6 student participate on the day.
Yours in Education
Cheryl Gibson
Deputy Principal’s News
Welcome to Week 4
It has been wonderful to go through our Prep- Year 2 classes and see the children following the school expectations:
I am Safe
I am Respectful
I am a Learner
I have also been in classes and seen the wonderful work our students are doing:
I have seen children practising their performances
Demonstrating their phonemic awareness
Well done everyone.
Acting Deputy Principal
Wendy Williams
PBL News
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a whole-school framework used in our school to promote positive behaviour. PBL helps us to develop a safe and supportive learning environment, build positive relationships and improve student learning outcomes.
Our school community has worked together to establish simple, clear and explicit expectations for behaviour. Student behaviour improves when students know what is expected of them and when good behaviour is recognised.
Our school takes a proactive, preventative approach, ensuring that all students receive the appropriate level of support to help them to succeed. Our PBL team constantly works to ensure that all students benefit and identified students receive additional support when needed.
Find out more about PBL in this video.
Since the start of term, students have been learning about our new expectations – I am safe, I am respectful and I am a learner. Students have reviewed these expectations in all areas of the school, including in the classrooms, eating areas and play areas, where they have had opportunities to practise what these expectations look like, sound like and feel like.
The focus for Week five is “I am a learner when I use the Fast Five” and weeks Six and Seven will see students unpacking the way they transition between home and learning and playtimes and learning. Please ask your children about the lessons they are learning and reinforce the importance of these expectations and rules.
Edens Landing State School has CC (Captain Courageous) as our mascot. He helps to remind students of our expectations.
Week 4 and 5 & 6 Term 1:
Edens Landing is a PBL School. This means that we explicitly teach students about the behaviour we want to see repeated. The rules are explained on assembly each Friday and teachers follow up with lessons and activities in class.
Week 5 will feature our ELSS Fast Five.
Office News
Cash Payment No Longer Accepted
The payment window will be open as usual on Wednesday and Friday mornings, 8.30am – 10.30am, for EFTPOS payments. BPoint is the easiest way to pay for school activities. Payment information and a hyperlink are on the bottom left-hand corner of each invoice. The hyperlink makes the payment process very easy, providing a simple and quick link to the payment portal for that individual invoice.
Report Student Absences
Text message your childs absence to 0429 904 926
Text first and last name of your child, date, duration and reason of absence.
to leave a message. Alternatively you may also use the absence email - absences@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au Please record your child's name, class, date of absence/s and reason for absence.
Late Arrivals
Students who arrive to school after 8.50am must report to the office windows for a late slip prior to going to class.
Change of Details
Please email the school on office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au stating your child’s name and class to confirm your email address and if applicable advise of any contact details that may have changed, to ensure we are able to contact you in an emergency.
Thank you for your continued support
Charmaine Johnson
Business Manager
PE News
Program Delivery
Health and Physical Education is delivered in a one hour block. Students will be exposed to a range of health and physical activities which are aligned to the Australian Curriculum, To cover this content, the school has been broken into 2 sectors (P-3 and 4-6). Mrs Michelle Goulding will be teaching prep to grade 3 and Mr Ken O’Donnell will be teaching grades 4-6.
Should you need to discuss anything related to HPE, please contact the following
Ken O’Donnell- kodon30@eq.edu.au (grade
Michelle Goulding - mhlin0@eq.edu.au (prep to
School Representative Sport
Over the course of the year, students have the opportunity to participate in a range of sporting trials. This is offered to students who are born in 2009, 2010 and 2011 and are wanting to excel in their chosen sport/s and represent at a higher level for example Pacific Rim, South Coast and Queensland School Sport.
It is expected that any child wishing to undertake these trials has experience and demonstrated skills and knowledge in the chosen sport, generally having participated at club level.
All information needed to attend the trial will be handed out closer to the date. Please note that some sports have age and gender restrictions due to safety and number of teams being selected. A nomination note has recently been sent home and this must be returned as soon as possible as trials for certain sports have started. If your child hasn’t received one and interested in pursuing this pathway, they must collect a form from the office.
Interschool Sport
As our students prepare for interschool sport, training sessions have been scheduled for those involved. It is crucial that students attend sessions to ensure they are up skilled before attending the competition in week 7.
Rugby League- Thursday, Friday
mornings 8:00-8:40am
Soccer- Monday, Wednesday mornings
Touch Football- Wednesday, Thursday mornings
Netball- Tuesday, Friday mornings 8:00-8:40am
Representative News
Congratulations to Billy-Rose, Hannah and Kai who recently competed at their first district swimming carnival. All students swam incredibly well and gained a lot of experience from the meet. Well done!
Sporting Achievement Shout Outs
Our school would love to hear about any sporting achievements your child/ren have made. It could be as simple as competing at a ballet performance, player of the match, a new personal best or an action shot playing a game. We are always looking to celebrate student success. Please send photo and a short comment of their achievement to kodon30@eq.edu.au
Congratulations to Joshua who competed at the Nordic Sport South East Regional Championships at SAF.
- Discus - new PB of 29.51m and 2nd place
- Javelin - new PB of 27.34m and 1st place
- Shot Put - new PB of 10.85m and 4th place
- 100m made finals and came 4th place
- 200m made finals and came 5th place
Joshua has qualified for the McDonalds State Championships to be held next month at QSAC for Discus, Javelin, Shot Put and 100m. Well done Joshua
Sporting Clubs
Softball- This year, a softball club will commence. This activity is offered to all girls in grades 4-6 who is interested in developing and improving their skills required to play a game of softball. Students taking part in this club, will also have the opportunity to represent our school at future competitions.
Sessions will be held on Tuesday afternoons from 3-3:45pm. The program begun on Tuesday 9 February and will continue throughout the year. Students attending must ensure they have appropriate footwear, hat and water bottle. Students will need to be collected from the bottom gate at 3:45pm. If your child wishes to take part in the softball club, please complete a form and return it to the office.
Running Club- This term, a running club will commence. This activity is offered to any student in grades P-6 who is interested in developing and improving their fitness. Sessions will be held by Mr Vergers on Wednesday mornings from 8:00am to 8:30am. If your child wishes to take part in the running club program, please complete a form and return it to the office.
Over the course of the year, lessons will be held on the oval. It is essential that your child/ren has a suitable school hat for all lessons. A note will be issued to students who fail to bring a hat to lessons. If your child/ren is unable to take part in a lesson due to an injury or medical reason, please provide a note.
School Sport Dates
Cross Country: 5 March
Senior Sports Day (3-6): 7 May
Junior Sports Day (P-2): 6 May (please note
Spectators at ELSS sport- COVID safe plan
Term 1 plan approves one adult member per family onsite at Cross Country and before/after school sport.
Cross Country
The school cross country – fitness day will be held on Friday 5 March. This is a really enjoyable day that gives all students from prep to grade 6 the opportunity to participate in a fun-filled race around our school grounds. At Edens Landing, it is our expectation that all students will participate in this event. If your child is unable to compete in the race for health reasons, a note of explanation must be provided to their class teacher.
Students must have a water bottle, hat, asthma puffer (if required) applied sunscreen and wear closed in running shoes. Students are encouraged to wear the school sport house shirt or a plain coloured t shirt that represents their house.
House Allocation according to surname:
A-E Nicolson (green) |
F-K Freeman (yellow) |
L-Q- Lawton (blue) |
R-Z- Riley (red) |
Students from prep – year 2 will compete against their own year level. Students from grades 3-6 will compete in age groups according to year born. The timetable for start times is outlined below. These times are an approximate only.
Born |
Year Level / Age |
Distance |
Race Time |
Year level |
Prep |
350m |
9:30am |
Year level |
1 |
600m |
10.00am |
Year level |
2 |
800m |
10.30am |
2013 |
8yrs |
1.1Km |
11:30am |
2012 |
9yrs |
1.7Km |
12:00pm |
2011 |
10yrs |
1.7Km |
12:30pm |
2010 |
11yrs |
2.5Km |
1:50pm |
2009 |
12yrs |
2.5Km |
2:20pm |
Yours in Sport
Ken O’Donnell & Michelle Goulding
HPE Teachers
Should you need to discuss anything related to HPE, please contact the following
Ken O’Donnell- kodon30@eq.edu.au (grade
Michelle Goulding - mhlin0@eq.edu.au (prep to
P&C News
Edens Landing State School P&C Association
Welcome to what is sure to be another great year!
We have just had our first meeting for the year Monday 15 February 2021 and the AGM for the year was held afterwards. We were successful in electing (2) two Executive members for 2021, Skye Marshall as President and Caitlin Dayman as Treasurer. We still have (2) two positions available on the Executive team, Vice President and Secretary. Their roles are in the images below.
We also have sub-committee positions available:
- Fundraising Committee/Team – help organise events eg. Mother’s & Father’s Day Stall, Bush dance BBQ, Christmas Carols BBQ and Raffles, and other Fundraising ideas throughout the year.
- Grant Committee – write and apply for grants to help raise money for school projects.
The P&C supports and works with the school and community to achieve our future goals as a united team. These visions cannot be reached without your help and support.
All committees have the full assistance of the executive team as all events are a group effort, we cannot do it alone – “Many Hands make light work” – John Heywood.
We also need help to assist with events held during the year. Our first one this year is handing out ice blocks at Cross Country on 5 of March 2021 as each year level finishes, they receive an ice block. If you are here on the day and want to lend a hand while you are watching your child, please contact us and let us know.
So far this year we know we have the following events. We still need to have all the dates confirmed yet, at the moment it is all still under advisement:
- Mother’s Day Stall in May
- Bush Dance BBQ Stall June/July
- Father’s Day Stall in September
- Carols BBQ Stall and Raffle Table in November
If you can assist, please email us at: pandc_exec@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au or contact us via our Facebook page:
Our Next P&C Meeting is on the 15 March 2021 at 6:15pm in the staff room. Everyone is welcome and it is fine to bring your children if you need to. Meetings roughly go for a 1 hour. Although, we understand everyone’s time is important to them, if you cannot stay for the whole meeting and need to leave, that is fine.
We look forward to seeing you.
Tuckshop News
Welcome back everyone and a big WELCOME to all our new families to our school community.
The only way of ordering lunches for your children is our online platform, Flexischools. Please do not send cash or bag orders with your children. This year second break has been included in where you order first break. This means you do not have to go and place another separate order once you have ordered first break. Just scroll down and find the SECOND BREAK section in first break to order. It will still need to be picked up from the tuckshop by the children at second break (1 pm) First break orders are still collected by class tuckshop monitors.
There have also been some price increases due to supplier price rises. Last year during the peak of COVID most of my suppliers saw large price increases of raw materials and products and did not increase prices. Unfortunately, they have had to pass on the inevitable price increase to customers this year.
The tuckshop menu is in the process of being completed and will hopefully be sent home in the next couple of weeks. Please keep an eye out in your child’s bag for this. When this has been handed out, I will post on our Facebook page. Any information regarding Tuckshop will be posted on our Facebook page, so do not forget to find it and like it for all your updates.
Please be aware of the amount of food you order for your children for first break. They have a limited time to eat and keeping hot and cold food that is ordered, prepared, and served at the correct temperature for the 11am break until second break, could potentially lead to illness. Hot food and sandwiches are only prepared for first break.
Flexischools cut off is 8.00 am the day of service, please have your orders in before this time. If you have ordered lunch for your child and they are absent from school on the day you have ordered, please contact the TUCKSHOP on 38057999 to let me know by 8.30 am to either cancel or hold over the order for another day. If no contact or late contact is made the order will stand and no refund or hold over of the order will be available. Please do not contact the busy office staff nor leave a message on the absence line, the absence line is for absences ONLY.
Flexischools IOU feature. If your child has forgotten their lunch and you are contacted by the office and wish the tuckshop to supply lunch for your child, you will receive a note from the tuckshop letting you know how much you owe. You can then pay that amount on the flexischools IOU feature. For example, if your bill comes to a total of $6.80 then click onto the IOU icon and select the different denominations to the amount of $ 6.80 (3 x $2 and 4 x .20 c) that amount then is transferred to the tuckshop and your bill is paid. I receive confirmation each time an IOU is paid. It is a fast and simple way to know your bill is paid and as the tuckshop is not accepting money, it is an ideal way to pay.
I have had a few people ask why they cannot find the specific lunch menus whether it be before school, first break and IOU.
If you are using the Flexischools App
- scroll down to FOOD.
- swipe across to find the appropriate menu.
- click on ORDER for any of the 3 different FOOD selections or click PAY on the IOU section
If you are using the website, this is what it will look like. Use the arrow at the side to click across to select the correct service.
Getting online is easy and only takes a few minutes to register. Simply go to the link below and click “Register Now”. You will be sent an email with further instructions on how to complete the registration. Once registration has been completed you can start placing orders immediately. If you have any Flexischool account questions, Flexischools has a great FAQ section or you can contact them via email. At the current time, their phone lines are not in operation, you can find email contact information on their website.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any issues with tuckshop or would like to come and volunteer. There is no need to stay the whole day, a couple of hours at the most is normally only what is needed. The tuckshop can only provide lunches to children if volunteers help. Many hands make light work.
Have you seen our official P&C Facebook page yet? If not, please search Edens Landing State School P&C Association and click the like button. Important information regarding the Tuckshop will be posted on our P&C page, so have a look to like and follow our page.
Annette Honnery
Tuckshop Convenor
3805 7999
Uniform News
The Uniform Shop is open on Tuesday mornings from 8:30am – 9:30am on the following dates.
23 February, 2 March, 9 March, and 16 March 2021.
It is also open on Thursday mornings from 8:30am – 9:30am every week during each of the terms.
*The Uniform Shop is also completely cashless we only take card/EFTPOS as payment in the shop.
When coming into the Uniform Shop please follow all the schools Covid Safe plan as stated in the newsletter also on their official Facebook page.
Make sure you like our P&C Association Facebook Page for any updates as we post on there a lot about what is going on and it is also a platform for communication with the P&C.
Getting online is easy and only takes a few minutes to register. Simply go to click “Register”. You will be sent an email with further instructions on how to complete the registration. Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. If you have any questions, Flexischools provide a great help desk on 1300 361 769 (unavailable at the moment so please email them), or you can contact them via their website. There is a variety of payment options supported, including Visa, MasterCard (credit and debit) and Bank Transfer. The system operates via a pre-paid account.
Flexischools has a cut off time of:
Monday 4:00pm for Tuesday orders each week,
Wednesday 4:00pm for Thursday orders each week.
If you want to order something and it is not available on flexischools you will need to come in and or contact the uniform shop to see if it is available. Flexischools cannot be watched 24/7 so sometimes items are removed when the stock is low, so no one misses out. Our discontinued lines once off most likely well not have the stock available.
Any other questions can be emailed to the Uniform Shop and will be answered as soon as possible. uniform_shop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
*If you have any uniforms your children have outgrown but that are still in good condition.
You can donate them to the Uniform Shop, we need items so families can still feel like they are purchasing a uniform and not missing out. Thank you.
Outside School HOURS CARE- OSHC
Welcome back to a new school year!
REMINDER: Families need to log in to My family Lounge and resubmit their childs Enrolment form. Booking requests also need to be made. Bookings from 2020 do not roll over to the new year. (Must log in on computer or laptop)
Please use the app to book casual places or Mark as absent.
Permanent bookings will
need to be requested via your online account.
Please use the app to book casual places, Mark as absent
And make any cancellations.
To enrol your child please email the service
Or follow the OSHC links to register on the YMCA Website
Important Messages
Reminder to parents and families regarding parking.
Parking is not permitted in the top administration staff car park or in the teachers car park at any time
Outside School HOURS CARE- OSHC
Opening times:
Monday to Friday
Before school: 6am – 9am
After school: 2.30pm -6pm
Pay as little as $3.50 per session after ccs
YMCA Edens Landing OSHC
P: 07 3805 1233
M: 0459 899 887
Important Dates to Remember
23 February |
Triple P webinar for parents 10am-11am |
26 February |
Year 6 Big Day Out |
5 March |
School Cross Country |
9 March |
Year 5 Planetarium excursion $19.00 due Wednesday 3 March |
12 March |
Interschool Sports Years 5 & 6 |
15 March |
P&C Meeting, 6.15pm Admin Staffroom |
17 March |
Year 3 StarLab Incursion $12.00 due Wednesdy 10 March. |
19 March |
National Day Against Bullying – wear orange shirt/ Interschool Sports |
23-25 March |
Prep Vision Screening, online registration closes 26 February |
26 March |
Interschool Sports Years 5 & 6 |
24-25 March |
School Photos |
2 April- 18 April |
School Holidays |
19 April |
Term 2 commences. |
Contact Details
- Have your contact details changed?
- Have you moved address?
- Do we have your current phone number in case of an emergency?
- Are your emergency contacts still current?
- Are you receiving our newsletters by email?
- Do we have your current email address?
Phone 3826 0333 or Email office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
Community News
Parents of student/s that held a 2020 Clarks Logan City Bus Pass that rolled over for 2021 have until Friday, 26 February 2021 to collect their passes. If these passes are not collected by this date you will need to reapply. Collection times at our depot are Monday – Friday 08:00am – 10:00am and 2:00pm – 4pm. If you have any enquires please contact us at info@clarkslogancity.com.au