Edens Landing State School
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Jamie Nicolson Ave
Edens Landing QLD 4207
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Phone: 07 3826 0333
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29 May 2017

Newsletter Articles

Contact Details

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  • Do we have your current phone number in case of an emergency?
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  • Are you receiving our newsletters by email?
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Phone 3826 0333 or Email office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au

Important Dates to Remember

1st June

Chit Chat program Day of influence

3rd June

Kokoda Challenge

15th June

Senior Sports Day years 3-6

16th June

Senior Sports Day

19th June

End of semester Music Concert

20th June

STAR of the school

22nd June

Gold Day

23rd June

20 year Anniversary Bush Dance

3rd-10th July


19th- 21st July

Japanese Visiting Study Tour

14th August

Ekka Public Holiday- Logan Show Day



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Principal’s Report

Dear Edens Landing community

I have the privilege and pleasure in taking up the role of Principal at Edens Landing State School. Having been a foundation staff member all those years ago, 20 in fact, it is quite a surreal experience to return as the Principal. My children also attended the school, with Matt being one of the first school captains. I am so excited to working, once again, with the students, staff and parents of the school and community. When I was visiting one of the classrooms today, a little Year 1 student called out excitedly, “You taught my Mum!” Mmmm…how old do I feel now?

I come from the Broadbeach on the Gold Coast. I have been Principal at Surfers Paradise State School since returning from a two year stint in the ‘Wild Frontier”, Darwin, NT as Principal in an urban indigenous school. I loved my time up there and I have many stories to share about my indigenous kids.

I have held several other Principal positions. I have a Masters in Educational Leadership and Administration and a love of learning.

I have two amazing children, a son Matt and a daughter Ashlee. I also have an adorable granddaughter, Charlize. My children have shown me that children find their own path in life and this drives my passion to ensure that every child has their own individual pathway to success.

My intention for the first few weeks is to get to know the school well and together with leadership team manage all the necessary agendas as they arise. Over the next few weeks I will be inviting parents to attend small group forums to hear your thoughts on what we are doing well here and what might be improved on.

I have been so impressed with the calm tone of the school as I walk around. All children are engaged in learning and the students are sooo friendly and very respectful.

I am looking forward to making a contribution as Principal at Edens Landing State School, building on the improvement that Mr Cummings and the leadership team have achieved, and injecting a little bit of me into this wonderful community culture. I especially look forward to building positive partnerships with parents and the wider school community.

Please feel free to contact me at any time : gquig1@eq.edu.au or via the office on 3826 0333.

Gail Quigley

Deputy Principal’s News


OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL HOURS CARE (OSHC) is coming to Edens Landing State School. Spaces are filling fast

Registration is now open for Outside of School Hours Care (Before and after school and holiday care). Packs are available from the school office. YMCA have won the tender to provide this service, and will be commencing services for holiday care during the June/July holiday. Please support this service as YMCA will be an amazing asset to our school community and the Edens landing Family. PLEASE SUPPORT THIS SERVICE BY RETURNING YOUR COMPLETED FORMS TO THE OFFICE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.


23rd June is the date for our 20th Anniversary celebration Bush Dance. Every class will be performing a dance, we have a bush band coming to perform and there will be entertainment, food and activities for the whole family. We have decided to make the cost of entry a gold coin donation to ensure we get as many families as possible to attend.

There will be a photographer to take family photos to capture the event, so get dressed in your best bush gear and get your photo taken. You never know, you could be featured at our 30 year celebration 10 years from now.

Student Council

The student Council will be running a Lob-A-Choc stall at the Bush Dance. They urgently require donations of chocolates for their stall. Family blocks, kit-kats, medium sized blocks, anything flat enough for a coin to land on would be great. Donations can be left at my office. All proceeds will go towards supporting our Kitchen Garden Project.


In week 4 we revisited our school rule about wearing our school uniform with pride. We are having an increasing number of students wearing affirmation bands and other items of jewellery to school. While these items are fun, they are not part of our school uniform so are not appropriate to wear to school. The only jewellery accepted is any medical alert items, studs or sleepers for pierced ears, and religious/culturally significant items. Hair must also be tied up if it is long enough to reach the uniform collar.

As the cooler weather starts to creep in this term, students will be wearing jumpers to school. School jumpers are available from the uniform shop. If your child does not currently have a school jumper, a navy jumper or jacket will suffice. Patterned or brightly colour jumpers or jackets are not part of our uniform. Please ensure that all items of clothing, especially jumpers and jackets, are clearly marked with your child’s name. Our lost property basket is full of un-named items. Please help us maintain a high standard of appearance within our school by ensuring your children wear their uniform each day.

Indigenous Homework Club runs each Monday afternoon from 3pm-4:30pm. We work on Homework until 4pm and then engage in a variety of cultural activities until 4:30pm. We encourage all indigenous students to attend. If you are interested in your child attending, please collect a permission form from the office

Rule of the Week

The rules for weeks 7 and 8 are outlined below. Teachers will be discussing these with their students over the next two weeks, and it would be wonderful if parents spoke with their children about the importance of each rule.

Week 7 - Be Safe and Responsible - Be in the right place at the right time

The school ground is, for many children, one of the few places where they can interact with their peers in a natural, outdoor environment. Consequently, children benefit significantly from maximising their time in the playground during break times engaging in a range of play activities. However, it is important that we are able to ensure the safety of all students who attend our school. We do this through actively supervising students before school and during class and play times.

Students are expected to play within their designated areas, eat in the assigned places, line up in the space allocated to their year level, and wait before school in the senior or junior area. Students are also expected to move to their class promptly at each bell time.

Week 8 - Be Respectful- Maintain a clean environment

Keeping Our School Clean is the responsibility of all of us not just the cleaners and ground staff. To facilitate this we encourage the students to follow these steps:

Cleanliness of Grounds: Students are requested to use the many rubbish bins that are placed by all eating areas and most play areas to deposit their papers or uneaten food items. This is an easy thing to do which really helps keep our grounds clean and tidy.

Recycling: We encourage parents, students and staff to use re-usable containers for lunches and to recycle juice boxes and plastics. We also encourage students to take home any left-over lunches to avoid waste. To help keep our school clean, students are not to chew gum at school and to pick up any rubbish they see. Students who find broken glass or other strange and dangerous looking objects should not touch them but report these to the teacher on duty or the office staff.

If everyone follows these simple measures we will have a beautiful and clean school for everyone to enjoy.

Yours in Education
Cheryl Gibson



We have been learning about procedures in year one. When you write a procedure you need a title, ingredients or equipment and the steps. We use action verbs in our procedures. We have been going to Chef to practice our procedures. I loved learning about how to make fruit salad.

Written by Ziva 1P


We are very proud of the Year 3 students as they put in 100% effort during NAPLAN week. Good work! Soon they will start to practice their Bush dance and will need lots of energy to burn as they learn the steps to the beat of country music.

Remember, you can go hunting for living or non-living things in the garden and bring in to share in our science lessons. Be safe and make sure an adult helps. You can bring it in a secure plastic container with air holes.


Last week, Year Four cooked Napoli Sauce with Chef in the kitchen using our very own tomatoes from the garden! We all took turns in caring for the tomato plants by weeding them, watering them and then planting new seedlings and were very exciting to harvest the tomatoes and use them in cooking. Year Four students also loved practising their cutting skills by chopping tomatoes, onion and garlic and then combining them to make a delicious pizza sauce!


Year 5 enjoyed a very successful Camp Kokoda in week 5 - which involved 76 students and staff travelling to Lake Moogerah and 'roughing it' in tents. Students participated in several skill building and leadership activities including hiking, tent set-up, meal preparation, high ropes, flying fox and canoeing. They also enjoyed several fun games and singing at night.

The Disaster

Based on a true story
Story written by Lochlan Year 5

“Noooooo!” I screamed as the internet went out.

It all started when I was playing games on the computer but then the internet went out. I panicked as I ran out of my room.

My mum asked, “What happened?”

I replied with, “The internet went out!”

My mum said, “It’s not the end of the world” so I just said, “Yes, it is.”

Day 555 of no internet. (It’s actually been one hour but that’s what it felt like.) I felt so weak. I could hear voices in my head. I could smell my own sweat from constantly clicking the refresh button. My eyes were stuck to the screen.

“I can’t go on living anymore,” I said to my mum in a weak voice.

My mum just replied with “Stop being so dramatic.”

Suddenly when I pressed refresh again it took longer to load. I hopped up and down in glee. It loaded! I was so happy that I made sure everyone could hear me. I ran out of my room with glee. “IT”S WORKING! IT’S WORKING!”

While I was playing my games I thought about how lucky I was to survive no internet. I was so obsessed with playing my games since the internet came back on that I didn’t realize the Zombie apocalypse had my family fighting for their lives. I was just so happy the internet was back.

By Lochlan

Art News

Mrs Massingham

What has each Year Level been exploring?

Prep – Texture

Year 1 – Focus on Monet the artist

Year 2 – Drawing the Gruffalo

Year 3 – Creating sculptures

Year 4 – Drawing a design to celebrate Edens Landing State School’s 20th Year Anniversary.

Staff Workshops

Quite a few staff members have undertaken workshops painting a flower. A variety of techniques were used. The final products were outstanding! Here is a small selection.

Parent Workshop

Topic – Flower using a variety of techniques (Same as Staff Workshop)
Dates – Tuesday, 6th June, 13th June, 20th June
Time – 3.00pm – 4.30 ‘ish
Where – Art Room

If you are interested in these workshops please email me – amass8@eq.edu.au

Have a wonderful week!

Rachel Pope

May 27 - June 3 is National Reconciliation Week. This is an ideal time for everyone to join the reconciliation conversation and reflect on shared histories, contributions and achievements. It is held annually and is a time to celebrate and build on the respectful relationships shared by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians.

This National Reconciliation Week, we reflect on two significant anniversaries in our nation’s history—50 years since the 1967 referendum and 25 years since the historic Mabo decision.

The referendum saw more than 90 per cent of Australians vote to give the Australian Government power to make laws for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and recognise them in the census, and, on June 3 1992 the Australian High Court delivered the Mabo decision, which recognised that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have a special relationship with the land. This paved the way for land rights or Native Title.

As we commemorate these significant milestones, we can all take part in the celebration by discussing reconciliation. A good place to start is to talk about key terms such as friendship, harmony, difference, respect, acceptance and understanding, and how these elements already function in our everyday lives.

Some starting points for discussing reconciliation may be:

  • What does reconciliation mean?
  • Why would there be multiple definitions for ‘reconciliation’ that make sense?
  • What ingredients make a good relationship?
  • What makes you feel pride (both in oneself and those around you) and what happens when you feel disrespected?
  • Why is it important to respect others?
  • How can we learn from each other?
  • What can we learn from history?
  • Why is it important to learn from history?

In Australia reconciliation is an important part of learning about and respecting Australia’s First Peoples, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. So enjoy the Reconciliation Week celebrations 27 May to 3 June –


Chappy Word

Hi everyone,

On the 1st of May we had our first parent support afternoon. We had a good turn out and had a lovely time getting to know each other. The afternoon will continue on the second Thursday of every month with our next one on the 8th of June.

Thursday the 1st of June, the Chic Chat girls will be having a Day of Influence with some other girls doing the program in their school. This is happening at Mt Warren Park and will be run by Lisa Henderson (School Chaplain and Youth Support Worker) who is involved with Mabel Force. Mabel Force is an after school club for girls who are interested in the Army, Navy or Air Force. This program focuses on self-discipline, self-esteem, fitness, focus, motivation, comradery, resilience as well as making good friends and having fun. I really think will learn a lot and have a great time.

Recently I was research parent programs in the local area and discovered that the Triple P program – Positive Parenting Program, is now available to do online without leaving your home. You can access the program by just googling Triple P program free online and then register.

This week I have also added an article I found on the link below, called Morning routine for school: tips. I hope you find something in here that may help you make that early morning rush easier.


How things go at home in the morning can set the tone for the day ahead. A predictable and positive morning routine for school can help children arrive at school feeling calm, fed and ready to make the most of the first few hours of the day.

Morning routine for school: the whys and hows

Children don’t understand time in the same way as grown-ups. This can make school mornings a stressful time of day for families.

But staying calm and getting along in the morning will help you all feel positive about the day ahead. For example, fighting with children in the morning makes it harder for you to work well. It even increases the risk of you having an accident at work.

The most useful way to reduce morning chaos is to establish a morning routine for school. Sticking to a morning routine for school helps your children predict what’s coming, and remember what they need to do.

Here are some ideas to take some of the pressure out of school mornings – even if things don’t always go smoothly!

Planning ahead for school mornings: the night before

The first step in your morning routine for school is to think about what you need to do and work out a plan for doing it. You’ll probably find that you can do many things the night before.

Here are some ideas:

  • Try to find out the night before (or even earlier) if there is something special going on at school the next day.
  • Organise lunches and set the breakfast table ready for the morning rush.
  • Get your child to have a bath the night before. This means you won’t have to worry about this in the morning.
  • You might know something is going to come up that could cause conflict, like buying lunch or choosing which clothes to wear. Talk about it the night before when everybody has time and you’re all less likely to be stressed.
  • Think about having a weekly schedule or calendar with reminders of what your child needs to take to school each day – for example, library books, sports clothes, show and tell, and so on.
  • Think about getting ready for your day the night before as well, to help ease time pressure in the morning.

Try to read school newsletters and check bags for notes the night before. You could also try to prepare clothes, sign school notes, and get school bags ready the night before.

Your morning routine for school: tips

  • Try getting up 15-30 minutes earlier. The extra time might help things run more smoothly. Also try to allow plenty of time to get from home to school. Rushing can really increase everyone’s stress levels.
  • Think about an alarm clock for children who find it hard to wake up or don’t like getting out of bed.
  • Tackle the morning as positively and as optimistically as you can. Good moods can be infectious. One way to do this is by focusing on the positive aspects of your children’s behaviour and praising them – for example, ‘Great to see you eating some toast’.
  • If your children are young, remind them what they’re meant to be doing and when. Simple ‘to do’ checklists, even with pictures, can help as a reminder.
  • Once your children are old enough, encourage them to do more for themselves – for example, getting dressed on their own, making their own breakfast, and tidying up after themselves. Mornings are easier when your children are more independent.
  • Cut down on distractions. Television can distract children from getting ready, and many families have a rule about no television in the morning. Think about leaving the TV off, unless it’s a special treat for being ready on time.
  • Give your children calm and clear instructions about what you want them to do, and follow up with specific praise as soon as they start to cooperate. Try not to give your children extra attention for arguing, whining or stalling. Even negative attention is an incentive for them to keep going with this behaviour.

Chappy Tricia

This article was resourced from: www.raisingchildren.net.au

P & C News

Uniform Shop:

Uniform Shop Hours are 8:15am-9:15am Thursdays,

We are in the process of getting Flexischools for the uniform shop so please keep an eye out for that in the near future. We do have the new jumper size range 6,8,10 in stock, thank you for being patience why we waited for them to arrive. Don’t forget if you can’t get to the uniform shop you can go to the schools website and download an order form and send it into the P&C box in the office and it can be sent up to your child’s class.

Any problems or concerns please email uniform_shop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au

Thank you,
Peita-Marie Winsor
Uniform Shop Convenor


Thank you to the lovely people I had come and help me with the Mother’s Day Stall. It was very much appreciated and I look forward to see you around the school and even at another event when we need helpers.

Volunteers are the key for our stalls to go ahead and to be a success; we have very few volunteers that help us out. We would love for some more people to help us out we will need help with the Father’s Day stall next term so keep an eye out for the dates and if your able to help.

Any questions or if you’re able to help with anything please contact me at. fundraising@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au

Thank you from Fundraising.

Book Club:

Book club issue 4 is out at the moment I have attached a link to the latest catalogue for you to use if required.


Loop online orders are due back in on the 6th June by 10pm and all other orders are due in by 8th of June 2017.

Any questions or concerns please contact: bookclub@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au

Thank you from the Book Club Team.

Tuckshop News

AM 29/5/2017-02/6/17 PM

AM 05/06/2017- 09/06/17 PM



Peita- Marie


Peita- Marie


Bob, Kelly


Bob, Kelly








Bob , Renee


Bob, Renee



Julie, Kirstin

Peita Marie

Julie, Kirstin

Peita- Marie


At times there are children coming to the tuckshop at second break that have been asking for multiple items ie 2 ice cream tubs or 2 slushies, and when questioned about it they say they are buying for a friend. Children are to buy ONLY for themselves and not to share food purchased from the tuckshop. I also have been seeing children sharing, giving and even asking other children for money for tuckshop purchases. Please discuss with your children that money and food are not to be shared at school.


Our tuckshop has an online ordering system called Flexischools. This is our preferred method of ordering. Our flexischools cut off time is 8am the morning of service, please make sure your orders are in and confirmed by 8am or they will not be processed on the flexischool website.

If you make a Flexischools order and for some reason your child does not come to school, call the tuckshop and let us know before 9am so the order can be cancelled and you will be refunded. If you do not let us know then the order will not be cancelled and therefore you will be charged. If no one answers the phone it is because we are busy so just leave a quick and clear message with child’s name and class.

Getting online is easy and only takes a few minutes to register. Simply go to the link below and click “Register Now”. You will be sent an email with further instructions on how to complete the registration. Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. If you have any questions, FlexiSchools provide a great help desk on 1300 361 769, or you can contact them via their website.


At the bottom of the menu there is information on how to order tuckshop using the paper bag system. If you use this method for your tuckshop orders, please use 2 bags if there is more than 1 item i.e. sandwich and juice needs 2 bags. Use one staple in the top left hand corner of the bag to secure the 2 bags together. Please do not staple or sticky tape the entire top of the bag closed. Just fold the bag/s a few times and either drop off into the quick drop box or take it to class to put in the tuckshop folder in the classroom. If you are concerned about money falling out of the bag, pop the tuckshop bags into a snap lock bag.

Another method of tuckshop ordering is the DIY system. There are bags and a quick drop box set up at the tuckshop counter. If you use this to order your tuckshop please write the order on the bag/s put the money inside the bag, fold the bag a few times and place it into the quick drop box. If change is required, it will be put in the corner of the bag and returned with the tuckshop. If there is a large amount of change I will keep in the tuckshop for pick up later in the day. Friday mornings there will be 2 DIY areas. Please make use of these areas to avoid waiting in long queues.

Any information regarding the tuckshop and volunteer rosters will be here in our fortnightly newsletters and if there is anything that cannot wait for the newsletter I will post on the Edens Landing State School P&C Association Facebook page -


Any problems or concerns please contact me

Annette Honnery
Tuckshop Convenor

Any important information regarding tuckshop will be posted on the official Edens Landing State School P&C facebook page


Tuckshop has a new email address which is effective immediately. All other contact details are the same.

Annette Honnery
Tuckshop Convenor

Uniform Shop News

Uniform Shop Hours are Thursday’s 8:15am – 9:15am we are no longer open on Friday’s. If you need to contact the uniform shop please email: uniform_shop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au

Current price list is attached. Order forms are available from the school office or the uniform shop.

Thank you,
Peita-Marie Winsor
Uniform Shop Convenor

YMCA Winter Holidays School Holiday Club