3 June 2016
Newsletter Articles
Principal’s Report
Dear Parents/ Carers,
Many of you would be aware that there was a serious accident Tuesday in front of our school on Castile Crescent involving a pedestrian being struck by a vehicle. Fortunately this vehicle was at minimum speed slowing as it was approaching cueing traffic.
The vehicle bumped the pedestrian and the Queensland Ambulance Service attended the scene. The patient was transported to Hospital. The patient is in a stable condition and is receiving ongoing medical attention.
This accident highlights the need for our community to show care when exiting the school grounds. In particular I would ask that you and your children use the supervised crossings and the underpass available to ensure everyone is safe.
It is critical as a community that we observe these facilities for the safety and wellbeing of our children.
If you pick your child up from the far side of Castile Crescent please ensure that you are not crossing this road and that the underpass is utilised. Similarly please note that there is no entry or exit to the school from Castile Crescent. Parents and students jumping the fence should cease these actions immediately please and observe the marked entry and exit points for the school.
You are reminded also that there is an exit point on Avonmore Street which may also be utilised as a safe point of exit. We have provided a map over the page to assist in identifying the correct exit points and safety structures (supervised crossings and underpass) for your convenience and discussion with your children.
Everyone has a role to play in the safety of our children at the key peak volume times in the morning and afternoon. Each and every one of our children is precious and irreplaceable!
We have met with children today and discussed the incident. Any child or parent experiencing any trauma as a result of this incident should contact the school immediately. Children requiring support today have been identified and a range of support strategies have been put in place.
I have made contact today with the Qld Police Service and requested their ongoing support to assist with safety in our school zones. The school has also contacted the Logan City Council to inform them of the incident and also seek their assistance in managing our students, parents and community safely at key exit times.
I urge you to assist us in keeping them safe by ensuring we all observe the safety measures outlined above.
Andrew Cummings
Deputy Principal’s News
Every year we hold a fun filled morning where children can explore and engage in a variety of activities. Please join us and bring along your toddlers for this fun morning. This year will be just as good as other occasions with a variety of fun activities. Children have the opportunity to FREE ROAM through the activities provided by teachers and the extra pair of hands provided by parents or grandparents is greatly appreciated so the students can make the most of all that is on offer. Please ensure your child slip, slops, slaps to protect themselves in the sun. The mornings may be cool, but the sun still has a bite to it.
Our school prides itself in having an attractive uniform with various styles that cater for a range of students. A reminder that full details are available on the school website. Now that the colder weather has settled on us, a reminder that our school rules and policies in accordance with the Education Act, supports the wearing of approved winter uniforms. These are available from the uniform shop which is open on Friday mornings. Please note that as part of our dress code jeans are not acceptable, nor are coloured long socks. Students are only allowed to wear school coloured or navy blue jumpers and long pants. Please ensure that all items are clearly named for quick return.
You think English is easy! Read these sentences. Talk to your child about the different use of words. Understanding how words are used, grammar and how meaning change is important to support comprehension. Have some fun with these!
- The bandage was wound around the wound.
- The farm was used to produce produce.
- The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
- The executive will table the final results found in comparing prices of various dining tables.
Set a challenge for your child and make up more.
Can you read this? Reading and comprehension do not rely on decoding as the main skill.
Once there was a beautiful princess who longed to live a normal life.
For onz of hzr holqdxys thqs dztermqnzd rqnczss dzcded shz wovld no longzr bz constrxqnzd by hxvqng to confrum to socqzty’s zspzctxtqons. So wqth gxy abxndn shz szt off on hzr xdvzntvrz to xn idyllqc hqdzxwxy qn thz sovth pxcqfqc.
Whqlz frolqcqng qn thqs pxrxdqsz spyqng eyzs rzportzd hzr frqvolovs wzys to the wrld. So thz bzxvtqfvl prqnczss, stxd xs shz wxs nad rztvrnznd to hzr cxstlz to rzsvmz hzr dvtqzs.
Talk to your child about these issues in use of our language. Provide a challenge and see who can come up with some more fun use of words.
Karen Stoyko
Deputy Principal
Deputy Principal’s News
Breakfast Club runs each Monday and Thursday morning before school, starting at 8am and finishing at 8:30am. Students who want to participate are required to remain in E Block until they have finished eating. Once they have finished they are expected to return to the appropriate area (the Hall for seniors or the Junior Covered Area for the juniors). This service is provided by our Chaplain, and is manned by staff members who volunteer their time.
Indigenous Homework Club runs each Monday afternoon from 3-4:30. We work on Homework until 4pm and then engage in a variety of cultural activities until 4:30pm. If you are interested in your child attending, please collect a permission form from the office.
Ipad Club has been up and running for the past twelve months and is very well attended by a large number of students from Years 2-6. It runs through all three play breaks, every day of the week. The club is constantly expanding to cater for the growing number of students who wish to attend each break. If you have any game consoles (older ones are fine if they are in working condition) or school appropriate games at home which you no longer use, please consider donating them to our club. Please deliver your donations to the office and I will ensure they find a home in our ipad club space.
Rule of the Week
The rules for weeks 8 and 9 are outlined below. Teachers will be discussing these with students over the next two weeks, and it would be wonderful if parents spoke with their children about the importance of each rule.
Week 8 - Be Safe and Responsible - Be in the right place at the right time
The school ground is, for many children, one of the few places where they can interact with their peers in a natural, outdoor environment. Consequently, children benefit significantly from maximising their time in the playground during break times engaging in a range of play activities. However, it is important that we are able to ensure the safety of all students who attend our school. We do this through actively supervising students before school and during class and play times.
Students are expected to play within their designated areas, eat in the assigned places, line up in the space allocated to their year level, and wait before school in the senior or junior area. Students are also expected to move to their class promptly at each bell time.
Week 9 - Be respectful - Respect the belongings of peers, staff and the school
During week 9 teachers will be discussing what respecting belongings means through the follow:
1. Showing appreciation for your belongings begins by first recognising their value. You might value one of your possessions because you worked hard to earn it, or it was a reward for doing well on your last report card. Sometimes, people value something because it has been in their family for a long time and it has sentimental value. For example, you may have an old T-shirt that you wore when you and your family went on vacation. To your friends it is just an old T-shirt, but to you it represents a special memory. Sometimes we value something because it is beneficial to our learning or enjoyment during play time.
2. After you have recognised that your possessions have value, the next step is to appreciate them. To appreciate something is to be thankful for it. For instance, you may not appreciate the value of a winter coat in the summer, but in the winter, you are thankful and appreciative that you have a warm coat to wear.
3. Thankfulness and appreciation lead to the next step, respect. You show respect for your possessions by taking care of them. Taking care of your belongings includes:
- Not abusing them.
- Keeping them clean and orderly, in their appropriate places.
- Being sure that others who may use them, take care of them as well.
People and schools have rules regarding property. For instance, not walking on the carpet with your shoes on at home, or not eating and drinking while using the computers and ipads. Not to play ball in the hall, because the ball could break the window or someone could get hurt while running for the ball, or not hitting the computer keyboards too hard because the keys will break. When we make rules regarding our property, we are, in effect, telling others how we want them to respect our belongings. Rules show that we care about what we own and that we expect others to care as well.
Cheryl Gibson
Physical Education
The Senior Sports Day will be held on Thursday 9th and Friday 10th of June. This is a fun filled school event with students participating in track and field events, relay races and tabloid activities. All parents, family and friends are encouraged to come along and support this event.
At Edens Landing, it is our expectation that all students will participate in and attempt every event. If your child/ren are unable to compete in the event, they must give a note of explanation to their class teacher.
Students must have a water bottle, hat, sunscreen, asthma puffer (if required) and wear closed in shoes. Students are encouraged to wear their house colours (plan coloured t-shirt and normal school shorts). Singlet tops, hair spray and zinc are unacceptable. Students must adhere to school dress code standards.
The timetable for events is attached. Please note that the 800m event will be held before the Senior Sports Day. If your child wishes to participate in the 800m, they must attend on the day their race is held.
Monday 6th June 8:00am
800m- boys (2004-2008)
Wednesday 8th June 8:00am
800m- girls (2004-2008)
All students born in 2004-2006 who place first or second in any event, will be selected in our school athletics team and will compete at the Zone Trials next term.
Should you have any questions, please contact me at kodon30@eq.edu.au
Yours in Sport
Ken O’Donnell
Physical Education Teacher
What’s On at Edens Landing State School
Day |
Event |
Mondays |
Breakfast Club- Stefanie Alexander Kitchen 8am-8.30am |
Homework club 3pm-4pm Senior Computer Lab. Concludes 13th June |
Aboriginal & Torrs Straight Islander Homework Club 2.55pm-4.30pm E Block |
Sporting Schools Program- Basketball Prep-Yr2 3pm-4pm Multi Purpose Hall |
Tuesdays |
Play group 9am -11am each term, children under 5 only. Multi Purpose Hall |
Sporting schools Program – Basketball Prep-Yr2 3pm-4pm Multipose Hall |
Wednesdays |
Running Club 8am-8.30am Senior Oval concludes 22nd June |
Thursdays |
Breakfast Club- Stefanie Alexander Kitchen 8am -8.30am |
Running Club 8am-8.30am Senior Oval concludes 23rd June |
Sporting Schools Program – Basketball Yr3-Yr6 |
Fridays |
All school assembly- 2pm |
Head of Curriculum’s Message
2016 Premiers Reading Challenge
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn the more places you'll go.” Dr Seuss
One of our goals at Edens Landing is to foster a LOVE of reading in our students. This year every child from Prep through to Year 6 will be participating in the Premiers Reading Challenge. This will be completed in class time where the students can enter books that they are reading within their school day.
Students are more than welcome and encouraged to add books that they read at home onto their sheet. The challenge will run until the 26th of August.
Our goal is for every student to succeed and receive a Certificate of Achievement.
Life Education- Free information session
The Life Education van will be visiting our school during weeks 10 and 11 of this term for Prep to Year 5 students.
A free information session for parents will be held in the Life Education van on Monday the 13th of June at 9am.
If you would like to find out more about this program and the content that the students will be covering I would encourage you to attend.
Please return your attendance slip as soon as possible.
2017 Study Tour to Japan
Would you like your child to be 1 of 20 students to participate in the 2017 Edens Landing State School study tour to Japan? An information evening will be held on Wednesday 8th June at 6pm in the Resource Centre. Only students in the current grades 4 and 5 will be eligible to participate. No financial commitment is required on the evening. Parents and students welcome.
Kind regards,
Rachel Pope
This term we have been reading fairy tales. In the next few weeks, the children will be retelling their favourite one either by acting out the story or drawing pictures showing the sequence of events.
We have been learning about materials and their properties. The children have made a wind ornament and have told us whether it should be hung outside, under cover or inside because of the materials they chose to use to make it.
This Friday is Under 8’s day. There will be a lot of activities for the children to do on the Junior Oval. Parents are encouraged to attend if possible as the children roam around these activities freely. We hope to see you there.
Year 3, are excitedly anticipating their big excursion to Brisbane City to view changes in the urban landscape over time. We will be catching trains and ferries and walking through the Anzac Square and Memorial as well as King George Square and Roma Street Parklands. This excursion links well to our Health Unit on Travel safety and also both History and Geography units.
Last Wednesday, 40 year 5 students were fortunate to attend a ‘Science of Excellence’ extension program at Windaroo Valley State High School. Students were involved in 3 activities. Their biology lesson consisted of them learning about the anatomy of fish, and then they dissected the fish to examine the anatomy. Their chemistry lesson explored polymers (meaning many parts) in plastics and created slime and bouncy balls. They then had a robotics class, which enabled them to do coding, 3D printing, as well as programming robots to follow their directions. All the students who attended thoroughly enjoyed this valuable learning experience.
Rachel Pope
Homestay Families Wanted
Japanese Student to visit Edens Landing State School
Kinki University Elementry School, Osaka will be visiting our school again, between
27th July to 31st July 2016
After another successful visit in March this year, they have decided to again share their culture with our students as they learn about life here in Australia and we learn more about their culture. To make this program successful we need Homestay Families to share their homes with an international student.
If you are interested in hosting a student or students, please complete the information attached and return to the school office ASAP.
2017 Study Tour to Japan
Would you like your child to be 1 of 20 students to participate in the 2017 Edens Landing State School study tour to Japan? An information evening will be held on Wednesday 8th June at 6pm in the Resource Centre. Only students in the current grades 4 and 5 will be eligible to participate. No financial commitment is required on the evening. Parents and students welcome.
Kristen Sanderson
P&C News
Congratulations to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for the Chocolate Drive. They received there awards on Fridays whole school assembly. Thank you to everyone that participated.
There are still outstanding Chocolate Money and if you have outstanding money then a friendly reminder would have been sent home with your child on Wednesday the 25th of May. If you have not returned your money please do so ASAP.
Please use Australian currency, there have been an increasing amount of foreign currency coming through with the money returned for our fundraising and the bank does not accept them.
If you need to contact us please do so via email: fundraising@elsspc.org.au
Thank you,
Peita-Marie Winsor, Jo Fitch & Tia Townshend
Fundraising Co-Coordinators
Book Club
Book Club has been processed and ordered and will be distributed when it arrives back to school within the next week. Thank you to everyone that placed and order, it’s great to see more and more of you using the online LOOP ordering.
It is very easy to use if you haven’t tried it yet there is always the next issue to give it a go.
Please use Australian currency, there have been an increasing amount of foreign currency coming through Book Club orders and the bank does not accept them.
If you need to contact us please do so via email: bookclub@elsspc.org.au
Thank you from the Book Club Ladies,
Peita-Marie Winsor & Jo Fitch.
Student Banking
New School Banking Rewards available now!!!
Term 2 rewards with the Outback Savers theme now available, while stocks last!!
Flying Snake Tail
Wildlife Writer Set
For every deposit made at the school, no matter how big or small, students receive a silver Dollarmites token.
Once students have individually collected 10 tokens they can redeem them for exclusive School Banking rewards in recognition of their regular savings habits.
There are 2 new items released every term so be sure to keep an eye out for them!
Thank you for supporting the school banking program.
School banking day is Wednesday!!
Outback Bankers
11th May –Seth PM & Satsuki 4A
18th May – Ziva PM & Alexis 5B
6/6/16 – 10/6/16 |
13/6/16 –17/6/16 |
AM |
PM |
AM |
PM |
Please PRINT your child’s NAME and CLASS on paper bag/s (IN PEN/BIRO) put money in bag and fold in half or quarters
If there is first and second break items written on bag could you please specify which items are for 1st break and which items are for 2nd break.
If change is required then it will be sticky taped in the bottom corner of the child’s tuckshop bag.
If the change is a large amount, I either contact the teacher and let them know the child’s change is in the tuckshop and they can come and pick it up from me or write a note on the bag to the child to ask to come and pick up their change from the tuckshop.
Please do not use sticky tape or staples to seal bags once you have put money in and folded them in half or quarters. If you are worried about the money falling out, place the tuckshop bag inside a snap lock bag.
Please use 2 bags if ordering hot and cold food (ie, hot item or sandwich plus a drink, this requires two bags) and then staple the two bags together. IF USING TWO BAGS THEN ONE STAPLE IN THE TOP LEFT HAND CORNER IS ALL THAT IS REQUIRED.
Lunch bags supplied by the tuckshop cost 10 cents each, please include an extra 10 cents per bag if you require tuckshop supplied bags. Also payment for bags used at self service area also need to be included in the total tuckshop order.
Hot food and sandwiches are only prepared for the main break at 11.00 am, no over the counter sales at first break. No hot food or sandwiches are prepared for 2nd break at 1.00 pm.
Snacks and drinks may be purchased at second break either in person or children come to tuckshop to collect pre ordered items. Second break items are transferred to a tally sheet from the tuckshop bags, no need for an extra bag for second break items, just clearly marked that they are required for second break.
If there is a problem with your child’s order, please discuss this possibility at home, after all we are all human and mistakes are made, tell them that they should come and see the tuckshop immediately to try and rectify the situation.
Prices may change due to unforeseen price increases by suppliers and substitutions may be made if insufficient money given or stock is unavailable
If your child/children have any allergies, PLEASE contact the school administration IMMEDIATELY and also come and see the tuckshop convenor.
If your child has insufficient money or forgets their lunch, the process followed is - the child goes to the office and admin staff try to contact you to authorise lunch from the tuckshop. If this happens then I send home a yellow note with the details of the amount owed to the tuckshop and this is to be paid ASAP. As we all know sometimes children forget to give notes to parents or they get lost. If you have not paid for your tuckshop bill after a period of time, a second yellow reminder note will be sent home with your child asking for payment. After that an invoice will be sent to you personally.
Please use Australian currency, there have been an increasing amount of foreign currency coming through tuckshop orders and the bank will not accept them.
Any concerns or queries please contact the tuckshop convenor on 3805 7999 or tuckshop@elsspc.org.au
Online Ordering is Here!
Our school has now introduced a great new online ordering system for the Tuckshop called FlexiSchools. This system allows parents and staff to place orders from home, work or school at any time. The payment is also done online, so less paper bags, cash and envelopes are sent via your student to school. As well as being convenient for parents, the online orders are much faster and easier for the tuckshop to process - so it makes everyone’s life a little easier. FlexiSchools is well established and tested, operating in hundreds of schools across Australia.
Getting online is easy and only takes a few minutes to register. Simply go to the link below and click “Register Now”. You will be sent an email with further instructions on how to complete the registration. Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. If you have any questions, FlexiSchools provide a great help desk on 1300 361 769, or you can contact them via their website.
There are a variety of payment options supported, including Visa, Mastercard (credit and debit) and Bank Transfer. The system operates via a pre-paid account.
The system is now available, so we look forward to seeing your next order online!
Ph: 3508 7999|
Student of the week
20th May
Prep C |
Alexandria |
3W |
Aira |
Prep M |
Evahn |
3S |
Riley |
Prep B |
Brighton |
3P |
Ava |
Prep P |
Rhyleigh |
4A |
Alleyah |
1E |
Isabelle |
4H |
Blake |
1KD |
Matthew |
4MP |
CJ |
1GB |
Tawhiri |
4G |
Rebecca |
1HR |
Eleanor |
5H |
Brooklyn |
1P |
Amia |
5L |
Jamie |
2GC |
Hannah |
5CE |
Chelsea |
2K |
Gabriella |
5B |
Alex |
2T |
Sakina |
6S |
Serenity |
2W |
Stella |
6C |
Ellissa |
2/3H |
Sebastian |
5/6RB |
Siobhan |
3K |
Clay |
6H |
Teihanie |
3rd June
Prep C |
Zachary |
3K |
Myamee |
Prep M |
Amelia |
3W |
Maekayla |
Prep B |
Deana |
3S |
Lorelei |
Prep P |
Te Pairi |
3P |
Caden |
Prep S/B |
Brooke |
4A |
Maia |
1E |
Tamika |
4H |
Callum |
1KD |
Bailey |
4MP |
Chris |
1GB |
Joshua |
4G |
Jodeshe’ |
1HR |
Kati |
5H |
Cid |
1P |
Dylan |
5L |
Sonya |
2GC |
5CE |
Khye |
2K |
Kyra |
5B |
Alazae |
2T |
Aydon |
6S |
Liam |
2W |
Stephanie |
6C |
Shannon |
2/3H |
Mereki |
5/6RB |
Jasmine |
6H |
Thomas |
Smart Tennis Academy
Starting 25th May Smart Tennis Academy will be holding a Tennis program in the Multi Purpose Hall before school. Two classes will be held. Years 4-6 7.10am-7.50am and Years 1-3 7.50am-8.30am
Cost of the program is $70 and will be held for 5 weeks and includes a Free shirt.