Edens Landing State School
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Jamie Nicolson Ave
Edens Landing QLD 4207
Subscribe: https://edenslss.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe

Email: office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
Phone: 07 3826 0333
Fax: 07 3826 0300

1 November 2019

Newsletter Articles

ELSS staff acknowledge and pay respect to the Traditional Owners and ongoing custodians of the lands on which our school is built and where learning takes place. We pay our respects to Elders, past, present & emerging and recognise their continuing connection to Country and ways of learning over thousands of years.

Term 4 - Assembly will now be changed to 2.15pm on Fridays

Principal’s News

Hi ELSS families and community,


Planning is well underway for 2020. It is at this time of the year that families are advising that they are moving away from the area and a change of school is necessary. If you are planning to leave our school for the 2020 school year, I ask that you advise the office in writing as soon as possible and complete our leaving form. I can’t emphasise enough how important this information is to us to avoid the changing of student classes after school starts. If you know a family that is leaving please ask them to notify the office.


Our school attendance is still a point of focus for our leadership team and teachers. I am a little disappointed that our end of term 3 attendance has not been as strong. I have taken into consideration that illness was a contributing factor; however, unexplained absences and other reasons were higher than previous terms. The impact on student learning is well known however, the impact on the learning of the rest of the class is affected, as teachers need to support students to catch up on work missed. Let’s work through this challenge together.

Staff news

I am pleased to congratulate three amazing teachers who have been appointed as a permanent teacher here at Edens Landing SS.

Miss Ambrose, Mrs McAulay and Miss Van Dijk.

Great teachers for EVERY student succeeding at ELSS. Our community can feel appreciative that we have fantastic staff teacher our children.

EVERY student succeeding with our changes-

WARNING BELL- With 5 minutes to go at each break, a warning bell will sound for students to go to the toilet, get a drink then line up for learning.

MAXIMISE LEARNING- From 8.50am-11am EVERYDAY is uninterrupted learning time. Learning starts every day at 8.50am, so don’t be late!!

ASSEMBLY change- to maximize learning, we have moved the Friday assembly to 2.15pm.

Thanks for supporting- EVERY student succeeding.

Learning at ELSS-

The picture below was taken during my time in a year 1 class. It demonstrates the different learning environments in our rooms, different technologies, wall space as learning visuals and positive relationships.

The family steps to success:

Had breakfast - On time - Ready to learn - In uniform - Healthy food

Our 2019 priority is still-

The Edens Landing Way- A growth mindset for EVERY student succeeding

The strategies remain-

Alignment (consistency of a ELSS Way) - Growth Mindset (learning/demonstrating) - PBL (school wide reset) - Staff (development/getting BETTER) - Teams (cohort/groups working with others) and Literacy (English-planning/moderation/support/teaching)

School events-

Fire visit, Puppet show, Day for Daniel walk (photo below), World Teachers day, Science immersion, Surf lifesaving visit, Gala sport

Mr Curran

Deputy Principal’s News

The Dinosaurs have Hatched at last!!

The long wait for the mysterious eggs to hatch is over, and now we have baby dinosaurs!

For the past few weeks the prep children have been looking after some special eggs that appeared one weekend in their classrooms. Cracks appeared and the children eagerly awaited to see what was inside and just this week the baby dinosaurs broke through. Some of the dinosaurs got a little excited and made a bit of a mess in the classrooms and the children had to create safe enclosures for the new classmates to stay in.

The prep children are now writing descriptions about the dinosaurs, including labelling a diagram of all their attributes.

It’s wonderful to be part of a school where the teachers INSPIRE children in such a creative way.

Prep Play date for 2020!

Please book for the upcoming prep playdate


Anthea Grant
Deputy Principal

Deputy Principal’s News


On the original letter sent home about Gala Sports Days, it was indicated that students are required to bring a packed lunch and water each week. Over the last few weeks, there has been an increasing number of students purchasing food from venue canteens which does not meet our School’s Healthy Choices Policies. Please ensure that your child has a packed lunch and water for all subsequent Gala Days as students will no longer be permitted to purchase items from the canteen.

Additionally, some parents are purchasing slushies and other items from local shops and bringing this food to students attending Gala Sports Days. In some cases parents are also sharing food with other students. We ask that parents come and enjoy watching their children play and to respect our school polices and not bring these types of foods to Gala Sports Days.

Thank you for your support in this matter.


Organisation for Graduation 2019 is well underway. Notes have gone home soon informing parents of the arrangements for graduation on the 9th December. This year we will once again be holding the event at the school to reduce the cost to parents and giving our graduating students the opportunity to have a short ‘disco’ after the ceremony. Please make sure payments are made by the due date to ensure to ensure no-one misses out on their big night.


As is our Tradition, our Year 6 students will be having their “Big Day Out” on Wednesday the 11th of December. This year we will be heading to Movie World. This is an exciting day and one that will create many memories for our senior students. Please fill out the permission forms which have been sent home and utilise the payment options indicated to ensure your child’s place on the day. If you do not have the note, please contact the office to get a copy.

We have had a small number of parents asking about transporting their children on the day. We ask that any parent who is able to transport extra students on the day, please contact your child’s teacher so we can help facilitate every child attending.

Please be reminded that all school excursions have expectations around student behaviour. The big day out is a very busy day where students are able to socialise with their peers. Students who are not able to manage their behaviour appropriately may require parent support to attend on the day.


Senior badge selections is continuing, with many students already successful. The second part of the leadership process is now underway with students who have been successful in gaining a senior badge being eligible to apply for captains and school leader positions. The school has a process for selection of school leaders. It is important that families support school decisions as they are being made. At Edens Landing State School we see all Year 6 students as leaders, even if they do not hold an official positon. This is way all students will have ongoing opportunities to gain the senior badge. Whilst this means some students will not be eligible to apply for official positions, this is the process and we ask that families support the school as we go through the remainder of the leadership selections.


Please be reminded that notes have gone home offering Year 5 students the opportunity to purchase a seniors’ shirt, so they are ready for them to wear from day one of Year 6, 2020.

Sizes of the shirts are similar to the current (new stock) uniform sizes. If your child is wearing a uniform from a previous batch, the sizes may vary. A sample of each size is available for fitting purposes from the office. The cost for each shirt is $36. Please allow a little extra room for growth throughout next year as we cannot exchange sizes once ordered from the supplier.

PLEASE NOTE: This is the only opportunity to purchase a senior shirt for 2020.

If you are unsure of the correct size, send the payment and order form to the office and your child can try on the shirts and select the appropriate size on the order form. There will be no extension to the payment deadline, all payments and forms to be returned to the office by Friday 8th November 2019 so we can ensure early delivery next year.

Yours in Education

Cheryl Gibson

Office News


Information regarding next years student resource scheme has gone home to families. If you did not receive an email regarding next years Student Resource Scheme please contact the office.

Statements for outstanding fees has been emailed.

Please note final payment due date for STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME was 26 July 2019

Please finalise SRS payments now unless Centrepay deductions are in place. Students with outstanding amounts may be excluded from participation in excursions until full payment has been received.


It is a Department of Education requirement that all contractors, visitors and volunteers working in any school must complete the annual Mandatory Training program. ALL contractors, visitors and volunteers entering the school must complete the Mandatory Training program.

Payment Window.

You can now pay for your student's activities or excursions via cash or EFT at Window 1 at the office between 8.15 and 10.30am WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY mornings. Cash WILL NOT be accepted outside of these hours.

Bpoint payments and bank transfers close 3 days before the cash due date listed on the activity information.

PLEASE NOTE that NO PAYMENTS made after 10.30am on the last payment date will... be accepted.

The Department of Education’s preferred method of payment to schools is Bpoint.

Upon the return of a completed Student Resource Scheme Participation Agreement and invoice will be provided for BPoint payment to be made.

Payments can still be made via Internet Banking without the invoice

Schools Bank Account Name:

Edens Landing State School

BSB Number:


Account Number:


Description of Payment:

Enter Students surname, initial of first name &SRS

Centre pay:

Deduction application can be completed via MyGov website. Please ensure the target amount is the full balance amount.

Centerpay Service Provider Number


Report Student Absences

Text message your childs absence to 0429 904 926

Text first and last name of your child, date, duration and reason of absence.

In the event that your child will be absent from school please call the student absence line on 3826 0360 to leave a message. Alternatively you may also use the absence email - absences@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au or Text to 0429 904 926. Please record your child's name, class, date of absence/s and reason for absence.

Late Arrivals

Students who arrive to school after 9:00am must report to the office windows for a late slip prior to going to class.


When your student is involved in an excursion or activity at school which requires payment an invoice is issued by our system. Some families currently receive their invoices via email which not only helps to alleviate the amount of paper used but also provides all the required information for our preferred payment method BPoint.

The invoices will be sent directly to parents’ emails, we are asking that you ensure your details are current and that you have active email addresses listed at school on your child’s file. Payment of these invoices is only required if you wish for your child to attend the excursion/activity.


PHONE: 1300 631 073

To access the QLD State School Card Payment System. Use the CRN and Invoice number located on your invoice.

Or Visit


Biller Code: 1002534 (Department of Education and Training)

*CRN and Invoice number can be found on your invoice Or by contacting the office on 3826 0333

*Please note: Due to changes in departmental handling of credit card payments we are no longer able to take credit card payments over the phone at school*

Change of Details

Please email the school on office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au stating your child’s name and class to confirm your email address and if applicable advise of any contact details that may have changed, to ensure we are able to contact you in an emergency.

Thank you for your continued support

Charmaine Johnson
Business Manager

Positive Behaviour for Learning

Positive Behaviour for Learning

Each week, teachers explicitly teach the Rule of the Week through an inquiry cycle, which involves modelling, practicing, prompting, monitoring and reinforcing expected behaviours across various school environments. These lessons focus on specific aspects of our school expectations, stemming from, “As a learner, I am safe, I am respectful and I am responsible”.

Rule of the Week

For weeks 3 and 4 students have been learning and practicing the skills to follow the rule of: ‘I am safe when I play on the oval’ and ‘I am respectful when I play on the oval’. These lessons focus on the importance of:

  • keeping their hands, feet and objects to themselves
  • wearing a sun safe hat correctly
  • playing in sight of supervising teachers
  • playing school-appropriate games
  • solving conflicts using the strategy of ‘Talk, Walk, Report’
  • establishing and following game rules
  • asking to borrow equipment and returning it when finished
  • using equipment for its intended purpose

Although these skills are especially important in the playground, they are necessary skills for all children to master and use in their daily lives. All staff will be looking for students following these rules to give GOTCHAS as positive reinforcement.

PE News

School Swimming

This program is offered to students in grades 1 and 2 and will run for 2 weeks. The first lesson will commence on Monday 25 November and conclude on Friday 6 December. If you’re able to assist with supervision, please let your child’s classroom teacher know.

Payment and permission forms are due 20 November.

Interschool Sport

Over the last couple of weeks, our grades five and six grades have been competing at Interschool Sport. There have some outstanding results from our softball and touch teams. With only two weeks left, the Senior A Softball team are still undefeated and the Junior A Touch Team are a couple of wins away from the finals. We wish all teams competing the the best of luck.


Our school is very conscious of the need and importance of sun safety and has established a clear expectation that all students wear a school hat as part of the school uniform requirements. This is especially important during Physical Education (PE) lessons as students are participating in activities that require them to be outside and in the sun. Please ensure your child has a hat to participate in lessons.

Yours in sport
Ken O’Donnell

Music News

Some exciting dates and opportunities arise as we near the halfway point of term 4. The students are looking forward to events such as the end of year music concert (3rd December), choir performance at Beenleigh Mall (28th November), jam program concert (10th December), and Carols by torchlight (currently scheduled for 6th December). Please be on the lookout for notes and forms with information, as dates and times are subject to change.

Expression of interest forms for the 2020 jam program have been handed to all year 4 and 5 students. Please return these as soon as possible. As there is high demand for this program, please be aware that no places can be guaranteed.

Chappy News

Hi Everyone,

Yours truly, may or may not be aware that the federal government covers the cost of 1.4 days a week to have a school chaplain in our schools. The shortfall is raised by our chaplains through fundraising. Therefore through the year we are organising and running various fundraising functions and events. I work together with the other chaplains in the Beenleigh Cluster, and we share the events and the funds.

On the 18th of October we ran a Trivia Night Fundraiser at the Beenleigh Artisan Distillery. On the night we had prizes for the best dressed table and participants were able to choose their own theme. The Edens Landing team really did a fabulous with two table, one Pirate themed and the other Outlaws. Our pirates table went away with the title of best dressed table.

Everyone looked like they had a fabulous night, with the trivia winners being Windaroo Pink Ladies. We were able to raise around $2800 on the night. Thank you to all that attended the night.

P&C News


P&C Meetings

18 November, 6pm
805 7999

The P&C are needing donations for the up and coming Christmas Carols for raffle prizes. Please email pandc@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au if you have a business which can donate.

Uniform News

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop is open on Thursday mornings 8:15 am to 9:15 am during the school terms and is located inside the hall between the Tuckshop and Volunteers Room.


Term 4

Prep students 2020 only, are able to visit and purchase or try on uniforms on the 27th November & 28th November 2019 from 10am – 11am only once finished with the prep mornings.

Special End of Term hours are on Thursday the 5th of December & Thursday the 12th of December 8:15am-10:15am.

2020 School Holidays Open Day

School Holiday Open Day is Thursday the 24th of January 2020 from 9:00am-12:00pm then 1:00pm-4:00pm only.

(Flexischool orders made over the holidays will be ready to pick up on this day.)

Term 1 2020:

Week 1: Back 2 School 2020 open Tuesday the 28th January 8:15am-10:15am and Thursday the 30th January 8:15am-10:15am (ONLY)

Week 2: Is back to normal hours Thursday only 8:15am -9:15am each week for the rest of the term. If we have any extra hours they will be advertised on our P&C Facebook page and in the Newsletter when possible.

**New students or if you’re not sure of a class please pick a year level and then send an email stating you’re not sure or that your new to the school and we can sort out the pick-up of your order.

Items in/out of stock: There is a sign near the Uniform Shop to let you know what’s in and out of stock. All Sports Shirts are low or out of stock in all sizes.

Sport Shirts: Sports Shirts are limited to 1 per child and have been asked to be warn only on the day that the child/children have PE sports. This is due to the sports shirts not being our everyday polo shirt to wear.

Sports shirt are not being ordered and we are unsure if we will be placing an order in the future.

For more information please contact the Uniform Shop: uniform_shop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au

Make sure you like our P&C Association Facebook Page:

If we have any extra open days or we aren’t open one Thursday or if items are out of stock it will be posted on the Facebook page.


For those who cannot make it in during trading hours you can order by FlexiSchools.

Getting online is easy and only takes a few minutes to register. Simply go to the link below and click “Register Now”. You will be sent an email with further instructions on how to complete the registration. Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. If you have any questions, FlexiSchools provide a great help desk on 1300 361 769, or you can contact them via their website.


There are a variety of payment options supported, including Visa, MasterCard (credit and debit) and Bank Transfer. The system operates via a pre-paid account. FlexiSchools has a cut off time of 4.00pm Wednesday it’s the day before the Uniform Shop is open.

Pick up is between 8:15am - 9:15am Thursdays or will be delivered to your child’s class from 9:15am – 9:30am Thursdays. The system is now available, so we look forward to seeing your next order online!

If you have any uniforms your children have outgrown but that are still in good condition you can donate them to the Uniform Shop.

Outside School HOURS CARE- OSHC

Opening times:

Monday to Friday

Before school: 6am – 9am
After school: 2.30pm -6pm

Pay as little as $3.50 per session after ccs

YMCA Edens Landing OSHC

P: 07 3805 1233
M: 0459 899 887

Important Dates to Remember


Student Resource Scheme Final Payment , except for Centrepay

8 Oct – 13 Dec

Term 4

1 November

Inter school sports round 4, nominated Yr5 & Yr6 students

8 November

Inter school sports round 5, nominated Yr5 & Yr6 students

25 November

Swimming lessons Yr 1 & Yr2- 2weeks payment due 20 November

26 November

1 Day Leadership camp-Runaway Bay Sport & Leadership Excellence Centre

5 December

Uniform Shop open 8.15am -10.15am

6 December

Christmas Carols

9 December

Year 6 Graduation

11 December

Year 6 Big Day Out- Movie World payment due 22 November

12 December

Uniform Shop Open 8.15am-10.15am

24 January

Uniform Shop open 9am-12pm, 1.00pm- 4pm EXTENDED HOURS

28 January

Uniform Shop 8.15am-10.15am,

30 January

Uniform Shop 8.15am- 10.15am

Visit the ELSS website for all calendar events:


Contact Details

  • Have your contact details changed?
  • Have you moved address?
  • Do we have your current phone number in case of an emergency?
  • Are your emergency contacts still current?
  • Are you receiving our newsletters by email?
  • Do we have your current email address?


Phone 3826 0333 or Email office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au






Community News

The swimming season is upon us!

As the weather warms-up and we start to use to the backyard swimming pool to have a splash with the kids. It is the perfect time to make sure your pool fence is safe and compliant with the pool safety laws.

Home swimming pools can offer a welcome relief from Queensland’s heat, but they can also be a potential risk of drowning for young children.

For further information on pool safety and the requirements go to the Logan City Council website search bar and type in swimming pools or go to the link below.


To make sure your pool fence measures up, please complete the pool safety checklist by going to the QBCC website Pool Safety page or go to the link below.
