Edens Landing State School
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Jamie Nicolson Ave
Edens Landing QLD 4207
Subscribe: https://edenslss.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe

Email: office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
Phone: 07 3826 0333
Fax: 07 3826 0300

7 August 2020

Newsletter Articles

ELSS staff acknowledge and pay respect to the Traditional Owners and ongoing custodians of the lands on which our school is built and where learning takes place. We pay our respects to Elders, past, present & emerging and recognise their continuing connection to Country and ways of learning over thousands of years.

Explicit Improvement Agenda for ELSS in 2020

WHAT: Literacy- Greater than 75% of students will achieve a C standard in English.
HOW: Positive Relationships and High Expectations
WHY: Literacy is the key to a life of choice not chance

Principal’s News

Our mission is to Engage, Inspire and Empower EVERY student to a life of choice not chance. Daily I see students living this mission and staff delivering across the school. Below are some images I captured on my walk throughs this week

We are partners in learning and when we work together, our children can thrive. High expectaions in terms of achievement, behaviour, attendance and uniform make an Edens Landing student. Children are always learning and you are their first teacher. Thanks for working together.

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s day was on Tuesday this week. It was wonderful to see our student leaders coordinate hundreds of students in playing a tradition game called Edor. ELSS shared vision with the Department of Education is for every Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student to be supported in their learning, experience academic success and feel a sense of belonging and connection to culture in their school an classrooms.

State Education – First Class" School Noticeboard Message

State primary schools across Queensland whose leaders are members of the Queensland Association of State School Principals, are this week displaying on their school noticeboards the message: "State Education – First Class".

State schools reflect communities and they commit to including every child. State schools provide rigorous and relevant learning opportunities for all students. Drawing on evidence-based practices, our skilled and capable workforce positively impact student learning.

Queensland is leading the nation and is one of three jurisdictions in the world showing improvement in student learning outcomes. Research highlights that students who are educated in the diverse environments that state schools offer, achieve higher outcomes academically and socially.

The innovative and differentiated approaches to learning that our state primary schools provide, support the development and creativity of young learners. This work is the foundation of all their future learning and it also positions them to become positive contributors to our society.

Hopefully our school sign this week will cause you to reflect on the first class education that our state primary schools provide across the width and breadth of Queensland!

School operations-

  • ELSS, like all Queensland Government schools is a non-smoking school. No-one is permitted to smoke onsite or within 4 metres of the boundary fence. Please be mindful of this whilst waiting outside our gates for your children.
  • COVID-19 it is important we all work together to keep our schools 'COVID-Safe' environments:
  • Keep up the great work with social distancing! Parents please refrain from entering the school grounds unless you have first sought permission from the administration. Remember, adults should stay at least 1.5m apart!
  • Remember to practice great hygiene; on your own, and in front of your kids. Sneeze in to your elbow, and wash hands frequently.
  • If your kids are showing any signs of illness, they must stay at home. Be on the lookout for persistent runny noses, sore throats, fever or fatigue.
  • If you have a link to any people or places advised by Queensland Health, you must get tested and stay home until you receive your results. However if you are still unwell and clear, you must stay at home.

Thank you for your ongoing support in this difficult time. These key messages are important for keeping ALL of us safe.


  • To support our work, please be reminded of the two foundations of Edens Landing State School- Positive Relationships and High Expectations.
  • Our school supervision starts at 8.30am, please do not drop students at school early, we cannot ensure safety.
  • Our three PBL school wide expectations are: At ELSS I am SAFE, I am RESPECTFUL and I am a LEARNER

I welcome your feedback, please reach out if you have any questions, ideas or constructive feedback.

Mr Curran

Deputy Principal’s News

What an exciting start to Term 3. Our students are working hard on the curriculum which has been carefully designed by their teachers.

Student Council Jeans for Genes Day Friday 7th August

Thank you to all of the families who supported this Student council fundraiser. It is wonderful; to see so many families support the Student Council fundraiser for this very worthwhile cause. We raised $450.50 , higher than last year. Well done ELSS families.

Year 3 News

Our Year 3 students are currently working through the Rock and Water Program with Mr Russell and their classroom teachers. This program is designed to build student skills and capability around reducing bullying, increasing self-control and enhancing social and communication skills.

The first of the following photos show our students in 3V demonstrating an appropriate strategy to deal with teasing. The second photo shows a student at the front of the class trying to distract the students. The aim of this activity is to ground ourselves and not let other students’ behaviour distract us from the learning.

In Year 3 students have been busy learning how to measure using standard metric units. Students have been engaged in a range of hands-on activities to develop their understanding such as what one kilogram feels like and how to read kitchen scales. They have also been exploring the measurement of capacity, containers that hold more or less than a litre as well as how to measure accurately using measuring jugs. Have a look at our mathematicians below!

Year 4 news

Four of our students were accepted into the 2020 Indigenous Reading Program. The Indigenous Reading Project is a small, non-profit organisation. They loan Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students an android tablet linked to a cloud library filled with e-books. They then provide positive incentives to encourage them to read more.

If after 3 months, the student has made measurable improvements to their reading ability, the project gives them the tablet as a reward for their effort. They also get ongoing access to e-books through the project’s cloud library.

The project is facilitated by our classroom teachers who supervise the students over the course of the project. This is another example of our amazing teachers putting in the extra effort to ENSURE EVERY CHILD SUCCEEDS at ELSS.

This photo shows two of our students (Nate and Jerrawah both from 4V) looking very happy to have received their tablets.

Year 5 Camp

This term sees our Year 5 students attending their two day camp at the Runaway Bay Sport and Leadership Excellence Centre on September 2 and 3. This is an amazing opportunity for your son or daughter to develop confidence, independence and build leadership qualities. All payments must be made no later than August 14. If you are finding it difficult to meet this deadline, please see our helpful office staff for assistance. This is an important event for our Year 5 students and I encourage all students to attend. If you have any concerns about camp, please speak with your child’s classroom teacher.

Year 6 Camp

Our Year 6 students are very excited that their camp is finally happening this term. Students will be attending camp September 9-11. Anyone who paid for camp earlier in the year, your payments have been transferred across to these dates. If you did not pay for your child earlier in the year, payments must be made by Friday August 21. We look forward to seeing as many of our senior students attending camp as possible.

Year 6 information – Transition to High School

Moving from primary to high school, is a big transition. It can be a time full of fun, excitement and new experiences, but it can also be challenging or worrying for many children. You can help by making sure your child is prepared and feels supported. The first step towards preparing your child is to make the decision as to which high school your child will attend. Parents will need to speak with the High School and collect enrollment forms. All high schools in this area are enrollment managed, which means you have to be living in the catchment area to attend unless there is a sibling already attending. Over the coming months, each high school will offer transition and orientation days. It is important that parents know when these are and ensure their child attends. Being familiar with their new school helps with reducing the anxiety of starting somewhere unfamiliar.

Yours in Education

Cheryl Gibson

Deputy Principal’s News

2021 Prep interviews are starting next week – if you know of any children who are eligible for prep next year and in our catchment area please have them contact the school to start the enrolment process.

From the classrooms

The children have been demonstrating their skill in hearing and writing rhyming words.

Listening and speaking are the imperative foundations of early literacy skills. Children learn to read by combining and blending sounds together to form a word. Identifying sounds and patterns in speech is the first step towards understanding the relationship between letters and sounds that we need to have to read and spell.

For children to write rhymes in poetry they need to hear the sounds and rhythm of the words and transfer their knowledge to create their own poems. It thrill me to see our preps well along this literacy path to being confident readers and writers.

Office News

2020 Student Resource Scheme

We’ve come to the time of year when SRS payments are overdue, unless using Centrepay. We realise that families have many competing priorities. Remember that school policy outlines that without full SRS payment students will not be eligible to participate in optional activities, including camps, excursions, incursions and Inter-School Sport.

Thank you to those families who have paid in full or are using Centrepay to make payments for the SRS.

If you are experiencing hardship and wish to discuss payment options for the SRS please make an appointment via the office to speak with me.

If you have any questions about this process please contact the office staff for assistance.

Cash Payment No Longer Accepted

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic this school no longer accepts cash for payment of activities or excursions. We understand that this is a significant adjustment to our processes, however this decision has been made for the health and safety of the whole school community. Thank you for your understanding and support.

The payments window will be open as usual on Wednesday and Friday mornings, 8.30 – 10.30am, for EFTPOS payments. BPoint is the easiest way to pay for school activities and payment information and a hyperlink are on the bottom left-hand corner of each invoice.

Years 5 and 6 Camps

Reminder: To be eligible to attend camp, the individual student must have no outstanding SRS fees.

Charmaine Johnson, Business Manager

Report Student Absences

Text message your childs absence to 0429 904 926

Text first and last name of your child, date, duration and reason of absence.

to leave a message. Alternatively you may also use the absence email - absences@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au or Text to 0429 904 926. Please record your child's name, class, date of absence/s and reason for absence.

Late Arrivals

Students who arrive to school after 8.50am must report to the office windows for a late slip prior to going to class.

Change of Details

Please email the school on office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au stating your child’s name and class to confirm your email address and if applicable advise of any contact details that may have changed, to ensure we are able to contact you in an emergency.

Thank you for your continued support
Charmaine Johnson
Business Manager

PE News

Program Delivery

This year, Health and Physical Education will now be delivered in a one hour block. Students will be exposed to a range of health and physical activities which are aligned to the Australian Curriculum, To cover this content, the school has been broken into 2 sectors (P-3 and 4-6). Miss Michelle Linsdell will be teaching prep to grade 3 and Mr Ken O’Donnell will be teaching grades 4-6.

Should you need to discuss anything related to HPE, please contact the following

Ken O’Donnell- kodon30@eq.edu.au (grade 4-6)
Michelle Linsdell- mhlin0@eq.edu.au (prep to 3)

$150 Fair Play Vouchers

Edens Landing has been successful in receiving 15 Fair Play vouchers.

Parents, carers, guardians can apply for a voucher valued up to $150 for their child which can be used towards sport and active recreation membership, registration or participation fees with registered activity providers.

There is a limit of one voucher per child per calendar year

You can apply if your child

  • is a Queensland resident aged from 5-17 years at the time of application
  • did not receive a Fair Play voucher this year
  • experiencing financial hardship
  • holds, or whose parent, carer or guardian holds a valid Department of Human Services Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card with the child’s name on it

If you meet this criteria, please contact kodon30@eq.edu.au

Sporting Schools Program

Edens Landing has been successful in the application process of the Sporting Schools Program. Sporting Schools is Australia’s largest free school-based sports participation program to help children foster a lifetime interest in sport. This is a wonderful opportunity for our children and I suspect it will be very popular.

This term, we will be offering 3 afternoon sessions. These sessions will commence on Tuesday 11 August (grades P-2), Wednesday 12 August (grades P-2) and Thursday 13 August (grades 3-6). Each of these sessions is limited to 30 students only so please be very prompt in your return of this form to the school office so your child does not miss out (forms won’t be accepted until Wednesday 5 August). Each session will commence at 3:00pm and will conclude promptly at 3:45pm. Due to COVID guidelines, parents will not be permitted on site. Students will be able to be collected from the front gate at 3:45pm.

This term we will be offering AFL to students


Tuesday 3pm- 3:45pm (P-2):- 11/8, 18/8, 25/8, 1/9, 8/9, 15/9
Wednesday 3pm-3:45pm (P-2):- 12/8, 19/8, 26/8, 2/9, 9/9, 16/9
Thursday 3pm-3:45pm (3-6):- 13/8, 20/8, 27/8, 3/9, 10/9, 17/9

If your child is interested and committed to attend all 6 weeks, they are welcome to attend provided they are then within our numbers for the term.

To enrol your child/ren in this program, please contact the office.

Interschool Sport

Due to COVID restriction and guidelines, the district has chosen to alter the sports for students in grades 5 and 6. The options now are

Boys; touch football and soccer
Girls: touch football and soccer

Further information regarding training and payment will be sent home next week.


Over the course of the year, lessons will be held on the oval. It is essential that your child/ren has a suitable school hat for all lessons. A note will be issued to students who fail to bring a hat to lessons. If your child/ren is unable to take part in a lesson due to an injury or medical reason, please provide a note.

School Sport Dates

Senior Sports Day (3-6): 28 August
Junior Sports Day
(P-2): 27 August

Information regarding these events will be sent out later in the term.

Yours in Sport

Ken O’Donnell & Michelle Linsdell
Health and Physical Education Teachers

Head of Curriculum News

Ready, set, read! Edens Landing State School encourages reading at home as part of daily homework. To support your child to develop a love of reading, we encourage all families to participate in the 2020 Premier’s Reading Challenge. The Premier's Reading Challenge aims to improve literacy and encourage children to read for pleasure and learning. In 2019, more than 2.31 million books were read by more than 168,000 Queensland children and students from 937 schools and 386 early childhood centres.

Registrations are now open for students to register as individual readers via this link below:


For more information on registering as an individual reader, download the individual reader information kit. Students can use a range of materials to count towards their reading goal such as their home reading books, library books, books from home and online books.

Students have until 28 August to read and submit their books to the website where their efforts will be recognised through the receipt of a Certificate of Achievement signed by the Premier of Queensland.

P&C News

Next P&C meeting held 17 August at 6.15pm in the Admin Staffroom.

Tuckshop News

Due to the current COVID 19 situation we are NOT accepting money and you can only order tuckshop through Flexischools. Please do not send cash with your children to order tuckshop.

Flexischools cut off is 8.00 am the day of service, please have your orders in before this time. If you have ordered lunch for your child and they are absent from school on the day you have ordered, please contact the TUCKSHOP on 38057999 to let me know by 9.00 am to either cancel or hold over the order for another day. If no contact or late contact is made the order will stand and no refund or hold over of the order will be available. Please do not contact the busy office staff nor leave a message on the absence line, the absence line is for absences ONLY.

There are some new features that have been added to Flexischools. There is now a BEFORE SCHOOL MENU, you can order your children slinky apples, cheese and bacon rolls, poppers, and milk to be picked up at 8.30 am when the tuckshop opens. If you use this service, please make sure your child comes to the tuckshop to pick up their items.

Another addition to Flexischools is an IOU feature. If your child has forgotten their lunch and you are contacted by the office and wish the tuckshop to supply lunch for your child, you will receive a yellow note from the tuckshop letting you know how much you owe. You can then pay that amount on the flexischools IOU feature. For example, if your bill comes to a total of $6.80 then click onto the IOU icon and select the different denominations to the amount of $ 6.80 (3 x $2 and 4 x .20 c) that amount then is transferred to the tuckshop and your bill is paid. I receive confirmation each time an IOU is paid. It is a fast and simple way to know your bill is paid and as the tuckshop is not accepting money at this time, it is an ideal way to pay.

I have had a few people ask why they cannot find the specific lunch menus whether it be before school, first break, second break and IOU.

If you are using the Flexischools App

  • scroll down to FOOD
  • swipe across to find the appropriate menu
  • click on ORDER for any of the 3 different FOOD selections or click PAY on the IOU section

If you are using the website, the three different food times are at the top, the IOU section is below that and uniforms is below that.

Getting online is easy and only takes a few minutes to register. Simply go to the link below and click “Register Now”. You will be sent an email with further instructions on how to complete the registration. Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. If you have any questions, Flexischools provide a great help desk on 1300 361 769, or you can contact them via their website, there is also a highly informative help section on their website. At the current time, their phone lines are not in operation, you can find email contact information on their website.


Please feel free to contact me if you have any issues with tuckshop or would like to come and volunteer. There is no need to stay the whole day, a couple of hours at the most is normally only what is needed. The tuckshop can only provide lunches to children if volunteers help. Many hands make light work.

Have you seen our official P&C Facebook page yet? If not, please search Edens Landing State School P&C Association and click the like button. Important information regarding the Tuckshop will be posted on our P&C page, so have a look to like and follow our page.


Annette Honnery
Tuckshop Convenor
3805 7999

Uniform shop News

The uniform shop will not be open as per normal for term 3, this is due to parents not being permitted onsite during the term (as stated in the school newsletter). What has been done to help during this unusual situation is we have added an additional ordering day. Uniform shop Flexischools orders will now be available for term 3 on the regular day of Thursday and the new day of Tuesday.

This will allow parents to be able to order over 2 days in term 3 and the orders will be delivered to your child in their classrooms on the selected days during middle session.

OPEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, Please email uniform_shop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au or contact the school office on Phone: 3826 0333.

If you are a new family or need new sizing for your child, you are able to email the uniform shop to make an appointment to come and try on and purchase uniforms.

(Eftpos only as there is no cash accepted onsite again in term 3).

Any other questions can be emailed to the uniform shop and will be answered as soon as possible. uniform_shop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au

Make sure you like our P&C Association Facebook Page for any updates as they will be shared on our Facebook page.

Getting online is easy and only takes a few minutes to register. Simply go to the link below and click “Register Now”. You will be sent an email with further instructions on how to complete the registration. Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. If you have any questions, FlexiSchools provide a great help desk on 1300 361 769 (unavailable at the moment so please email them), or you can contact them via their website. There are a variety of payment options supported, including Visa, MasterCard (credit and debit) and Bank Transfer. The system operates via a pre-paid account.

FlexiSchools has a cut off time of:

Monday 4:00pm for Tuesday orders each week,


Wednesday 4:00pm for Thursday orders each week.

*If you have any uniforms your children have outgrown but that are still in good condition you can donate them to the Uniform Shop.

Thank you.

Outside School HOURS CARE- OSHC

The governments free child care scheme has ended. Fees will now be payable via Direct Debit or Bpay, all accounts will be charged for the current week plus 1 week in advance. If you have any questions in regards to this please contact the service directly. Fees must be paid in week one of care or care will be suspended until payment is received.

My Family Lounge app is back online

Please Log in on a computer/laptop and request your bookings for Term 3. Current Bookings remain until the end of the year.

Permanent bookings will need to be requested via your online account.

Please use the app to book casual places, Mark as absent

And make any cancellations.


To enrol your child please email the service ael@ymcabrisbane.org

Or follow the OSHC links to register on the YMCA Website


Important Messages

Reminder to parents and families regarding parking.

Parking is NOT permitted in the top administration car park or in the staff car park at any time.

Outside School HOURS CARE- OSHC

Opening times:

Monday to Friday

Before school: 6am – 9am
After school: 2.30pm -6pm

Pay as little as $3.50 per session after ccs

YMCA Edens Landing OSHC

P: 07 3805 1233
M: 0459 899 887


Important Dates to Remember

14 August -Friday

Logan Show Holiday- Public Holiday

17 August

P&C Meeting 6.15pm Staff room

27 August

Junior Sports Day, Prep, Year 1 & Year 2

28 August

Senior Sports Day , Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6

2&3 September

Yr 5 Camp - Runaway Bay Sports and Excellence Centre-Payment due 14 August

4 September

Student Free Day- No students required at school.

9-11 September

Yr 6 Camp - Runaway Bay Sports and Excellence Centre- Payment due 21 August

Attach school calendar.pdf

Contact Details

  • Have your contact details changed?
  • Have you moved address?
  • Do we have your current phone number in case of an emergency?
  • Are your emergency contacts still current?
  • Are you receiving our newsletters by email?
  • Do we have your current email address?


Phone 3826 0333 or Email office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au






Community News