Edens Landing State School
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Jamie Nicolson Ave
Edens Landing QLD 4207
Subscribe: https://edenslss.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe

Email: office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
Phone: 07 3826 0333
Fax: 07 3826 0300

4 June 2019

Newsletter Articles

Principal’s News

Hi families,

We are in this together!!

A reminder to everyone involved with a child’s development that we are all role models. Everything we do and say is being digested by the young (and not-so-young) people watching and learning. You all at home are the “supermodels” to these impressionable people. Spare a thought about the messages you are sending as our team within the school gates are doing the same. We are in this together!!

School hours

Your child safety is our priority so please consider your child drop off times at the school. There is NO supervision before 8.30am onsite, if you arrive before this time I encourage you to engage with YMCA who are the Outside School Hours Care service onsite. From 8.30am, teachers on duty will take students to designated play areas from the hall. 8.45am a bell is rung to signal students to line up at their classroom. 8.50am learning classes begin. Students are not to be dropped at school/ or walk to school arriving before these times. Our priority is your child’s safety.


The importance of children reading for pleasure should not be underestimated. Any reading material that a child enjoys interacting with is great. Reading in your home language is just as important as reading in English.

Student learning

I am passionate about student growth and love to interact with students about their learning. When students retell what they have learnt, it further embeds their knowledge. Instead of asking- “how was your day?” consider questions like- “what made you happy today and why?”, “what did you struggle with learning today?” and “what learning was interesting today?”


V.I.P MorningTea - we say THANK YOU!

Volunteers from around our school including the classroom, weeding the garden, making the toast at breakfast club, R.I teachers, banking, tuckshop (some couldn’t join us as they were making lunches) and our P&C enjoyed a morning tea on Friday.

Special thanks goes to Karina Murray for the beautiful invitations and setting up, our very own Chef Chris Jones for the yummy scones and the staff who baked for the morning tea.

National Volunteer Week started on Monday 20 May and it was a pleasure to spend some time with a group of hard working volunteers and P&C members last Friday at Volunteer day. We appreciate the work you do for the benefit of our students. If you haven’t been involved in the past, it’s not too late to start. Please contact the school to find out how you can engage in your child’s learning or get involved with our P&C or the tuckshop.

Reconciliation Parade and Indigenous Culture club afternoon tea - -

On the 26th May each year, we have the National Sorry Day during which we remember the past policies of forced child removal, and reflect on the sad and painful history of the stolen generations. On this day we recognize moments if resilience, healing and the power of saying sorry. ELSS conducted lessons around reconciliation, held a whole school parade and finished the day with the indigenous culture club planting native “bush tucker” plants around the Yarning circle.

Edens Landing State School proudly walks together with all indigenous Australians and pay respect to the Traditional custodians of the land, and their elders past, present and emerging. We extend that respect to all other indigenous Australians. We recognize their strength, resilience, wisdom and role in caring for and maintaining Country over thousands of years.

CHAPPY WEEK: 19-26 May

Our very own Chappy Tricia is a gem, we are very thankful for her work with a staff and students.

ELSS thanks Tricia for the tremendous work she does by providing a safe, positive influence for our children.


Our schools ARD- Russell Simpson, visited the school this week and commented on the hard work from the school driving a culture that promotes learning. This is a just reward for the professionalism for staff every day for your children

Together, let’s ensure that EVERY student succeeds.


Clint Curran
Acting Principal

Deputy Principal’s News


Last weekend saw our 4 x 15km and 4 x 30km Kokoda teams and their leaders participate in the Kokoda Challenge Day. It took place at Brookfield, with students assembling at ELSS at approx. 5:45am before heading over to the event. This was a huge day for the teams and I am sure you joined me in wishing them fine weather and happy hiking for the day. Mrs Alterator usually joins the teams hiking as the leader for the 15km teams. Due to her broken arm, Mrs Alterator didnt hiking this year. She did however, raise a large team of ELSS supporters who joined her at the start and finish line to cheer on our teams.

It was lovely to see our ‘Kokoda Kids’ wearing their team shirts on Wednesday being supported and encouraged by their peers. We are all very proud of their effort and the huge effort of the staff and parents who make the event possible.

If you think you might want to have a go at Kokoda but are unsure of the hikes, please join us for the social hikes which take place in Term 3 & 4. These are a good way to get the feel for the degree of fitness needed for the event and to chat with some of the people who have already done it. Each year we have grown our program and are always looking for new members for our teams.


Please remember that Friday the 21 June is the date for our Annual Bush Dance. The mounted Police have once again agreed to come and help us on the night and Luke and Jade (our local Police Beat) will also be coming. They attended our first Bush Dance and were a huge hit with children and adults alike. Students and staff are excited to perform their dances and the Ran Tan Bush Band are returning once again. Stalls, entertainment, food and activities for the whole family promise to keep us all busy on the night. Entry will be a gold coin donation as was the case last year, all proceeds going towards our Kitchen Garden Project.

A huge THANK YOU to the very generous families who have already started to send in donations. Your support will ensure the night will be a very successful one.

URGENT: We desperately need items our jar stall. Some families are having trouble finding jars, zip lock bags are a great alternative. So please send in your jars or bags filled with goodies for this stall. Suggestions: Lollies, coloured popcorn, small cars, hair ties and decorations for girls, marbles, toy animals, vouchers, small toys. Items can be left at Mrs. Gibson’s office. If you do not have a jar/bag, just send in the items and we will put them in jars for you.

The Student Council are still needing chocolate bars for the Lob-A-Choc stall. Please send any size chocolate bar/packet/treats to Mrs Gibson’s office.

The Kitchen Garden crew will once again be offering cakes and coffee/tea on the night. The teachers and other staff are always amazing at baking up a storm. Last year we had many families donating baked items which was a much appreciated addition to our stall. Anyone who would like to contribute baked goods is asked to let their child’s classroom teacher know or simply deliver the goods to Mrs Gibson’s office or the Kitchen in the morning on the day.

We are looking forward to seeing all of our families enjoying the Bush Dance and joining in the fun.

Date to remember: Family Fun Day- Celebration of Learning Friday 28 June.

Yours in Education

Cheryl Gibson

Deputy Principal’s News

Enrol for Prep 2020

If your child is born between 1 July2014 - 30June 2015 please complete an “Intention to Enrol” at the school administration office as soon as possible as we are arranging interviews and play dates starting SOON.

From the classrooms

Prep children have been retelling wonderful stories such as “who Sank the Boat” and “Mrs Wishy Washy”. The children in year 1 have been writing stories with a beginning, middle and ending. I got to read some fantastic versions of Edward the Emu and his life at the zoo! Finally the year 2’s have been examining the characters from different versions of fairy tales – including Red Riding Hood and The 3 Little Pigs.

It is amazing to watch the children’s skills and abilities grow throughout these years, it seems like such a struggle sometimes to get them to write a sentence with a capital letter and a full stop, next minute they are writing pages of their own creations!

Our garden is looking very colourful with the sunflowers in bloom - attracting those very important bees! A big thank- you to Chef and the helpers, from Southern Cross Care who maintain our wonderful garden space.

Pirate Day Friday

By donning an eye patch and making a donation, every Australian can make a serious difference.

Dress like a Pirate is this Friday 7th June in support of childhood brain cancer research. It’s great to have a bit of fun to fundraise despite the serious nature of kids cancer. Students are to dress in comfortable clothing and footwear or bring uniform to school to change into later that day.

Many people aren’t aware that the causes of childhood cancer are unknown, that there is no prevention and that research is the only way to improve treatments and survival. As with other tumours in kids and adults, surgery is the primary treatment, usually followed by radiation treatment and/ or chemotherapy.

Bring a gold coin donation on Friday and help raise money and awareness for research into the treatment and cure of childhood brain cancer. Student council will go to each classroom after parade and collect money donated by students and families, or cash donations can be handed to the office ladies.

Office News

Please note final payment due date for STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME is 26 July 2019


It is a Department of Education requirement that all contractors, visitors and volunteers working in any school must complete the annual Mandatory Training program. ALL contractors, visitors and volunteers entering the school must complete the Mandatory Training program.

Payment Window.

You can now pay for your student's activities or excursions via cash or EFT at Window 1 at the office between 8.15 and 10.30am WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY mornings. Cash WILL NOT be accepted outside of these hours.

Bpoint payments and bank transfers close 3 days before the cash due date listed on the activity information.

PLEASE NOTE that NO PAYMENTS made after 10.30am on the last payment date will... be accepted.

The Department of Education’s preferred method of payment to schools is Bpoint.

Upon the return of a completed Student Resource Scheme Participation Agreement and invoice will be provided for BPoint payment to be made.

Payments can still be made via Internet Banking without the invoice

Schools Bank Account Name:

Edens Landing State School

BSB Number :


Account Number :


Description of Payment :Enter Students surname, initial of first name &SRS

Centre pay : Deduction application can be completed via MyGov website. Please ensure the target amount is the full balance amount.

Centerpay Service Provider Number

Report Student Absences

Text message your childs absence to 0429 904 926

Text first and last name of your child, date, duration and reason of absence.

In the event that your child will be absent from school please call the student absence line on 3826 0360 to leave a message. Alternatively you may also use the absence email - absences@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au or Text to 0429 904 926. Please record your child's name, class, date of absence/s and reason for absence.

Late Arrivals

Students who arrive to school after 9:00am must report to the office windows for a late slip prior to going to class.


When your student is involved in an excursion or activity at school which requires payment an invoice is issued by our system. Some families currently receive their invoices via email which not only helps to alleviate the amount of paper used but also provides all the required information for our preferred payment method BPoint.

The invoices will be sent directly to parents’ emails, we are asking that you ensure your details are current and that you have active email addresses listed at school on your child’s file. Payment of these invoices is only required if you wish for your child to attend the excursion/activity.


PHONE: 1300 631 073

To access the QLD State School Card Payment System. Use the CRN and Invoice number located on your invoice.

Or Visit:


Biller Code: 1002534 (Department of Education and Training)

*CRN and Invoice number can be found on your invoice Or by contacting the office on 3826 0333

*Please note: Due to changes in departmental handling of credit card payments we are no longer able to take credit card payments over the phone at school*

Change of Details

Please email the school on office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au stating your child’s name and class to confirm your email address and if applicable advise of any contact details that may have changed, to ensure we are able to contact you in an emergency.

Thank you for your continued support

Charmaine Johnson
Business Manager

PE News

Junior Sports Day (P-2): 6th September

Running Club

Running club continues this term. Please join us on the senior oval on Mondays at 8.00am to 8.30am.


I can be contacted at kodon30@eq.edu.au should you want to discuss anything regarding Physical Education at Edens Landing.

Yours in Sport

Ken O’Donnell
Physical Education Teacher

Music News

We have some exciting events coming up that will provide our talented students with opportunities to exhibit their skills for parents, carers, families and peers.

Many students involved in the strings program, multi instrumental band and choir will be performing at our end of semester music concert. The event will take place in the Multi Purpose Hall on 11th June at 4:00 pm (week 8).

Our rock band students, who have been participating as part of the Edens Landing jam program, along with the senior percussion band members will be performing on Thursday 20th June from 1:50 pm in the Multi Purpose Hall. The students are excited to perform for their peers and any family members who can come along to join in on this celebration of their learning.

Keeping in Tune

Mr Kazoullis
Awsome Music Teacher

Stefanie Alexander Kitchen Garden News

Chappy News

Hi Everyone,

I want to thank everyone for all the support over Chappy Week it was wonderful to go to McDonalds and see our Edens Landing families there to support our work in the schools. I do not know the amount that was raised as yet the figure usually takes a while to be announced, but just know that we/I appreciate your support.

The morning tea lunch activities have been very popular and we have been having a great time. I have purchased a few more games to be able to accommodate more students but also have to be aware of the numbers and have sometimes had to tell children that we are full and maybe come back next time.

We have been playing, Uno, pick-up-stick, playdough and a barrel of monkeys and I have some Lego and some rubic cubes. Last week we even had a game of Chappy says.

The chic chat group is still running at present with some year 6 girls, there will be an opportunity for more girls to do the program next term. If you would like your daughter to attend this program, which helps to build self-esteem, value and friendship skills please let us know if you would like your daughter to attend next term. You can email me at pquat0@eq.edu.au

In week 8, the 10th to the 14th June I will be away, breakfast club will still be running but parents afternoon tea was scheduled for that Thursday, so unfortunately it will not be on in June.

Tricia Quattromani

P&C News

The next general meeting will be held on Monday the 20th of May 2019 at 6:15pm.


We have started collecting containers to help raise money for our

Kitchen Garden fence.

Collection will be every Friday morning between 8.30am-9am at the front gate. Please place your containers in the bins provided.

Alternatively you can drop your containers off at any collection depot and use our unique code to donate to the school. (C10053177)

Any amount of eligible containers is greatly appreciated. Even a small amount from everyone makes a big difference.

Orders and viewing our School’s leaderboard. You can register for online fundraising. It’s the easiest way to help reach your fundraising goals.

Thank you in advance for your participation. Happy fundraising!

Natasha Edwards
Fundraising coordinator

School Banking day is WEDNESDAYS.

Remember, WEDNESDAY is School Banking day and students should bring in their weekly deposit.

For every deposit made at school, students will receive a silver Dollarmites token. Once students have individually collected 10 tokens they can redeem them for an exclusive School Banking reward item in recognition of their regular savings habits.

School Banking is also a great fundraiser for our school. Our school receives a Regular Savers Contribution of $5 for every 10 deposits processed per student as well as an Annual Contribution which is based on the number of students who made at least one School Banking deposit in the prior year.

If your child has lost their book, they can bring their money to school in a sealed envelope with a note on the next School Banking day. We will issue them with a replacement.

Thank you for supporting the School Banking program at Edens Landing State School. We would also like to thank the wonderful parents who volunteer as our School Banking Co-ordinators and process our banking every week.

If you would like to know more about School Banking, please ask for a 2019 School Banking program information pack from the school office or visit:


Tuckshop News

Tuckshop does not offer EFTPOS, we accept cash only over the counter.

Our school has two lunch breaks during the day are at 11am and 1pm. First break (11am) is the main food break and is for hot food and sandwiches. Second break (1pm) is a snack food time and no hot food or sandwiches are sold for this break.

First break food ordered at tuckshop is collected by classroom monitors and taken to their respective eating areas. Second break is the break when students must come to the tuckshop in person to collect or buy their food. They must come during play time (1pm – 1.25pm) to collect. Tuckshop closes at 1.25pm. If your child forgets to come and pick up their second break, they can come the next day. Second break orders are kept in tuckshop until end of term.

Money and food sharing are not allowed between students at our school. I have seen children giving others money to purchase food and trying to buy for others. Neither of these situations are acceptable within our school. Please talk to your children about keeping their own money for themselves and not to buy items for others. Sharing food from home and food purchased at the tuckshop can be potentially fatal to some students. Please do not send large amounts of money to school with your child. I have had a few children this term coming at second break with very large notes, this is a dangerous practice which can lead to money being lost or stolen.

Please be aware of how much food is ordered for your children with regards to how long their eating break is. Leaving hot and cold food and dairy items in bags or lunchboxes for second break is a dangerous practice that could lead to unwanted health problems.

If your child has forgotten their lunch, the following procedure occurs. The child has their bag checked and if there is no food then they are sent to the office and the office staff will contact parents to approve lunch if tuckshop is what is decided upon. I will then send a yellow note home with the amount owing on it. If you have been contacted by the school when you child is without lunch, please check your child’s bag for this yellow note. Please send payment and the yellow note along with the child the next day.

At the bottom of the menu there is information on how to order tuckshop using the paper bag system. Our preferred method of ordering is Flexischools. Flexischools cut off time is 8am the morning of service, please make sure the orders are completed and confirmed by 8am or they will not be processed on the Flexischools website. If your child is not at school and not needing their Flexischools order on that day, please contact the tuckshop and inform us so I can cancel the order, if you do not make contact and cancel the order with me then your order will stand, and no refund will be given. If there is no answer, please leave a clear message including child’s name and class. If there are any problems with the Flexischools website and ordering system, please contact them directly.

Getting online is easy and only takes a few minutes to register. Simply go to the link below and click “Register Now”. You will be sent an email with further instructions on how to complete the registration. Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. If you have any questions, Flexischools provide a great help desk on 1300 361 769, or you can contact them via their website.


Please feel free to contact me if you have any issues with tuckshop or would like to come and volunteer. There is no need to stay the whole day, a couple of hours at the most is normally only what is needed. The tuckshop can only provide lunches to children if volunteers help. Many hands make light work.

Have you seen our official P&C Facebook page yet? If not, please search Edens Landing State School P&C Association and click the like button. Important information regarding the Tuckshop will be posted on our P&C page, so have a look to like and follow our page.

Annette Honnery
Tuckshop Convenor
3805 7999

Uniform News

The Uniform Shop is open on Thursday mornings 8:15 am to 9:15 am during the school terms and is located inside the old hall between the Tuckshop and Volunteers Room.

Make sure you like our P&C Association Facebook Page:

If we have any extra open days or we aren’t open one Thursday or if items are out of stock it will be posted on the Facebook page.


Currently there is an up to date “Out of Stock and Low in Stock list” on our P&C Association Facebook Page, please make sure you like the page, so you are kept up to date with what is going on in the uniform shop. There is also an “Out of Stock and Low in Stock list” outside the Uniform Shop to be checked at any time and it is updated on Thursdays around 10 am.

For those who cannot make it in during trading hours you can order by FlexiSchools.

Getting online is easy and only takes a few minutes to register. Simply go to the link below and click “Register Now”. You will be sent an email with further instructions on how to complete the registration. Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. If you have any questions, FlexiSchools provide a great help desk on 1300 361 769, or you can contact them via their website, or email the uniform shop at uniform_shop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au


ELSS Jumpers

Jumpers are in stock and ready to order via flexischools or during open hours.

**New students or if you’re not sure of a class please pick a year level and then send an email stating you’re not sure or new and we can sort out the pick-up of your order.

For more information please contact the Uniform Shop:


If you have any uniforms your children have outgrown but that are still in good condition you can donate them to the Uniform Shop.

There are a variety of payment options supported, including Visa, MasterCard (credit and

Outside School HOURS CARE- OSHC

What we’ve been doing:

Children have been playing and learning within all our play spaces that are set up each morning and afternoon. Some of actives that we do are sports, arts and craft and cooking just to name a few.

Every morning children enjoy healthy breakfast and every afternoon children enjoy our healthy afternoon teas that are on offer, which is all part of the experience we have on offer at YMCA.

Join us for:

We are still accepting 2019 enrolment forms! If you haven’t already enrolled into YMCA Edens Landing OSHC come and see us in the Multi-Purpose Hall or pick up a enrolment form from the school office. We welcome both casual and permanent bookings each day for both before and after school care.

Opening times:

Monday to Friday

Before school: 6am – 9am
After school: 2.30pm -6pm

Pay as little as $3.50 per session after ccs

YMCA Edens Landing OSHC

P: 07 3805 1233
M: 0459 899 887


Important Dates to Remember

7 June

Dress Like a Pirate Day- Fundraiser for Children’s Cancer research.

11 June

Music Concert 4pm

11 & 14 June

Beenleigh Zone Athletics

20 June

Jam (rockband) showcase afternoon, 1.50pm Multi Purpose Hall

21 June

Bush Dance

25 June

Star of the school 9.15am

28 June


15 July – 20 Sept

School Resumes- Term 3

26 July

Student Resource Scheme Final Payment Due.

12 August

Logan EKKA Show day- Public Holiday Logan City

30 August

Catch up day school photos- Year 6 cohort

12 & 13 Sept

Year 5 Camp Laurence, Moogerah Payment cut off 14 August 2019

7 October

Public Holiday- Queens Birthday

21 October

Student Free Day

Visit the ELSS website for all calendar events:


Contact Details

  • Have your contact details changed?
  • Have you moved address?
  • Do we have your current phone number in case of an emergency?
  • Are your emergency contacts still current?
  • Are you receiving our newsletters by email?
  • Do we have your current email address?


Phone 3826 0333 or Email office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au




Community News