Edens Landing State School
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Jamie Nicolson Ave
Edens Landing QLD 4207
Subscribe: https://edenslss.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe

Email: office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
Phone: 07 3826 0333
Fax: 07 3826 0300

31 October 2017

Newsletter Articles

Contact Details

  • Have your contact details changed?
  • Have you moved address?
  • Do we have your current phone number in case of an emergency?
  • Are your emergency contacts still current?
  • Are you receiving our newsletters by email?
  • Do we have your current email address?


Phone 3826 0333 or Email office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au

Important Dates to Remember

6th – 8th November

Grade 3 & 4 Swimming Program, Rob Nay Memorial Pool, Beenleigh

13th-15th November

Grade 3 & 4 Swimming Program, Rob Nay Memorial Pool, Beenleigh

20th -24th November

Grade 1 & 2 Swimming Program, Rob Nay Memorial Pool, Beenleigh

20th November

Music Concert

27th- 1ST December

Grade 1 & 2 Swimming Program, Rob Nay Memorial Pool, Beenleigh

29th November

Star Of School 1.45pm

5th December

Year 6 Graduation

6th December

Year 6 Big Day Out- Excursion

Visit the ELSS website for all calendar events:



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Office News

Report Student Absences

In the event that your child will be absent from school please call the student absence line on 3826 0360 to leave a message. Alternatively you may also use the absence email - absences@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au. Please record your child's name, class, date of absence/s and reason for absence.

Late Arrivals

Students who arrive to school after 9:00am must report to the office windows for a late slip prior to going to class.


When your student is involved in an excursion or activity at school which requires payment an invoice is issued by our system. Some families currently receive their invoices via email which not only helps to alleviate the amount of paper used but also provides all the required information for our preferred payment method BPoint.

The invoices will be sent directly to parents’ emails, we are asking that you ensure your details are current and that you have active email addresses listed at school on your child’s file. Payment of these invoices is only required if you wish for your child to attend the excursion/activity.


PHONE: 1300 631 073
To access the QLD State School Card Payment System. Use the CRN and Invoice number located on your invoice.
Or Visit the link below


Biller Code: 1002534 (Department of Education and Training)
*CRN and Invoice number can be found on your invoice Or by contacting the office on 3826 0333
*Please note: Due to changes in departmental handling of credit card payments we are no longer able to take credit card payments over the phone at school*8

Change of Details

Please email the school on office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au stating your child’s name and class to confirm your email address and if applicable advise of any contact details that may have changed, to ensure we are able to contact you in an emergency.

Thank you for your continued support

Kim Minter
Business Manager

Principal’s News

Good afternoon Edens Landing community

A big welcome for our final term of 2017. So hard to believe that I have been here for nearly six months.

I would like to welcome all the new families that have joined us this term. I know you will love being here as much as I do. Our enrolments are growing steadily with over 20 new enrolments already this term. Our Prep enrolments for 2018 are also increasing rapidly so I urge you to enrol if you haven’t done so already.

Japan Tour

Last Tuesday I returned from our bi annual Japan study tour with 15 very weary students and 4 very tired staff. It certainly was the trip of a life time as we travelled by train across half of Japan. The highlight for me was the Hiroshima Peace Park and the Dome. My Dad was sent to Hiroshima six weeks after the bomb was dropped as part of the Peace Corps at the young age of 17. The impact of the devastation that was caused was not lost on our students as they reflected solemnly on the loss of life and senselessness of war. As we stood there reflecting one student said to me, “Your Dad would be very proud of you bringing us here so that we can make sure it never happens again.” Amazing

The students were simply amazing and were the best ambassadors for our school. Please read some of their insights below and view some of the many photos that were taken.


Our wonderful Adopt-A-Cops, Luke and Jade have won the annual Adopt A Cop awards for Logan District and South Eastern Region. They are now in the running for the State award. I am sure you will all agree that this award is well deserved as they both go above and beyond to support our school and our community. We are very grateful for all they do and wish them luck in the next phase of selection. They certainly have my vote!!!

Deputy Principal’s News


At the end of this term our Year 6 students will graduate from Edens Landing State School. Notes will be going home in the next 2 weeks informing parents of the arrangements for graduation on the 5th December. This year we are holding the event at the school to reduce the cost to parents and to offer graduating students a dance after the ceremony.


As is our Tradition, our Year 6 students will be having their “Big Day Out” on Wednesday the 6th of December. This year we will once again be heading to Brisbane’s South Bank Parklands to go to the movies (Son of Big Foot), have lunch and a quick swim. This is an exciting day and one that will create many memories for our senior students. Please fill out the permission forms which have been sent home and utilise the payment options indicated to ensure your child’s place on the day. If you don’t have the note, please contact the office to get a copy.


Notes have gone home offering Year 5 students the opportunity to purchase a seniors’ shirt, so they are ready for them to wear from day one of Year 6, 2018.

Sizes of the shirts are similar to the current (new stock) uniform sizes. If your child is wearing a uniform from a previous batch, the sizes may vary. A sample of each size is available for fitting purposes from the office. The cost for each shirt is $36. Please allow a little extra room for growth throughout next year as we cannot exchange sizes once ordered from the supplier.

PLEASE NOTE: This is the only opportunity to purchase a senior shirt for 2018.

If you are unsure of the correct size, send the payment and order form to the office and your child can try on the shirts and select the appropriate size on the order form. There will be no extension to the payment deadline, so ensure all payments and forms are returned to the office by Monday 7th November 2016.


The rules for weeks 4 and 5 of Term 4 are outlined below. Teachers will be discussing these with their students over the next two weeks, and it would be wonderful if parents spoke with their children about the importance of each rule.

*Golden Rule –

  • If you can’t see a teacher you are probably in the wrong area!


Cheryl Gibson

Deputy Principal’s News

Over the past weeks I have been busy with arranging interviews and playdates for next year’s Prep enrolments. It’s so exciting to see so many enthusiastic young people and their parents ready to become part of our school community.

Please let anyone you know with prep aged children that they need to contact the school to enrol for next year’s intake as soon as possible.

In my regular day I spend quite some time in the classrooms of the lower school, and am always impressed with the teaching and learning that I observe.

This week I was involved in a cooking class with a prep class. I was fascinated by the enthusiasm and concentration of these little people, some who aren’t even as tall as the cooking bench, as, with Chef’s guidance, they made Vietnamese spring rolls. Though they were all excited about being in the kitchen they listened carefully and followed the instructions to create their own masterpiece. They then washed and dried the dishes!

Sometimes I think that we underestimate what our children can help with in the kitchen at this age; especially with the convenience of dishwashers and slow cookers. If we want our children to become independent and successful adults we must let them take responsibilities from a young age, even if they attempt to resist the idea. Consider some jobs your child could help with at home, start off small, such as washing the cutlery. Though it may be a struggle at times, it will help them develop into responsible adults.

Anthea Grant
Years Prep- Year 1 Deputy Principal

Deputy Principal’s News

Welcome back to term 4! I hope you had a wonderful break with your families. We are excited to begin the final term of the year. It’s always a very busy time of year with lots of exciting events coming up, swimming lessons, Christmas Carols and Family Fun Friday. I look forward to a great term working with staff and students.


We just completed the Day for Daniel walk on Tuesday the 24th with an overwhelming response. The school raised just over $400.00 for the Daniel Morcombe Foundation.

Day for Daniel
Day for Daniel
Click images to enlarge

Preservice Teachers

We have 8 preservice teachers with us from QUT and Southern Cross University working in various year levels across the school. We have excellent teachers who are enthusiastic to support these future teachers. It’s a pleasure to have them with us and a great opportunity for the school and our students.

Tamra Murray
Year 2 & 3 Deputy Principal

Year level news

Welcome back to Term 4. Once again we have a very busy term ahead.

Quizmaster Kids Is Back!!!!!!

We are happy to announce that Quizmaster Kids is back!!!

This exciting general knowledge competition will see Edens Landing State School competing against Mount Warren Park, Eagleby and Beenleigh State Schools to see who will be crowned 2017 champion.

Teams of four students will compete in team questions and beat the buzzer speed questions in an exciting and action packed competition everyone will enjoy! Each team of four only competes in one round only.

If your year 6 child would like to represent Edens Landing State School and has not already signed up please see Mrs Brookes in class 6B. Each team only competes once.

The Beenleigh Mall has again agreed to sponsor this event and have donated the prize money:

1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

4th Place

This is a really exciting community event and we hope to see you outside Coles in the Beenleigh Mall:

Round One 19th October

Mt Warren Park V Eagleby

Edens Landing V Beenleigh

Round Two 26th October

Eagleby V Beenleigh

Mt Warren Park V Edens Landing

Round Three 2nd November

Mt Warren Park V Beenleigh

Eagleby V Edens Landing

Round Four 9th November

Mt Warren Park V Eagleby

Edens Landing V Beenleigh

Round Five 16th November

Eagleby V Beenleigh

Mt Warren Park V Edens Landing

Round Six 23rd November

Mt Warren Park V Beenleigh

Eagleby V Edens Landing

Finals 30th November

6:00pm 3rd V 4th
6:30pm 1st V 2nd


A huge CONGRATULATIONS to Tahlia , Harry , Xavier, Joshua and Clint who competed in the Logan Schools Maths Challenge at Kingston State School at the end of last term.

These 5 students had to work together as a team and then in pairs to answer many challenging math problems. They competed against 26 other schools and placed 4th overall which was an amazing effort.

A huge thank you must go to Mrs Brooks and Mrs Blair who spent their time preparing the students for the competition.


Congratulations to Lasinta , Charlotte and Luca who participated in the A.B Patterson speaking competition on Tuesday the 10th, October. The students had been working very hard on their speeches for many weeks and have spent much of their own time practicing and preparing for the event.

They all spoke extremely well and should be very proud of their efforts.

A huge thankyou to Mrs Hitchmough for the time and effort she put into working with the students.


As we head into the summer months, beach and water safety become of upmost importance for our community. On Wednesday the 25th October, we will have members from Surf Lifesaving Queensland coming to present talks to our students on Beach Safety. Prep-2 will be at 9am, Years 3-6 will be at 9:45am.


Term 4 Curriculum Overviews for each Year level have been sent home. The purpose of these overviews is to provide you with a brief description of what the students will be learning across the key learning areas and what the main assessment tasks will be for the term.

All Curriculum Term Overviews have also been placed on the school website under the Documents tab.


Year 2 students are having lots of fun in science learning about forces and conducting investigations based around push and pull toys! Students are also taking on the role of 'Toy Designers' in technology and are working towards designing and producing their very own spinning toy. The best part so far has been playing with a variety of spinning toys...all in the name of research of course!

Year 5 Student Poem

I love NRL
It’s so fun
The field is a monster
You’re trying to conquer it because it’s your dream.
CRACK, KAPOW! That’s the sound of a head clash.
It’s the most entertaining sport ever!

by Tawhitinui 5H

Have a wonderful week!

Rachel Pope

Chappy News

This year has gone very fast term 4 already. I hope that you all have a wonderful term. This term the parent’s afternoon tea will continue with the date for this term being the 9th of November. Feel free to join us out the back of G-Block at 1:45pm for a cuppa and something to eat, and when the bell rings you can then collect your children. I have a few parents who regularly attend and enjoy the time.

During term 2 and 3 I ran the Chic Chat Program with a few girls in year 6. The highlight of this program is a Mother Daughter dinner to celebrate the completion of the program. At the end of the night we gave the mothers and daughters an opportunity to give some feedback on the program. Here is some of the feedback we received.

"Valuable program, helps to build self-esteem, should be a permanent feature in school. My daughter has developed skills to take her through life. Good job and thank you."

"My daughter has really loved being involved in the Chic Chat Program at Edens Landing School. She has really got a lot out of the program, all positive. We are blessed to have a wonderful Chappy in our school. Thank you to everybody involved in this amazing school activity, I hope it continues."

"My daughter used to be shy and never spoke but she has come out of her shell and speaks up for herself. She is trying to do her best and has learnt to have a lot of confidence. I am so proud of her."

"Chic Chat really helped me to believe in myself and that anything is possible. Chic Chat inspired me to ignore the name callers and that we are beautiful, unique and we are amazing inside and outside."

If you have a daughter in year 5 and would like her to do this program next year please let me know, you can leave a message at the office if you can't find me. It will run in term 2 and 3 again with the mother daughter dinner being at the end of term 3.

Here is another great article on children’s emotional development from the kids matter website

Understanding children’s emotional development

As children get older, their ability to recognise, understand, express and manage a wide range of feelings develops, and their emotions are increasingly influenced by their thinking. Emotional development is a vital part of social and emotional learning and the experience of emotion includes several components:

  • feelings that children recognise and learn to name
  • physical responses (e.g. heart rate, breathing, hormone levels)
  • thoughts and judgements associated with feelings
  • action signals (e.g. a desire to approach, escape or fight).

The way children express emotions can be influenced by family and educator values and beliefs about appropriate and inappropriate ways of expressing emotions. Children’s temperaments, how well their emotional needs are being met, learning from observation or experience and the extent to which families and children are under different kinds of stress also effects children’s emotional expression.

Developing emotional skills

There are three main pathways to emotional development in preschool and primary school children. Emotional development can also be quite variable among different children. For example, one child might be able to regulate their emotions but not identify them in others very well, whereas another child might find it easier to identify the need to regular emotions in others easier than in themselves.

Emotional self-awareness

Emotional self-awareness involves children’s ability to identify and understand their own emotions. As children develop, they begin to understand they can have more than one emotion when reacting to an event as long as they are similar (e.g. happy and excited). Then when self-awareness is more developed children understand they can have opposite feelings to the same situation (e.g. happy and sad the school year is ending) and understand feelings that might overwhelm them.

Recognising other people’s emotions

As children start to recognise other people’s emotions they being to take into account clues from the situation to help explain the emotion (e.g. understand that another child might be sad because they didn’t get a turn on the swing). When children become more developed, they have a more complex understanding of the interaction between emotions, situations and people (e.g. the child is sad because the swing is their favourite piece of play equipment and they really wanted a turn).

Emotion regulation

Emotional regulation is the ability to manage emotions effectively, which is vital for children to manage life’s ups and downs. As children begin to learn to manage their emotions, they start to choose appropriate behavioural responses (e.g. a child asks and waits for assistance with a difficult task). As children become more developed, they increasingly are able to manage emotions by re-thinking their goals and motives (e.g. deciding that there is no point being angry about something they can’t change).

Key points for supporting children’s emotional development

In supporting emotional development, parents and carers can pay attention to children’s feelings and notice how they manage them. Parents and carers can support children’s emotional development by:

  • Tuning into children’s feelings, which involves looking at their body language, listening to what they say and how they are saying it and observing behaviour.
  • Acknowledging children’s feelings to help them identify emotions and understand how they work (e.g. “It sounds like you are really angry. Let’s talk about it”)
  • taking opportunities to help children recognise and understand emotions, which helps children become more aware of their own emotions as well as those of others
  • Encouraging children to feel comfortable with their emotions and providing them with practise in talking about their feelings. This helps to further develop ways to manage their emotions.
  • Setting limits on inappropriate expression of emotions e.g. aggressive or unsafe behaviours
  • Role modelling and demonstrating ways you understand and manage emotions. This can help children learn from your example (e.g. saying “sorry, I lost my temper” and then showing how you might make amends).
  • Encouraging problem-solving skills to manage emotions by helping them think of different ways they could respond. You might say, “What would help you feel brave?” or “How else could you look at this?”

Referenced from: https://www.kidsmatter.edu.au/mental-health-matters/social-and-emotional-learning/emotional-development

P & C News

Any concerns or you would like to help us out please contact us on:

fundraising@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au or on our Facebook page.

Thank you from,


Please keep an eye on our P&C Facebook Page for any new fundraising events or information on book club or anything P&C related.


Uniform Shop Hours are Thursday’s 8:15am – 9:15am we are no longer open on Friday’s. If you need to contact the uniform shop please email: uniform_shop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au

Order forms are available from the school office or the uniform shop.

Thank you,

Peita-Marie Winsor
Uniform Shop Convenor

Don’t forget to keep an eye on out P&C Facebook Page for Updates on many things we post about.



Please keep an eye on our P&C Facebook Page

If they are available to be picked up earlier it will be posted on there.


Tuckshop News

Annette Honnery
Tuckshop Convenor
PH:3805 7999

Any important information regarding tuckshop will be posted on the official Edens Landing State School P&C facebook page


Edens Landing Police Beat News

Outside School HOURS CARE- OSHC

Messages from the Team:

We are very excited to be entering into our second school term here at Edens Landing State School. We have begun to see a significant growth in children attending both our before and after school care programs. We are still taking bookings for this term so doesn’t hesitate to come and visit us in the school Hall any time and make a booking!

What we’ve been doing:

Over the recent school holidays we were busy having lots of fun with our Spring Holiday Club Program. This program included an excursion to the Mt Warren Park Bowling Alley where we were able to play two games of bowling and, have fun dancing and singing along to some great tunes. We also had a visit from Sunday Ali from Hello Africa. Sunday told us some fascinating stories about his life in Africa and taught us how to play a range of traditional drums.

On the final day of the school holidays, our children had a great time engaging in some water play activities. We were able to cool off from the Spring Heat with a range of water based games including, water balloon relays, Apple Bobbing and Water Balloon catch. This was definitely one of the favourite’s activities of both our educators and children over the school holidays.

YMCA Edens Landing OSHC

P: 07 3805 1233
M: 0459 899 887

Community News