Edens Landing State School
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Jamie Nicolson Ave
Edens Landing QLD 4207
Subscribe: https://edenslss.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe

Email: office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
Phone: 07 3826 0333
Fax: 07 3826 0300

13 February 2019

Newsletter Articles

Principal’s News

Welcome back to the wonderful families of Edens Landing State School and a special welcome to our new families who are joining us for the first time. Our school community is an extraordinary group of people working together to create opportunities for our children and I feel privileged to be part of such a great community. Thank you to everyone who has stopped to say hello over the past two weeks. I look forward to chatting with each and every one of you over the coming year at my Captain’s Tables, P&C meetings or during one of our celebrations of learning held through the year.

New Staff

This year we have a few new faces and some familiar faces have returned. In Year 5 we have Ms. Maria Cameron joining us while in Year 4 we have Ms. Ashley Van Dijk returning after spending some time in year 6 last year. Ms Jody McAulay has joined the Year 2 team and Ms Lilly Cartwright started this year in the Year 1 team. We also have Mrs Sarah Hibberd join us in the Year 2 team partnering with Ms Massingham.

At the end of last year, our Guidance Officer Mrs Jenny Schaffer left and we are very lucky to have Mrs Wendy Williams with us this year. We also have Dr Beth Talby and Mr Tim Tucker teaching Auslan across the Year 4-6 classes.

I am sure you join me in welcoming them to our Edens Landing community. Please make them feel welcome by saying hello if you see them.

Sports Shirts

After conversations with the P&C at the end of last year, it has been decided that sports shirts are only to be worn on the day students have PE or on days such as sports carnivals. Our day uniform is a teal T-Shirt with navy shorts or skirt. It is important that students wear this uniform on all other days especially on school photo days or other days of celebration. We have a unique uniform that really stands out from other schools; please help us build pride in our school by ensuring all students wear their uniform.


As most of you are aware, we have been very lucky to have the opportunity to have Auslan as our additional language this year. The shift away from Japanese came about when Mrs Kure told me that she would be taking 12 months leave in 2019. Unfortunately, we had very little notice of her leaving and, as a result, we were not able to secure a teacher to continue with Japanese at our school this year. This being the case we decided to embrace a new opportunity to provide something very special for our school community.

Auslan (Australian Sign Language) is the language of the Deaf community of Australia and is descended from British Sign Language (BSL). Auslan and other signed languages around the world are fully-fledged languages that are visual-gestural in nature. They have a complete set of linguistic structures and have their own grammar and lexicon.

Having this dual-pathway national curriculum for Auslan is groundbreaking. It provides benefits for both deaf and hearing students and rightfully acknowledging the place of Auslan and the culture of the Deaf community in Australian society.

If you are interested in more information about this initiative, please contact me.


You will see further on in the newsletter a message from Senior Constable Luke TURNER. In addition to his message, I want to remind parents of the school expectations around parking. The staff carpark is for staff only. Parents frequently park in the staff carpark to drop children at YMCA before school. While I understand that it is closer, this practice is having a domino effect on staff trying to park to start work. I ask that parents do not park in the staff car park down the bottom of the hill or the staff car park near the office. I am working closely with the Council and local Police to ensure the best possible outcome around this ongoing issue. I will keep you updated with progress as it is made.

Student Resource Scheme (SRS)

Thank you to the many families who are participating in this scheme. Thank you also for your patience as we iron out the inevitable glitches, which come with any new process. If you have not yet purchased your child’s resources, please contact the office as soon as possible, so your child can get their pack. If you ae finding it difficult to pay with the extra expenses families have at back to school time, please contact Charmaine our Business Manager of myself so we can discuss working with you to ensure your child’s participation.

Principal’s Tours

Every Friday, straight after Parade, I run Principal’s Tours. This has been a great opportunity for me to meet families and discuss with them first-hand the vision and values of our school. There are so many amazing things happening within our school that it is the highlight of my week telling people all about our school. All community members are welcome to attend, even if you have children already at our school. Please feel free to join me and please let anyone you know, who is currently looking for a school, to come and join one of my tours.

Gail Quigley

Deputy Principal’s News

Welcome to our new families and welcome back to our returning families to another wonderful year at Edens landing State School. I hope you all had a fun filled holiday break. Edens Landing State School focuses on building better learning environments for all students through innovative and exciting curriculum and actively teaching our students appropriate behaviour that allows them to get their needs met in efficient and socially acceptable ways, as well as rewarding students for demonstrating appropriate behaviour. We achieve this through our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) program.

To reward the students who display appropriate behaviour, and to encourage students to strive to be the best they can be we have a school wide rewards system.

Our rewards system is based on a series of ‘collector card’ style “GOTCHAS” which students can collect to build a whole set. Once a whole set has been collected students will get their photo displayed on the ‘Wall of Fame’ in the foyer of the office block. Additionally, students will work towards individual goals to gain access to a variety of exciting experiences of their choice, which students and teachers negotiate together. Attendance is not a component of this system, however, the more students are at school the more opportunities they will have to receive a GOTCHA.


Thank you to our amazing families who have sent their children to school, in full school uniform. It has been pleasing to see our students returning to school wearing their school uniform with pride. For those who are not sure of school expectations it is outlined below.

Girls: Shorts, skirt or skorts in navy blue. School shirt. Black school shoes with short white socks.

Boys: Shorts in navy blue. Black school shoes with short white socks.

All students: If hair touches the collar, students are to tie their hair up. All fringes must be out of eyes (trimmed or pinned). Ribbons, headbands and bows/hair ties are to be school appropriate and in school colours. Jo-Jo bows (or other large items) are not part of our school uniform, even if they are in the school colours.

Watches, stud or sleeper earrings and medical alert items are the only permissible jewellery. Culturally significant pieces permitted where appropriate.

Hats must be worn for all outside activities. Our school hat is reversible so can be worn for sports days and competitions. If a school-hat is not purchased from the uniform shop, a navy blue wide brimmed hat is required. Caps are not sun-safe so are not appropriate for school use.

Before School

ELSS actively encourages students to arrive at school at 8:30am. This gives students time to catch up with friends, organise tuckshop orders, go to the toilet, play in the allocated spaces from 8:30am and be ready to enter classrooms when the bell goes. If students arrive at school before 8:30am they must go directly to the old hall and be seated. Parents who need to drop their children earlier should consider using our onsite before and after school care, which is run by YMCA. Applications are available from the school office.


Literacy is one of the most important foundations for success in school and life. At ELSS we believe that the best way to equip children for their future is by helping them build solid language and literacy skills. To support this, Homework at ELSS will consist of reading daily for at least 10 minutes with an adult or older sibling where possible. Please record everything your child reads on the recording sheet.

To encourage and celebrate students reading, the Leadership Team at ELSS reward students who reach the goal of reading EVERY NIGHT with a book prize from the school.

About Year 6 2019

Year 6 is a very exciting year for students, with lots of special opportunities available to them. School Leaders were announced last year, with our badge ceremony being held on assembly early this term.

Seniors received their senior shirts last week and look wonderful wearing them with pride. If you missed ordering a shirt last year and would still like to purchase one, please contact me.

A new project consent form will be home soon. All year 6 students must return this form as they are a legal requirement for some of the events in Year 6. If your child has not handed you this form, please pick one up from the office. Students without this form will not be included in the yearbook or graduation presentations.

Camp forms have also gone home this week. If you want your child to attend but find the lump sum payment difficult, please contact the office to arrange a payment plan. This payment plan must be in place before the due date for payment.

About Year 5 2019

Once again, year 5 have the chance to attend camp next term. This camp is part of our program to encourage leadership skills in our students, and is one of the opportunities teachers will use to assess potential leaders for year 6 2020. It is a short camp, which focusses on the skills good leaders require and on personal resilience and growth. We encourage all students to attend this camp as it covers a great deal of year 5 curriculum. If you want your child to attend but find the lump sum payment difficult, please contact the office to arrange a payment plan. This payment plan must be in place before the due date for payment.

Kitchen/Garden Program

We are very excited to announce the arrival of our chickens. Our two ‘lovely ladies’ were very generously donated by the Rotary Club and are very happily clucking away in their new home. We are always in need of helpers in the kitchen and garden. If you are interested in helping, please contact Chef Chris or me.

Rule of the Week – each week teachers explicitly teach lessons which focus on a selected aspect of school expectations.

For those of you who were with us last year, you will remember that we have three rules which support student learning and reflect the needs of our school community. Our school rules are: As a Learner I am: SAFE, RESPONSIBLE, RESPECTFUL.

Over the first few weeks of this year, teachers will be discussing the school rules with their students, explaining what these rules look like in each area of the school.

Yours in Education
Cheryl Gibson

Deputy Principal’s News

A huge welcome to all our new families, and a welcome back to everyone else. It has certainly been a wonderful start to the year! In particular I extend a warm welcome to the parents of the 113 prep students and some brand new families who started over the past week.

The teachers have done an amazing job on creating welcoming classrooms where children feel valued and learning is encouraged. As I walk around the classes I see the children already getting into routines, making new friends and setting new learning goals – lots of happy faces!

As we start this year please be mindful of the importance of attendance every day. If your child is ill please contact the school via the absence lines.

Absence email: absences@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
Absence Line: 07 3826 0360
Absence SMS: 0429 904 926

Activity ideas for families

Each newsletter I will share some activity ideas to encourage learning for your child. This week I am sharing an article about Messy play from the link below:


“Messy play is an important part of a child’s brain development. It allows a child to explore through their senses and to create while learning.

Even older kids can benefit from messy play. There are many fun opportunities to get messy for kids (and adults) of all ages.

What are the benefits of messy play?

Messy play allows children the opportunity to explore the world around them through their senses. It gives them the freedom to be fully creative.

It also carries with it the benefits of sensory play. Messy play enhances a child’s vocabulary, introduces them to concepts such as experimentation and measurement, improves their coordination, gives them much-needed sensory input, encourages problem solving, and helps regulate emotions and behaviours.

Deputy Principal
Anthea Grant

Office News


It is a Department of Education requirement that all contractors, visitors and volunteers working in any school must complete the annual Mandatory Training program. ALL contractors, visitors and volunteers entering the school must complete the Mandatory Training program.

Payment Window.

You can now pay for your student's activities or excursions via cash or EFT at Window 1 at the office between 8.15 and 10.30am WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY mornings. Cash WILL NOT be accepted outside of these hours.

Bpoint payments and bank transfers close 3 days before the cash due date listed on the activity information.

PLEASE NOTE that NO PAYMENTS made after 10.30am on the last payment date will... be accepted.

The Department of Education’s preferred method of payment to schools is Bpoint.

Upon the return of a completed Student Resource Scheme Participation Agreement and invoice will be provided for BPoint payment to be made.

Payments can still be made via Internet Banking without the invoice

Schools Bank Account Name: Edens Landing State School

BSB Number: 064-401
Account Number: 10158334
Description of Payment: Enter Students surname, initial of first name &SRS
Centre pay: Deduction application can be completed via MyGov website. Please ensure the target amount is the full balance amount.
Centerpay Service Provider Number

Report Student Absences

Text message your childs absence to 0429 904 926

Text first and last name of your child, date, duration and reason of absence.

In the event that your child will be absent from school please call the student absence line on 3826 0360 to leave a message. Alternatively you may also use the absence email - absences@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au or Text to 0429 904 926. Please record your child's name, class, date of absence/s and reason for absence.

Late Arrivals

Students who arrive to school after 9:00am must report to the office windows for a late slip prior to going to class.


When your student is involved in an excursion or activity at school which requires payment an invoice is issued by our system. Some families currently receive their invoices via email which not only helps to alleviate the amount of paper used but also provides all the required information for our preferred payment method BPoint.

The invoices will be sent directly to parents’ emails, we are asking that you ensure your details are current and that you have active email addresses listed at school on your child’s file. Payment of these invoices is only required if you wish for your child to attend the excursion/activity.


PHONE: 1300 631 073

To access the QLD State School Card Payment System. Use the CRN and Invoice number located on your invoice.


Biller Code: 1002534 (Department of Education and Training)

*CRN and Invoice number can be found on your invoice Or by contacting the office on 3826 0333

*Please note: Due to changes in departmental handling of credit card payments we are no longer able to take credit card payments over the phone at school*

Change of Details

Please email the school on office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au stating your child’s name and class to confirm your email address and if applicable advise of any contact details that may have changed, to ensure we are able to contact you in an emergency.

Thank you for your continued support

Charmaine Johnson
Business Manager

PE News

School Representative Sport

Over the course of the year, students have the opportunity to participate in a range of sporting trials. This is offered to students who are born in 2007, 2008 and 2009 and are wanting to excel in their chosen sport/s and represent at a higher level for example Pacific Rim, South Coast and Queensland School Sport.

It is expected that any child wishing to undertake these trials has experience and demonstrated skills and knowledge in the chosen sport, generally having participated at club level.

All information needed to attend the trial will be handed out closer to the date. Please note that some sports have age and gender restrictions due to safety and number of teams being selected. A nomination note has recently been sent home and this must be returned as soon as possible. If your child hasn’t received one, they will be able to collect one form the office.

Should you have any more questions or queries, please feel free to contact me at kodon30@eq.edu.au

Interschool Sport

Each year students in grade 5 and 6 participate in an interschool sporting competition for four weeks during term 1 and term 2. Students compete against other schools within the district in a round robin format where each team will play a minimum of 2 games per day. Boys will be able to play soccer or rugby league and girls will be able to play netball or touch football. The dates of the interschool sport competition are the 15 March, 22 March, 29 March and 26 April.

By now your chil/ren should have nominated what sport they would like to take part in for interschool sport. Further information regarding the competition will be provided once all forms and teams are finalized.


Over the course of the year, lessons will be held on the oval. It is essential that your child/ren has a suitable school hat for all lessons. A note will be issued to students who fail to bring a hat to lessons. If your child/ren is unable to take part in a lesson due to an injury or medical reason, please provide a note.

School Sport Dates

Cross Country: 21st March
Senior Sports Day (3-6): 30th and 31st May
Junior Sports Day (P-2): 6th September


I can be contacted at kodon30@eq.edu.au should you want to discuss anything regarding Physical Education at Edens Landing.

Yours in Sport

Ken O’Donnell
Physical Education Teacher

Music News

Welcome back from the music department!

2019 brings about much excitement and some change to our scheduling of extra curricular activities.

Notes will go home to all of our keen participants, however below is a list of the days and times our programs will run.

Year 6 Percussion Bands

Red Band: Monday mornings before school, 8:20 – 8:50 am
Blue Band: Tuesday mornings before school, 8:20 – 8:50 am

School Choir (Years 1 – 6)

Wednesday mornings 8:25 – 8:50 am (in the music room). Mrs Brosnan will also host some extra lunchtime rehearsals in her classroom. Details TBA.

Jam Program

Friday throughout the day. Participating students will be given notes with a weekly lesson time.

Strings Program

Tuesday throughout the day in the instrumental music room.

Multi Instrumental Band

Thursday throughout the day in the instrumental music room.

Chappy News

Hi Everyone,

For those who have not met me yet I am Tricia Quattromani, the school chaplain at Edens Landing State School and this will be my third year here at the school.

This year I am located in J-Block in a room between the year 5 classes, and I am here on Tuesdays and Thursdays. At the school my role is social, emotional and spiritual support for students, staff and families.

I also run some programs within the school such as:

  • YMCA Schools Breakfast Program - Where we provide toast and cereal on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8am to 8:30 am (with the assistance of staff and community volunteers). This is also co-ordinated with the Kingston YMCA who deliver and provide all the food.
  • Chic Chat - Year 6 girls program that assists in build self-esteem and resilience. This is run in term 2 and 3 and includes a day of influence excursion where we have a guest speaker and a Mother/Daughter dinner at the end of term 3 to celebrate the completion of the program.
  • SUPA Club – A spiritual support program for years 4,5 and 6. This program requires a signed permission form from parents and is on Thursdays during 2nd break.
  • I also provide parents afternoon tea usually on the second Thursday from 2pm to 3pm every month, I am not sure where these will be located yet this year, so please keep a look out on the parents Facebook page for dates and location. This is a great opportunity to meet other parents and have a chat with myself. These afternoons are very relaxed and informal.

Please do not hesitate to talk to me or ask questions, if you see me walking around school, or come and drop in and say hello at my office. Getting children to school on time can sometimes be a challenge I have added an article that you may find some tips to assist you.

I hope you all have a wonderful 2019!

Are these some reasons why your child does not get to school on time?

Your child won’t go to bed at night or get out of bed in the morning
Your child can’t find their clothes, books, homework, school bag….
The school lunches are not ready
Homework’s not done
Your child is slow to eat breakfast
Your child is watching TV or using technology late at night or when they should be getting ready for school
It’s your child’s or someone else’s birthday
There is a test or presentation at school today
Your child is screaming or not letting go of you.

Things to Try

Here are some suggestions based on setting regular routines:

Have a set time to go to bed
Have a set time to be out of bed
Have uniform ready and have children pack school bag the night before.
Make lunches together the night before
Have set time for starting and ending breakfast.
Set a time each day for homework. Try straight after school with the TV off so your child can relax for the rest of the night and have a reward when finished.
Limit time on TV and technology and have a set time. Be firm that children must go to school.
Give your child lots of positive encouragement and acknowledge they are organised and get to school on time.
Have a chart for them to follow at their height so they can learn to have responsibility for getting themselves ready.
Be firm; a birthday does not equal a holiday.
On arrival look for some of your child’s friends and encourage your child to go and play with their friends.
Once settled leave quickly.


Tricia Quattromani

Summer Hiking Club

This year the school will once again be involved in the Kokoda Challenge, an annual event organised by the Kokoda Youth Foundation. The event Raises money for local youth and aims to raise awareness of the Kokoda campaign in 1942. Training hikes commence this Saturday 16th at Daisy Hill State Forest, meeting at the school carpark at 6.15am. For further information email Mr Hopkinson lhopk36@eq.edu.au

Edens Landing Police Beat News

On Wednesday 6 February 2019 Edens Landing Police hosted a meeting with Principal Gail Quigley and A/Mayor Cherie Daly. It was a stakeholder meeting to discuss the concerns raised by parents and carers in relation to the lack of parking options available at the time of school pick up and drop off. Your concerns were raised and options advocated for at this time. We can confirm that a number of options are currently being reviewed by Traffic Engineers which should assist in reducing the current situation. In the interim we request your patience and compliance. We can all do our bit to assist and ensure pick up and drop off is as safe as it can be. By slightly delaying your pick up time in the afternoon you can avoid sitting in queueing traffic. Staff are made available and monitoring the Stop, Drop, Go zones well after 3pm. By delaying your collection time you will greatly assist with reducing the queued traffic in and around the school zone.

With school now in full swing for 2019 I request that all motorists, cyclists and pedestrians ensure we are adhering to the road rules. Remember the fatal 5 and ensure you don’t become a victim or an offender of highly preventable life changing event. I value your feedback and look forward to seeing your safe driving, riding and walking on full display into the year ahead.

Luke TURNER, Senior Constable, Officer In Charge of Edens Landing Police Beat

P & C News

Welcome back to school everyone!!

General Meeting

The first P&C General Meeting for the year will be held on the 18th of February, at 6pm in the staffroom. Please come along and support the school community. If you have anything you would like added to the agenda, please email pandc@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au

AGM and General Meeting

It’s that time of year again, time to start thinking about the next P&C executive to take over!

Our 2019 AGM will be held on the 18th of March, this will follow directly after our general meeting. The meeting will commence at 6pm.

Please consider joining the P&C as a member, or as an Executive Committee member. Executive positions that need to be filled are:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Fundraising coordinator
  • Grants coordinator

If you have any enquiries about these positions, please come along to a meeting, and we will be more than happy to talk with you about these roles, or alternatively, email the P&C pandc@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au

If no executive is formed, services run by the P&C may cease to operate. The most important of these being the uniform shop and tuckshop.

Please come and be a part of our team, even if you just attend our meetings.

Edens Landing State School P&C Association.

Get involved in the School Banking program.

Edens Landing State School is excited to offer the Commonwealth Bank School Banking program to all students.

School Banking is a fun, interactive and engaging way for young Australians to learn about money and develop good savings habits. Children who deposit money into their Youthsaver account through School Banking earn Dollarmites tokens, which they can save up and redeem for exciting rewards.


Edens Landing State School P&C Association.

Any concerns or you would like to help us out please contact us on:

fundraising@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au or on our Facebook page.

Tuckshop News

Welcome to all the new families and welcome back to all returning families for 2019.

The new 2019 tuckshop menu were distributed week 1 of the term, if you have not received one yet please check your child’s bag or ask your child’s teacher.

This year’s menu is PINK, please replace last year’s menu with this one and please use the 2019 PINK menu prices. New menu prices are effective now.

The school website has the 2019 menu if you need to download and print it out.


The menu can also be viewed on our P&C Facebook page in the photos tab in the album TUCKSHOP. Follow the link below and like and follow our Facebook page to get updates on Tuckshop, Uniform shop and other P&C related information.


There have been some price increases due to supplier price increases and some items have been removed from the menu. Items that have been removed are Cheese and Vegemite scrolls and Mini Banana pop top milk.

Items that have had a price rise this year are – Hamburgers and chicken burgers, milk, juice and Glees. Please make sure if you are ordering these items that you use the prices on the 2019 PINK menu.

At the bottom of the menu there is information on how to order tuckshop using the paper bag system. Our preferred method of ordering is our online system called Flexischools. Flexischools cut off time is 8am the morning of service, please make sure your orders are completed and confirmed by 8am or they will not be processed on the Flexischools website. If your child is not at school and not needing their Flexischools order on that day, please contact the tuckshop and inform us so I can cancel the order, if you do not make contact and cancel the order with me then your order will stand, and no refund will be given. If there is no answer, please leave a clear message including child’s name and class. If there are any problems with the Flexischools website and ordering system, please contact them directly.

Getting online is easy and only takes a few minutes to register. Simply go to the link below and click “Register Now”. You will be sent an email with further instructions on how to complete the registration. Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. If you have any questions, Flexischools provide a great help desk on 1300 361 769, or you can contact them via their website.


Please feel free to contact me if you have any issues with tuckshop or would like to come and volunteer. There is no need to stay the whole day, a couple of hours at the most is normally only what is needed. The tuckshop can only provide lunches to children if volunteers help. Many hands make light work.

Annette Honnery
Tuckshop Convenor
3805 7999

Any problems or concerns please do not hesitate in contacting me

Uniform News

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop is open on Thursday mornings 8:15 am to 9:15 am during the school terms and is located inside the hall between the Tuckshop and Volunteers Room.

For those who cannot make it in during trading hours you can order by FlexiSchools.

Getting online is easy and only takes a few minutes to register. Simply go to the link below and click “Register Now”. You will be sent an email with further instructions on how to complete the registration. Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. If you have any questions, FlexiSchools provide a great help desk on 1300 361 769, or you can contact them via their website.


There are a variety of payment options supported, including Visa, MasterCard (credit and debit) and Bank Transfer. The system operates via a pre-paid account. FlexiSchools has a cut off time of 4.00pm Wednesday it’s the day before the Uniform Shop is open. Pick up is between 9:30am – 9:45am Thursdays or can be delivered to your child’s class from 9:45am - 10:00am Thursdays. The system is now available, so we look forward to seeing your next order online!

** New students or if you’re not sure of a class please pick a year level and then send an email stating you’re not sure or new and we can sort out the pick-up of your order.

Items in/out of stock: There is a sign near the Uniform Shop to let you know what’s in and out of stock. All Sports Shirts are low or out of stock in all sizes, we are still waiting on our Reversible Hats order since we had manufacturing error out of our control as soon as they are in we will let you know please remember that all Reversible Hats are all low in stock and Riley Red is out of stock.

Sport Shirts: Sports Shirts are limited to 1 per child and have been asked to be warn on the days that the child/children have sports. This is due to the sports shirts not being our everyday polo shirt to wear.

For more information please contact the Uniform Shop:


Make sure you like our P&C Association Facebook Page:

If we have any extra open days or we aren’t open one Thursday or if items are out of stock it will be posted on the Facebook page.


If you have any uniforms your children have out grown but that are still in good condition you can donate them to the Uniform Shop.

Outside School HOURS CARE- OSHC

YMCA Edens Landing OSHC
P: 07 3805 1233
M: 0459 899 887

Important Dates to Remember

16 February

Kokoda Challenge Training –Daisy Hill State Forest, 6.15am school carpark

18 February

P&C Meeting 6PM-8PM

15 March

Gala Interschool sports

19 March

Yr3 Incursion STARLAB $10 payment due 13 March

21 March

Cross Country – Prep to Yr6

22 March

Gala Interschool Sports

27 March

School Photos

28 March

School Photos

29 March

Gala Interschool sports

30-31 May

Senior Sports Day Years 3-6

5 April

Last Day Term1

23 April

Start Term 2

25 April

ANZAC Day Public Holiday


Contact Details

  • Have your contact details changed?
  • Have you moved address?
  • Do we have your current phone number in case of an emergency?
  • Are your emergency contacts still current?
  • Are you receiving our newsletters by email?
  • Do we have your current email address?


Phone 3826 0333 or Email office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au






Community News