29 March 2017
Newsletter Articles
Contact Details
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- Have you moved address?
- Do we have your current phone number in case of an emergency?
- Are your emergency contacts still current?
- Are you receiving our newsletters by email?
- Do we have your current email address?
Phone 3826 0333 or Email office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
Important Dates to Remember
31st March |
Celebration of Learning |
School Holidays |
1st April- 17th April |
Term 2 |
School resumes 18th April -23rd June |
20th April |
Cross Country- all school |
21st April |
Year 4 St Helena Island Excursion |
24th April |
ANZAC Day ceremony- all school |
25th April |
ANZAC DAY- Public Holiday |
15th -16th May |
Year 5 Camp Kokoda- Maroon |
Visit the ELSS website for all calendar events:
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Principal’s Report
Great to be back with Family!
I often remark to my colleagues and anyone who will listen, how lucky I am to be Principal here at Edens Landing State School. I was made to feel so very special when I returned after my recent operation to fix my knee. It was really heartening to have the beautiful welcome back from staff, students and parents. I had so many hugs, high fives and well wishes from our students which was great for swelling my head but even more wonderful for what’s in my heart and that is the notion of family. I’m so very very excited to be back with this wonderful crew! Thank you all so much for your warm welcome back and well wishes. A special thank you to Mrs Gibson who was Principal in my absence for her hard work in making sure our wonderful school continued to run smoothly.
Cross Country Carnival
POSTPHONED to Thursday 20 April -visit our Facebook page for the news on that one! It promises to be a great event as usual and of course we encourage parents to be involved by coming to see your child race on the day. Children in most cases will be out of class for their race for approximately 1/2 hour. After the race children will return to class for normal lessons. Contrary to some messages I have been made aware of – the requirement for children on the day is that they are in full school uniform. The choice of uniform on that day is up to you and your child. It may consist of the school sports shirt, the school polo, the school shirt and the standard shorts or skirt. The day for house colour shirts that are not “uniform” is the sports carnival day – on this day we also allow students to dress up as well in their team colours.
The age of digital technology and communication modes like Facebook is great! I love that we can communicate quickly and effectively with a large audience and in this way if you have not already like our Facebook page I would encourage you to do so! I am aware of numerous concerns being mounted in places on line which we have no jurisdiction over. Often the messages are wrong, the answers strange and the conversation unproductive. I would like to make the following observations and suggestions so that we are all working to create a positive climate for our children at our school within our Edens Landing Family.
- When you post on FB in a place where we can’t see the question – we can’t answer it!
- Negative conversation about the school, teachers and the community is counterproductive to everything we would want for our children and our school and achieves nothing?
We are working hard to raise the profile of our school and make this the best place for our children that we possibly can. I would ask that if you have a concern you should engage in the following problem solving to get your query answered correctly:
- Contact the school to see if the office can answer your question
- Contact your classroom teacher by e-mail or by phone or make an appointment to see them
- Where your query is unresolved you may contact the Deputy Principal. ( Prep to Year 2 – Anthea Grant / Year 3 to Year 6 Cheryl Gibson)
- If you still need assistance you can then contact the principal (Andrew Cummings)
- In the unlikely event you are still unable to get an answer for your particular query you can contact the Regional Office at Robina
It’s rare that we need to negotiate past the classroom teacher level! By working together we can solve pretty much anything in what is mostly a win win situation. I’m genuine in my commitment to this school and each and every child as are my staff. We want nothing more than a happy community of learners within the Edens Landing Family!
Principal Appointment
I am just letting you know in this edition that the Principal role at our school has been advertised and that there is currently a recruitment process being carried out. I expect that I may have some news on the outcome of this process in the last week of school. Keep an eye on the Facebook Page and the school’s digital sign for further detail. I would expect the outcome to be later in the week.
Andrew Cummings
Deputy Principal’s News
What a busy and productive term 1 we have had. The students have been working hard to achieve their personal goals in learning, and the teachers are already preparing for the term ahead. Next term will see the first Year 5 camp and NAPLAN will once again come around for our Year 3 & 5 students. Year 4 will set sail for their St Helena excursion and our 20th Anniversary Bush dance will take place.
Please enjoy the holiday break, and I look forward to seeing everyone back safe and sound in term 2.
Garden of Edens
This year we have had Chef Chris running both the garden and kitchen in our SAKG program. The program has expanded to include student from all year levels and our gardens are more productive than they have ever been. The photo you see here is the produce picked after four weeks of growing. I am sure you will agree that this is an impressive haul of fresh produce.
Chef Chris is looking for donations of items we need to continue developing our Kitchen Garden Program. If you have any of the follow items and would like to donate them to our school, please leave them at the office or drop them into the kitchen Tuesday-Friday. The list is extensive, but if many people donate a little we end up with a wonderful resource for our students. Bunnings has been very generous, offering to help out where they can.
Chef Chris’ wish list:
Lettuce Seedlings:
Frilly or Fancy Lettuce
Butter Crunch
Beetroot, Beans, Sweet Corn, Spring Onions, Spinach, Tomatoes, Cherry and Big Tomatoes
Seeds: Radish, Broccolini, Cabbage, Sweetcorn, Watermelon, Cucumber, Eggplant, Beans
Fruiting Shrubs: Passionfruit, Lime, Lemon, Apple, Pear, Rosella, Mandarin, Avocado,
Equipment Etc: Rakes, Hoes, Garden Forks, Spades, Shovels, Wheelbarrows, Hand Tools, Trowels, Forks, Two prong weeders, Hanging Baskets, Harvest Baskets, Cow Manure, Sheep Manure, Power feed, Blood and Bone, Garden Lime, Sulphur, Dynamic Lifter, Chicken Coup, Bee Hives, 85m Pool Fencing
Outside of school hours care (OSHC) is coming to Edens Landing State School.
Please watch for further information as it becomes available. We will be taking registrations for our onsite before/after school care and holiday care shortly. The service provider has tailored their program to align with our school values and expectations. We are very excited to be able to offer this service to our Edens Landing families. We are hoping the service will be available from the June holidays.
Year 6 Camp
Our Year 6 cohort returned from Camp full of excitement and appreciation for their amazing teachers. It was certainly a different group of children (and teachers) returning than the buzz of the buses leaving on Monday morning. They were all very tired and ready for a good night sleep. I am sure the parents had their work cut out cleaning the mountain of wet and muddy clothes. Please take the time to thank the teachers who made the event both away and at school such a success.
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Our explicit teaching of behaviour expectations will continue throughout the year, focusing on the Rule of the Week – each week teachers explicitly teach lessons which focus on a selected aspect of school expectations.
The rules for weeks 1 and 2 of term 2 are outlined below. Teachers will be discussing these with their students over the next two weeks, and it would be wonderful if parents spoke with their children about the importance of each rule.
Week 1 - Using Equipment safely and for its intended purpose
Showing appreciation for belongings begins by first recognising their value. Students need to understand that sometimes, people value something because it has been in their family for a long time and it has sentimental value, other times it is has monetary value which makes it difficult to replace if damaged, while others may value an object because it has personal meaning. School communities value equipment because it provides the best possible opportunity for students to learn.
After students recognise that possessions have value, the next step is to understand how to appreciate them. To appreciate something is to be thankful for it. For instance, you may not appreciate the value of a winter coat in the summer, but in the winter, you are thankful and appreciative that you have a warm coat to wear.
Thankfulness and appreciation lead to the next step, respect. You show respect for possessions by taking care of them. Taking care of your belongings includes:
- Not mistreating them.
- Keeping them clean and orderly, in their appropriate places.
- Being sure that others who may use them, take care of them as well.
Week 2 – Be Respectful- Maintain a clean environment. Keeping Our School Clean is the responsibility of all of us not just the cleaners and ground staff. To facilitate this we encourage the students to follow these steps:
Cleanliness of Grounds: Students are requested to only eat in the designated areas and use the many rubbish bins that are placed by all eating to deposit their papers or uneaten food items. This is an easy thing to do which really helps keep our grounds clean and tidy.
Recycling: We encourage parents, students and staff to use re-usable containers for lunches and to recycle juice boxes and plastics. We also encourage students to take home any left-over items from lunches to avoid waste. To help keep our school clean, students are not to chew gum at school and to pick up any rubbish they see. Students who find broken glass or other strange and dangerous looking objects should not touch them but report these to the teacher on duty or the office staff.
Cleanliness in Class: By wiping their shoes before entering the classroom, picking up any rubbish around the room and keeping their work spaces tidy, students can help to make their work environment a pleasant place to be.
If everyone follows these simple measures we will have a beautiful and clean school for everyone to enjoy.
Yours in Education
Cheryl Gibson
We will be holding our very first whole school ‘Celebration of Learning,’ on Friday the 31st of March (last day of term).
Education is all about growth and our celebration of learning is a day for parents and caregivers to come and celebrate the growth their children have made over the term. This will look different for every child. It is vital that we recognise growth no matter how big or small and celebrate the behaviours students have developed leading to such growth.
Below is a timetable for the day. Class presentations are spread out throughout the day to allow families with more than one child to celebrate with all of their children.
There are time slots for you to go and observe our specialist classes and you are also invited to stay and share a picnic lunch with your child/ren.
Time |
Class |
Activity |
Location |
9:00 – 9:30 |
Prep |
Families |
Prep classrooms |
9:30- 10:00 |
Year 2 |
Show and Share |
Year 2 Classrooms |
10:00-10:30 |
Year 5 |
Gold Rush Plays |
J Block |
10:30-11:00 |
Year 4 |
Garden |
Garden Area |
11:00-11:30 |
Parents are invited to stay and share in a Picnic Lunch with their children |
11:30-12:00 |
Open classrooms for Personalised Learning centre and specialist classrooms: LOTE, Music, P.E and maths tasks with Mrs Blair. (locations will be displayed on the day) |
12:00-12:30 |
Year 6 |
Show and Share |
K Block |
12:30-1:00 |
Parent session: How to help your child with reading. |
Resource Centre |
1:00-1:40 |
Parents are invited to stay and share in a Picnic Lunch with their children |
1:45-2:15 |
Year 3 & 3/4 |
Show and Share |
H block / Modular 3 |
2:15-2:45 |
Year 1 |
Number Rap |
B Block |
Don’t miss the Edens
STUDENT V’S TEACHER netball game
Time: 1:10 – 1:30
Where: Netball Courts (outside Multi-Purpose
PLEASE NOTE: At 12:30pm there will be an information session for parents on “How to help your children with reading at home.”
This term Prep students have been learning about their family and who makes up their family. On the last day of term we are inviting parents into our rooms to see our work on families and watch an iMovie where each child verbalises who makes up their family and what they love about their family. This will take place in the classrooms after the Hat Parade at 9 a.m. that will be in the hall.
Year 2 have had some great cooking experiences with Chef in the Kitchen this term, we have made scones, Vietnamese Rice Paper Rolls and Won Tons to inspire us with our procedural writing. Exciting experiments have been conducted in Science investigating whether water and oil mix or if we can separate icing sugar from cocoa and puffed rice.
This term has been very busy for our students. We have integrated our Maths, Science, Technology and English into our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen & Garden Program (cooking and gardening lessons). Here is an explanation of what we have been up to, it was written by Kale, William, Anthony and Maddison:
Maths and Science
Year 4 have been designing a package for our Maths and science unit. We have been using recycled materials to make a package to store and deliver ANZAC biscuits. We have been in the learning pit and faced lots of challenges throughout our experience.
Our class has been practising baking ANZAC biscuits with Chef and will be sharing them on the last day of school for our Celebration of Learning.
Our class, 4J, have been researching explorers from our history. Our choices of explorers were Vasco da Gama, Willem Janz, Sir Francis Drake, Amerigo Vespucci and Ferdinand Magellan. It was interesting looking at their lives and how they explored the world.
This term, Year 4s have been learning about Aboriginal art. We have been designing our own artwork. We had to choose three symbols and an Australian animal for our design.
Rachel Pope
Head of Curriculum
Art News
Children from Prep to Year 4 have undertaken an Art Program, implemented by myself as the school’s Art Teacher. The sequence of lessons reinforce other concepts being covered in the classroom whilst also branching from the Australian Curriculum. Each class comes for an hour lesson once a fortnight. The children have amazed me with their enthusiasm. I am proud to say that like myself, children find a lot of joy in participating in the creative process.
Below is a snap shot of what each Year level is focusing on.
Prep – Drawing the human form.
Moving away from the stick figure to include more detail.
Year 1 – Observational drawing of insects.
Year 2 – Theory of colour – Terms - Primary,
Secondary, Cool, Warm and Complementary
Year 3 – Shadow Puppets
Year 4 – Indigenous Art
Art e Fact
A large proportion of contemporary Aboriginal art is based on important ancient stories and symbols centred on 'the Dreamtime' – the period in which Indigenous people believe the world was created. The Dreamtime stories are up to and possibly even exceeding 50,000 years old, and have been handed down through the generations for all those years.
3/4A Lacey, Ava,Shayla,Tyana
4B Riley,Mason,Kade |
4J Kailie & Mojdah |
4H Alex, Ava, Anna |
4K Lazare, Sam, Ty |
P & C News
School Banking News!!
A HUGE welcome to our new youth savers!! We have had a lot of new bankers start with us this year, and because of this, it would be very helpful if everyone could please fully complete their deposits slips. It is a great skill to develop as you grow older, on how to fill out a deposit slip and save money. Follow the numbers on the picture below, and you will have filled out your deposit slip perfectly every week:
- Childs Name
- Childs school banking student number
- Childs youthsaver account number
- Date
- Amount in coins, notes or cheques
- Total amount of deposit
- Total amount of deposit (input this into the “add this deposit” field).
- Your child’s Class
Getting involved in school banking is easy!
If you have not joined the school banking Youthsaver Program, it is now easier than ever!
All you need to get involved in the School Banking Program is a Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver Account ONLINE:
Visit the Commbank website and click on the link to open a Youthsaver account. Please be sure to record the BSB and Account number for the newly created account.
School banking is WEDNESDAY. Each week remember to hand your bank book into your class teacher.
If you would like to know more about school banking, please ask for a 2017 school banking program information pack or visit the link below.
Lucky Banker Awards
Jessica Thomas 4H
Miley Townshend 1D
Kind regards,
School Banking Team
Tuckshop News
Tuckshop will be closed the last on the last day of term, FRIDAY 31ST MARCH, for cleaning. No service at either break.
Tuckshop will be open on the first day of term 2, TUESDAY 18TH APRIL.
Any important information regarding tuckshop will be posted on the official Edens Landing State School P&C facebook page
Tuckshop has a new email address which is effective immediately. All other contact details are the same.
Have a happy and safe holiday.
Annette Honnery
Tuckshop Convenor
Uniform Shop News
Uniform Shop Hours are Thursday’s 8:15am – 9:15am we are no longer open on Friday’s. If you need to contact the uniform shop please email: uniform_shop@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
Current price list is attached. Order forms are available from the school office or the uniform shop.
Thank you,
Peita-Marie Winsor
Uniform Shop Convenor