Edens Landing State School
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Jamie Nicolson Ave
Edens Landing QLD 4207
Subscribe: https://edenslss.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe

Email: office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
Phone: 07 3826 0333
Fax: 07 3826 0300

25 August 2020

Newsletter Articles

ELSS staff acknowledge and pay respect to the Traditional Owners and ongoing custodians of the lands on which our school is built and where learning takes place. We pay our respects to Elders, past, present & emerging and recognise their continuing connection to Country and ways of learning over thousands of years.

Explicit Improvement Agenda for ELSS in 2020

WHAT: Literacy- Greater than 75% of students will achieve a C standard in English.
HOW: Positive Relationships and High Expectations
WHY: Literacy is the key to a life of choice not chance

Principal’s News

Quality teaching and learning at Edens Landing State School is the heart of our mission to Engage, Inspire and Empower EVERY student to a life of choice not chance. My staff work extremely hard to achieve our 2020 schoolwide goal of 75% of students achieving C or above in English for semester 2. To create the environment for success, we use the whole school system approach of Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL). This approach recognises that all behaviours are learnt therefore we can teach students the correct behaviours that set them up to be successful at school. These are our 3 expectations- I am SAFE, I am RESPECTFUL, I am a LEARNER. As a family, the more you can reference these positive behaviours at home, the more a student will show these positive behaviours at school. My goal is for EVERY student to SOAR to success onto high school.

Some examples of ELSS students Engaged, Inspired and Empowered-

Attendance is the essential element to student success. The below image highlights the impact some shortcuts to attendance can make-


It’s with great excitement that we can move forward with our plans for a new senior playground. By combining the funding from school, YMCA, P&C and government, we are able to design an inclusive, fully accessible, engaging, climbing, sensory panel, circuit playground. We will share more information about plans and time frames shortly.

School review-

During week 10 in term 2, the Department of Education completed a school review at ELSS by the Education Improvement Branch. The executive summary is now uploaded to our website. I want to share the first two findings that support our culture and school improvement together over the last 18 months. ELSS is a great school:

“Staff members are dedicated to improving outcomes for students. Staff, parents and the wider community share the belief that collaboration, commitment and effort are the keys to success and a positive future. The school’s motto ‘Soar to Success’ reflects this belief and staff work together to include, support and challenge students in a caring learning environment. Staff members value the renewed focus on collaboration to establish school agendas and articulate that they feel valued as a result of this approach.”

“Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) was prioritised by the school through the review of school processes in the 2019 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP). A PBL committee meets regularly to review behaviour data to inform priority focus areas for the coming weeks. There is an expectation that all classes will experience an explicitly taught lesson based on the focus of the week. Staff have welcomed an emphasis on improving student behaviour and the explicit articulation of expectations. Positive recognition strategies are featured, with regular communication regarding the school’s expectations in school newsletters, Facebook and emails to parents.”

School operations-

  • ELSS, like all Queensland Government schools is a non-smoking school. No-one is permitted to smoke onsite or within 4 metres of the boundary fence. Please be mindful of this whilst waiting outside our gates for your children.
  • COVID-19 it is important we all work together to keep our schools 'COVID-Safe' environments:

* Keep up the great work with social distancing! Parents please refrain from entering the school grounds unless you have first sought permission from the administration. Remember, adults should stay at least 1.5m apart!

* Remember to practice great hygiene; on your own, and in front of your kids. Sneeze in to your elbow, and wash hands frequently.

* If your kids are showing any signs of illness, they must stay at home. Be on the lookout for persistent runny noses, sore throats, fever or fatigue.

* If you have a link to any people or places advised by Queensland Health, you must get tested and stay home until you receive your results. However if you are still unwell and clear, you must stay at home.

Thank you for your ongoing support in this difficult time. These key messages are important for keeping ALL of us safe.


  • To support our work, please be reminded of the two foundations of Edens Landing State School- Positive Relationships and High Expectations.
  • Our school supervision starts at 8.30am, please do not drop students at school early, we cannot ensure safety.
  • Our three PBL school wide expectations are: At ELSS I am SAFE, I am RESPECTFUL and I am a LEARNER

PRINCIPALS TOURS: Are back again commencing Friday 28 August at 9.30am by appointment only for enrolments within our school catchment, contact our lovely office staff to make a booking 3826 0333.

I welcome your feedback, please reach out if you have any questions, ideas or constructive feedback.

Clint Curran

Deputy Principal’s News

It is hard to believe that we are already half way through Term 3 with Parent/Teacher interviews just around the corner. Students are really enjoying the warmer play breaks. Please watch out for notifications about the lost property process this term and make sure you check the lost property for any missing winter items. As the weather warms up the pile of jumpers is growing. There is also a growing pile of lunch boxes and drink bottles. All un–named. At the end of term all unclaimed items will be disposed of. Please be reminded how important it is to clearly name all items of clothing and personal belongings so they can be returned if lost.

Reading With Children Every Day

Recent Research shows a large drop in the number of parents reading to children every day. Of 1,596 parents of 0-13-year-olds, only 51% read to their preschool child every day. This is a drop from 69% in 2013. Even as children move lower school (P-2) to upper school (3-6), reading with them has huge benefits, which is why ELSS promotes reading as homework every night.

Reading with children of Primary school age, especially struggling readers, on a regular basis does take time but the benefits speak for themselves. Here are eight of the most important.

  1. Improves Reading Skills: First and foremost, exposure to books improves children’s reading skills. Practice makes perfect!
  2. Boosts Vocabulary and Literacy Skills: Reading increases vocabulary, comprehension and communication skills. In addition sentence structure, grammar, punctuation and expression will improve.
  3. Improves Writing Skills: Exposure to new words, grammar and punctuation will improve children’s writing.
  4. Builds Confidence and Independence: Reading every day builds independence, leading to greater confidence.
  5. Broadens Minds and Develops Empathy: Diverse literature opens children’s minds to the lives of other people. Subsequently, helping children make sense of the world around them.
  6. Academic Success: Regular reading promotes academic achievement across the curriculum. Non-fiction books provide opportunities for children to increase their knowledge and interests.
  7. Develops Imagination: While reading children create new worlds. This develops their creativity and empathy as they immerse themselves in the lives of the characters.
  8. Reading is Fun! : When reading with a child, they can tell if the adult is enjoying themselves. Reinforce the message that reading is an enjoyable alternative to video games and TV by being a good reading role-model.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we will once again have phone interviews this term. Our Semester 2 2020 parent/teacher interviews will take place over weeks 8 & 9. The 10 minute interviews will run in the same format as face-to-face with classroom teachers calling at the allocated time. Teachers will only call twice so please ensure you book a time where you can answer the phone. Schedule will be as follows: Mon 31 Aug –Year 6, Tues 1 Sept-Prep, Wed 2 Sept –Year 3, Thurs 3 Sept – Year 2, Mon 7 Sept- Year 1, Tues 8 Sept – Year 4, Thurs 10 Sept – Year 5.

Bookings for interviews is open and will close on Friday 28 August. Please refer to the note explaining how to book your interview which was sent home earlier this week.

Go to – the link below (Link is available through the school newsletter and school’s web page)


Enter the following code to access bookings and press go: wza6n

Year 3 News

This term, the scientists of Year 3 are investigating how materials can change state when we add or remove heat. Recently students explored the criteria of solids and liquids, and applied these to classify a range of everyday objects. Did the materials flow? Did they hold their own shape, or did they take the shape of the container they were in? Students practised scientific inquiry skills such as making observations, communicating with their classmates and recording their findings. Would you believe the most controversial material was toothpaste? Students had to justify why they thought it was a solid or a liquid, yet the class remained divided. You can see below how seriously our young scientists take their studies.

Garden of Edens

The mild winter weather and Chef Chris’ ongoing efforts has resulted in bumper crops of silver beat, zucchinis, beetroot, tomatoes and much more. The huge tomatoes were great items for learning about measurement before being turned into a delicious cooking lesson. You can see by the size in comparison to a lemon, which shows just how big these red wonders are.

Year 6 Camp

Our Year 6 students are very excited that their camp is finally happening this term. Students will be attending camp September 9-11. Anyone who paid for camp earlier in the year, your payments have been transferred across to these dates. If you did not pay for your child earlier in the year, payments must be made by Friday August 21. We look forward to seeing as many of our senior students attending camp as possible.

Year 6 information – Transition to High School

Top concerns about starting high school:

  • More homework
  • Having to work harder and having a bigger workload
  • Being teased or bullied
  • Older children
  • Getting lost in a larger and unfamiliar school
  • Making new friends
  • Changing classes for different subjects
  • Not being able to manage assessments

These concerns are repeated every year by our graduating Year 6 students. These issues will be addressed at the transition days held by the High School of your choice, which is why it is important to enrol your child now and so you can be notified of any information sessions and transition activities.

What you can do now?

  • Decided which school you are sending your child to
  • Get enrolment forms and return them ASAP
  • Become familiar with the new school policies and procedures
  • Look out for information about experience days/transition days
  • Attend high school information nights
  • Give high schools as much information as you can
  • Listen to your child

Ways to support your child’s learning at High School

  • Keep up to date with assessments and homework. Know what your child needs to be prepared for in advance.
  • Maintain a positive dialogue with your child about what they are learning
  • Establish appropriate study arrangements
  • Ask your child about their learning and their day
  • Monitor screen time and sleep
  • Involve your child in decision making
  • Talk with your child about goals and aspirations
  • Be approachable and supportive
  • Support good relationships with peers
  • Help your child to develop greater independence and routines

Yours in Education

Cheryl Gibson

Deputy Principal’s News

Why are the children learning poetry?

Listening and speaking are the imperative foundations of early literacy skills. Children learn to read by combining and blending sounds together to form a word. Speech Pathologists refer to it as phonemic awareness skills, but most of us would just know it as identifying sounds and patterns in speech.

Speech Pathology Australia encourages children to have “meaningful language experiences through stories, music, nursery rhymes, play and LOTS of repetition.”

Kids love imitation and repetition. Ask any parent if they’ve had a child shout “More! More!” or “Again! Again!” after a favourite song, book or game (or food!).

Repeating sounds and words, practicing words that have the same starting letter e.g. ’Parker is wearing a pirate hat’, or the same end sound, ‘seeking golden treasure / tricky things to measure’ all help children form letters and words.

A great way to build these phonemic skills is with rhyme and alliteration, which are the tools of poetry and lyrics.

How can parents help?

Nursery rhymes are a fantastic early introduction to language and verse. There’s Jack and Jill and their hill, Humpty and his fall off the wall, there’s Baa Baa and his bags full of wool.

They seem like frivolous fun and silly songs we learn and repeat over generations. We may think they don’t have much impact apart from distracting an unsettled baby, or amusing a toddler but rhymes in language offer so much more than this.

When children hear nursery rhymes, they hear the sounds vowels and consonants make. ... Nursery rhymes are short and easy to repeat, so they become some of a child's first sentences. Cognitive Development. Since nursery rhymes are patterns, they help children learn easy recall and memorisation.


Anthea Grant
Jnr Deputy Principal

Office News

Year 6 Camp and Semester 2 Inter-School Sport

Reminder: To be eligible to attend camp or participate in Inter-School Sport, the individual student must have no outstanding SRS fees.

2020 Student Resource Scheme

We’ve come to the time of year when SRS payments are overdue, unless using Centrepay. We realise that families have many competing priorities. Remember that school policy outlines that without full SRS payment students will not be eligible to participate in optional activities, including camps, excursions, incursions and Inter-School Sport.

Thank you to those families who have paid in full or are using Centrepay to make payments for the SRS.

If you are experiencing hardship and wish to discuss payment options for the SRS please make an appointment via the office to speak with me.

If you have any questions about this process please contact the office staff for assistance.

Cash Payment No Longer Accepted

The payments window will be open as usual on Wednesday and Friday mornings, 8.30 – 10.30am, for EFTPOS payments. BPoint is the easiest way to pay for school activities. Payment information and a hyperlink are on the bottom left-hand corner of each invoice. The hyperlink makes the payment process very easy, providing a simple and quick link to the payment portal for that individual invoice.

Report Student Absences

Text message your childs absence to 0429 904 926

Text first and last name of your child, date, duration and reason of absence.

to leave a message. Alternatively you may also use the absence email - absences@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au .Please record your child's name, class, date of absence/s and reason for absence.

Late Arrivals

Students who arrive to school after 9.00am must report to the office windows for a late slip prior to going to class.

Change of Details

Please email the school on office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au stating your child’s name and class to confirm your email address and if applicable advise of any contact details that may have changed, to ensure we are able to contact you in an emergency.

Thank you for your continued support

Charmaine Johnson
Business Manager

PE News

$150 Fair Play Vouchers

Edens Landing has been successful in receiving 15 Fair Play vouchers.

Parents, carers, guardians can apply for a voucher valued up to $150 for their child which can be used towards sport and active recreation membership, registration or participation fees with registered activity providers.

There is a limit of one voucher per child per calendar year

You can apply if your child

  • is a Queensland resident aged from 5-17 years at the time of application
  • did not receive a Fair Play voucher this year
  • experiencing financial hardship
  • holds, or whose parent, carer or guardian holds a valid Department of Human Services Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card with the child’s name on it

If you meet this criteria, please contact kodon30@eq.edu.au

Sporting Schools Program

Edens Landing has been successful in the application process of the Sporting Schools Program. Sporting Schools is Australia’s largest free school-based sports participation program to help children foster a lifetime interest in sport. This is a wonderful opportunity for our children and I suspect it will be very popular.

This term, we will be offering 3 afternoon sessions. These sessions will commence on Tuesday 11 August (grades P-2), Wednesday 12 August (grades P-2) and Thursday 13 August (grades 3-6). Each of these sessions is limited to 30 students only so please be very prompt in your return of this form to the school office so your child does not miss out (forms won’t be accepted until Wednesday 5 August). Each session will commence at 3:00pm and will conclude promptly at 3:45pm. Due to COVID guidelines, parents will not be permitted on site. Students will be able to be collected from the front gate at 3:45pm.

This term we will be offering AFL to students

Tuesday 3pm- 3:45pm (P-2):- 11/8, 18/8, 25/8, 1/9, 8/9, 15/9

Wednesday 3pm-3:45pm (P-2):- 12/8, 19/8, 26/8, 2/9, 9/9, 16/9

Thursday 3pm-3:45pm (3-6):- 13/8, 20/8, 27/8, 3/9, 10/9, 17/9

If your child is interested and committed to attend all 6 weeks, they are welcome to attend provided they are then within our numbers for the term.

To enrol your child/ren in this program, please contact the office.

Junior and Senior Sports Day

The Junior Sports Day is on Thursday 27 August and the Senior Sports Day 28 August. This is a fun filled carnival with students participating in a range of tabloid activities, field events and running races.

At Edens Landing, it is our expectation that all students will participate in and attempt every event. If your child/ren are unable to compete in the carnival, they must give a note of explanation to their class teacher.

Students are required to have a water bottle, hat, sunscreen, asthma puffer (if required). Students are encouraged to wear an Edens Landing house sport shirt or a plain sun safe coloured t-shirt to represent their house colours.

Unfortuantely this year, parents, family and friends are unable to come and support. We endeavor to try and provide as many updates throughout the day.


Over the course of the year, lessons will be held on the oval. It is essential that your child/ren has a suitable school hat for all lessons. A note will be issued to students who fail to bring a hat to lessons. If your child/ren is unable to take part in a lesson due to an injury or medical reason, please provide a note.

Ken O’Donnell
(grade 4-6)

Blue zone

When we are in the blue zone, we can feel sad, tired, sick, bored, shy or lonely. When we feel like this we need to choose from a range or a toolbox of alerting strategies to give us the pick me up we need to get back to the green zone. Things like exercising, yoga, chatting to a friend or family member, hug a friend, get a drink, take a break, positive self-talk or listen to music. Everyone uses different strategies to help them back to the green zone.

What strategies do you try when you feel in the blue zone?

Michelle Linsdell-
(prep to 3)

School Sport Dates

Senior Sports Day (3-6): 28 August

Junior Sports Day (P-2): 27 August

Yours in Sport

Ken O’Donnell & Michelle Linsdell
Health and Physical Education Teachers

Music News

Choir is returning to Edens Landing!

Covid 19 restrictions have meant we have not been able to have Choir for along time. We will be accepting expression of interest for fully committed students, but numbers will have to stay very limited to 25 students only. Once selected students will be required to meet at the front gate area in the stop drop and go at 8:15am Wednesday mornings. I will meet all approved Choir participants at the front gate and escort them to the music room for their lesson each week to comply with current school policy. Looking forward to finally seeing you all again!

Mr Maze.

Head of Curriculum News

Ready, set, read! Edens Landing State School encourages reading at home as part of daily homework. To support your child to develop a love of reading, we encourage all families to participate in the 2020 Premier’s Reading Challenge. The Premier's Reading Challenge aims to improve literacy and encourage children to read for pleasure and learning. In 2019, more than 2.31 million books were read by more than 168,000 Queensland children and students from 937 schools and 386 early childhood centres.

Registrations are now open for students to register as individual readers via this link:


For more information on registering as an individual reader, download the individual reader information kit. Students can use a range of materials to count towards their reading goal such as their home reading books, library books, books from home and online books.

Students have until 28 August to read and submit their books to the website where their efforts will be recognised through the receipt of a Certificate of Achievement signed by the Premier of Queensland.

P&C News

Next P&C meeting held October 19 at 6.15pm in the Admin Staffroom.

Tuckshop News

Due to the current COVID 19 situation we are NOT accepting money and you can only order tuckshop through Flexischools. Please do not send cash with your children to order tuckshop.

Flexischools cut off is 8.00 am the day of service, please have your orders in before this time. If you have ordered lunch for your child and they are absent from school on the day you have ordered, please contact the TUCKSHOP on 38057999 to let me know by 9.00 am to either cancel or hold over the order for another day. If no contact or late contact is made the order will stand and no refund or hold over of the order will be available. Please do not contact the busy office staff nor leave a message on the absence line, the absence line is for absences ONLY.

There are some new features that have been added to Flexischools. There is now a BEFORE SCHOOL MENU, you can order your children slinky apples, cheese and bacon rolls, poppers, and milk to be picked up at 8.30 am when the tuckshop opens. If you use this service, please make sure your child comes to the tuckshop to pick up their items.

Another addition to Flexischools is an IOU feature. If your child has forgotten their lunch and you are contacted by the office and wish the tuckshop to supply lunch for your child, you will receive a yellow note from the tuckshop letting you know how much you owe. You can then pay that amount on the flexischools IOU feature. For example, if your bill comes to a total of $6.80 then click onto the IOU icon and select the different denominations to the amount of $6.80 (3 x $2 and 4 x .20 c) that amount then is transferred to the tuckshop and your bill is paid. I receive confirmation each time an IOU is paid. It is a fast and simple way to know your bill is paid and as the tuckshop is not accepting money at this time, it is an ideal way to pay.

I have had a few people ask why they cannot find the specific lunch menus whether it be before school, first break, second break and IOU.

If you are using the Flexischools App

  • scroll down to FOOD
  • swipe across to find the appropriate menu
  • click on ORDER for any of the 3 different FOOD selections or click PAY on the IOU section

If you are using the website, the three different food times are at the top, the IOU section is below that and uniforms is below that.

Getting online is easy and only takes a few minutes to register. Simply go to the link below and click “Register Now”. You will be sent an email with further instructions on how to complete the registration. Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. If you have any questions, Flexischools provide a great help desk on 1300 361 769, or you can contact them via their website, there is also a highly informative help section on their website. At the current time, their phone lines are not in operation, you can find email contact information on their website.


Please feel free to contact me if you have any issues with tuckshop or would like to come and volunteer. There is no need to stay the whole day, a couple of hours at the most is normally only what is needed. The tuckshop can only provide lunches to children if volunteers help. Many hands make light work.

Have you seen our official P&C Facebook page yet? If not, please search Edens Landing State School P&C Association and click the like button. Important information regarding the Tuckshop will be posted on our P&C page, so have a look to like and follow our page.


Annette Honnery
Tuckshop Convenor
3805 7999

Uniform Shop News

The uniform shop will not be open as per normal for term 3, this is due to parents not being permitted onsite during the term (as stated in the school newsletter). What has been done to help during this unusual situation is we have added an additional ordering day. Uniform shop Flexischools orders will now be available for term 3 on the regular day of Thursday and the new day of Tuesday.

This will allow parents to be able to order over 2 days in term 3 and the orders will be delivered to your child in their classrooms on the selected days during middle session.

OPEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, Please email uniform_shop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au or contact the school office on Phone: 3826 0333.

If you are a new family or need new sizing for your child, you are able to email the uniform shop to make an appointment to come and try on and purchase uniforms.

(Eftpos only as there is no cash accepted onsite again in term 3).

Any other questions can be emailed to the uniform shop and will be answered as soon as possible. uniform_shop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au

Make sure you like our P&C Association Facebook Page for any updates as they will be shared on our Facebook page.

Getting online is easy and only takes a few minutes to register. Simply go to the link below and click “Register Now”. You will be sent an email with further instructions on how to complete the registration. Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. If you have any questions, FlexiSchools provide a great help desk on 1300 361 769 (unavailable at the moment so please email them), or you can contact them via their website. There are a variety of payment options supported, including Visa, MasterCard (credit and debit) and Bank Transfer. The system operates via a pre-paid account.

FlexiSchools has a cut off time of:

Monday 4:00pm for Tuesday orders each week,
Wednesday 4:00pm for Thursday orders each week.

*If you have any uniforms your children have outgrown but that are still in good condition you can donate them to the Uniform Shop.

Thank you.

Outside School HOURS CARE- OSHC

Vacation care begins on the 21st September. All bookings are to be made via the My family lounge app or your online account. An email will be sent to all families with the program within the next few weeks.

My Family Lounge app is back online
Please Log in on a computer/laptop and request your bookings for Term 3. Current Bookings remain until the end of the year.

Permanent bookings will need to be requested via your online account.
Please use the app to book casual places, Mark as absent
And make any cancellations.


To enrol your child please email the service ael@ymcabrisbane.org
Or follow the OSHC links to register on the YMCA Website

Important Messages

Reminder to parents and families regarding parking.
Parking is NOT permitted in the top administration car park or in the staff car park at any time.

Outside School HOURS CARE- OSHC

Opening times:

Monday to Friday
Before school: 6am – 9am
After school: 2.30pm -6pm

Pay as little as $3.50 per session after ccs

YMCA Edens Landing OSHC

P: 07 3805 1233
M: 0459 899 887

Important Dates to Remember

27 August

Junior Sports Day, Prep, Year 1 & Year 2

28 August

Senior Sports Day , Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6

2&3 September

Yr 5 Camp - Runaway Bay Sports and Excellence Centre-Payments closed

4 September

Student Free Day- No students required at school.

9-11 September

Yr 6 Camp - Runaway Bay Sports and Excellence Centre- Payment due 21 August

Contact Details

  • Have your contact details changed?
  • Have you moved address?
  • Do we have your current phone number in case of an emergency?
  • Are your emergency contacts still current?
  • Are you receiving our newsletters by email?
  • Do we have your current email address?


Phone 3826 0333 or Email office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au






Community News