Edens Landing State School
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Jamie Nicolson Ave
Edens Landing QLD 4207
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Email: office@edenslandingss.eq.edu.au
Phone: 07 3826 0333
Fax: 07 3826 0300

4 March 2016

Newsletter Articles

Important Dates to Remember

11th & 18th March

Interschool Sport Competition

14th - 16th March

Year 6 Camp- Emu Gully

16th March

Last day for Interschool Sport Competition payment $41

17th March

Whole school Cross Country

18th March

Star Of The School

21st -24th March

Japanese Homestay Visit

21st March

P&C General Meeting 7pm Staffroom Administration Building

24th March

Last day of school Term 1

11th April

First Day Term 2

15th,22nd,29th April

Interschool Sport Competition

25th April

Public Holiday –ANZAC Day

9th & 10th June

Senior Athletics Year levels 3-6

11th August

Junior Athletics Year levels Prep-2

Principal’s Report

What a fantastic start to the term we have had! I have delighted in walking through the rooms to see our children working hard and making some great progress.

Releasing the Writer

I had the opportunity to teach a lesson last week which I really enjoyed with a grade 4 class. I have this genuine love for learning and it was exciting to have the time to guide the children through a lesson where we listened to the wonderful work of Author Roald Dahl and then deconstructed his work together.

Why did he choose those words, what picture did it paint for you, what are these descriptive words called? These were just some of the questions I asked to elicit from children the key to great writing. I wanted to inspire them to be writers themselves to have them realise writing has a purpose and an audience.

We then went on to create some great sentences from a very simple piece of text I wrote on the board. The children really enjoyed the opportunity to act and behave like a writer by specifically targeting their audience and "painting a picture" for them with the carefully constructed words on the page.

School Review

This week we have our School Review which is a systematic review of our school operations across the entire school. The review has been commissioned by Education Queensland to assist us in shaping our direction as a school in the next 4 years. As part of this process we will then be involved in some very specific planning for improvement with our Assistant Regional Director, Mr Darren Scott. The improvement agenda will focus clearly on what counts and have very specific tight and measurable attainment goals for us to meet. I look forward to sharing those conversations and challenges with you as we move forward.

The School Review is a positive initiative of Education Queensland and provides an extensive research based framework for us to enact school improvement in a supported environment with the department. For more information on the framework used to review and shape performance go to:


Positive Behaviour for Learning

We have been working hard together as a school to address behaviour standards. We have recently revised and revived our Positive Behaviour for Learning team (PBL). We have addressed a number of issues but we have more work to do in this area to create an even better schooling environment for our children. Teaching and learning is a complex role just by the nature of the children we deal with and their varied abilities - so too is behaviour very similar. The work of the PBL team in creating and maximising our ability to manage this area is crucial. They are led by our Deputy Principal Mrs Cheryl Gibson.

Traffic Management

I met recently with the staff from Queensland transport and Main Roads as well as our local police and crossing supervisors. We also had our P&C president and treasurer at the meeting. The issues being experienced at the front of our school are complex and have no simple solution.

We all have a role to play and some additional information is included in this week's newsletter. There is honestly some crazy stuff happening down there in the afternoons which is dangerous for children and for the crossing supervisors.

PLEASE obey all the road markings and don't park against yellow lines either on the road or on the nature strip. This behaviour endangers the lives of our children and we have already had some near misses.

PLEASE don't cue through the crossing as this also creates dangers and doesn't then allow for children to cross. The area must be clear for the supervisor to cross children. More information from our local police on this issue in our newsletter as well.

Student safety is everyone's responsibility so please consider our children's safety carefully through your actions as a driver.

Thank you once again for the opportunity to lead this wonderful community of learners - I have thoroughly enjoyed my first 6 weeks here at Edens Landing State School.


Andrew Cummings

Deputy Principal’s News

We’ve had a great start. Our students have started to settle well and are adjusting to school expectations, routines and procedures. For some, this will take a bit of getting used to, as schools by nature are far more routine orientated and have clear rules and boundaries that are required for all to adhere to so that we can do our best in providing a safe, respectful environment.

As part of our support for students, we have engaged a BLUEARTH COACH, Mrs Ilona Barr, to share her knowledge and expertise in some movement and activity based programs. This term, Mrs Barr will be with us on some Thursdays, working with year two classes and teachers. Later in the term she will work with year one classes. Other classes will follow at the end of term 2 and into term 3.

Greetings from Bluearth! Your child/children may have mentioned Bluearth or you may have seen the Bluearth Coach out in the playground over the past few weeks and wondered what it was all about.

Bluearth is a movement and activity based program that uses the joy of movement to help children better understand themselves, peers, teachers and the important relationships that exist between them. In an inclusive and fun environment students experience a range of individual, partner and group activities to improve posture, function, self awareness and mindfulness. This helps build lifelong habits in physical activity and movement that is so important for children’s development, health and wellbeing. With skilful guidance and reflection, amazing results have been achieved.

Bluearth provides on the job training for teachers so that the program can be sustained long term within the school. The Bluearth Coach will be working with teachers and their classes on a regular basis – please feel free to speak with them if you would like to know more about the program – or join in.

You might also like to visit the Bluearth website www.bluearth.org and look at our parents section for more information and activities for the whole family. We also encourage you to read some latest research in how mindfulness improved children’s learning:



One of the most important routines you can foster as parents is daily reading through the home reading program. While this is crucial for the Year 1 to 4 classes, it applies to all children and will hopefully become a natural part of their daily routine. Given the many distractions children face, this habit usually won’t come naturally and will need to have your support. It is vital that this support is positive and establishes a shared reading time as an enjoyable experience.

In prep classes, our home reading program is based on developing a love of books, where we ask an adult to share a story book. Every week students borrow from the resource centre and choose their own book. Please share this book with them. When you have finished why don’t you both come to the library and choose another book. Our focus in semester one of prep is to have an adult read many different types of books to the child. Later in the year, our prep students may be issued with a home reader.

In years one, two and three, due to the way children select or are given school home readers, they will not always be at your child’s exact reading level. (Students are issued with books from within a range of levels.) In this instance if a book is too difficult, take the initiative and use that book as one to read to your child. Involve them by discussing the illustrations first, asking them to predict what the book is about, what will happen next and discuss the characters. Alternatively if your child brings home an easily read text, allow them to ‘celebrate’ their skills and read it fully to you. In the early years, encourage your child to read all the environmental print you can see. Extend this to reading recipes, magazines, shopping lists, junk mail etc.

Middle and Upper school children show more reliance upon books borrowed from the library. The same principles still apply whether reading for pleasure or research. Spend the time reading with your child; 10 to 15 minutes reading daily at home is our expectation. For students in the middle years, reading can take many forms and does not have to be a story book. Many non-fiction texts, even the tv guide provide opportunities to comprehend in different ways.

Reading is at the heart of learning – it’s too important a task to be neglected. The greatest difference you can make in your child’s education is to spend a little time every day reading to and reading with your child, no matter what age.

Parent helpers are a highly valued resource in assisting with distribution of appropriate materials for our home reading program. Parent helpers also are welcomed to assist with reading groups. If you have some spare time and would like to help in this way, please drop me an email or pop into the office. We welcome grandparents and other family members…. PLEASE HELP OUT…. LOTS OF CLASSES ARE LOOKING FOR HELPERS with reading. Children love the opportunity to read to another significant adult.

Religious Instruction

In our year one and two classes, Religious Education, now known as Religious Instruction may be provided under the Education Act. As part of the enrolment procedures, parents / caregivers will have indicated their child’s inclusion or otherwise. RI classes started this week – Tuesday afternoons for approximately 20mins. RI (RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION): WHAT IS IT ABOUT?

You may have been wondering about the RI program that is offered to your child at Edens Landing State School. Three things:

  1. RI is non-denominational Christianity and operates under the agreement of Beenleigh and District Churches Together.
  2. All RI teachers are approved by their church leaders and also by your school; they must hold Volunteers Blue Cards and letters of accreditation, and have completed appropriate training.
  3. Our RI teachers must teach from an approved curriculum. The program currently used is ‘Godspace’ which is approved by Beenleigh and District Churches Together. For more information on ‘Godspace’ google:


Should you like anything clarified, please speak first to your child’s teacher. If you wish to know more about the content of the program email Anne Horig, RI Beenleigh District co-ordinator at: ahorig@tpg.com.au

Before School Supervision and Safety

Thank you for adhering to our school routines, expectations and safety requirements, for being in the right place before school. Remember, students DO NOT put bags away on bag racks and must wait in the two designated covered areas until dismissed just prior to bell time. The only exceptions are some cases in prep. Students in C block and G block prep are to sit quietly with the supervising adult. No running around is permissible. If a prep student is being supported by a sibling, then together they wait in the covered areas where they are supervised by our staff.

PLAYGROUP – Every Tuesday 9.00 – 11.00am

Our school based playgroup is held EVERY TUESDAY 9.00 – 11.00am in the school multipurpose hall. The playgroup is designed for pre-prep students, especially siblings of current school students. We ask for a donation of $2 per child / $5 family per attendance which covers purchasing of expendable items.

Our group is growing in strength with some very keen families. Lots of exciting activities have been taking place. Some wonderful friendships and support networks are developing and everyone is having fun. COME ALONG AND TRY IT OUT!


Karen Stoyko
Deputy Principal

Deputy Principal’s News

YEAR 6 2015

We still have several year 6 students who have not returned their project consent forms. These are essential for all students even if they are not purchasing a senior shirt. The one form covers all activities connected with year 6 students this year, including graduation and the year book.

The final payment for camp was on Friday 4th March. Only students who have paid by this time will be attending camp.

Positive Behaviour for Learning

Our explicit teaching of behaviour expectations will continue throughout the year, focusing on the Rule of the Week – each week teachers explicitly teach lessons which focus on a selected aspect of school expectations.

The rules for weeks 7 and 8 are outlined below. Teachers will be discussing these with students over the next two weeks, and it would be wonderful if parents spoke with their children about the importance of each rule.

Week 7 - High Five

It is important that children and parents are aware of how bullying is defined. Teachers will explain to their students what bullying is and then teach them the ‘high five’ process for dealing with situations they may find themselves in.

What is Bullying: Bullying is an ongoing misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that causes physical and/or psychological harm. It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power over one or more persons. Bullying can happen in person or online, and it can be obvious (overt) or hidden (covert).

Single incidents and conflict or fights between equals, whether in person or online, are not defined as bullying. However, these conflicts still need to be addressed and resolved.

Behaviours that do not constitute bullying include:

  • mutual arguments and disagreements (where there is no power imbalance)
  • not liking someone or a single act of social rejection
  • one-off acts of meanness or spite
  • isolated incidents of aggression, intimidation or violence

Online bullying (sometimes referred to as cyberbullying) is bullying carried out through the internet or mobile devices.

Teachers will go through the ‘High Five’ plan for managing conflict with students over the course of the week. This is a wonderful, easy to remember strategy for children of all ages.

Week 8 - Be peaceful when resolving conflict

Conflict is a slippery slope. Some children try to escape from a conflict, while others try to solve it by going on the attack. Few naturally try to work it out, which is why it is important that we teach children how to resolve issues of conflict in a peaceful way.

Escape Responses: These responses are often used to avoid taking responsibility for conflict situations.

  • Denial — Pretending that a conflict does not exist or refusing to do what we can to work it out
  • Blame Game — Blaming others for the problem, pretending we did nothing wrong, covering up what we did, lying
  • Run Away from people trying to help — Prolonging the problem

Attack Responses: These are attempts to win a fight rather than resolve it. They damage a relationship further rather than repairing it.

  • Put Downs — Attacking others with harsh or cruel words, stirring up anger in others
  • Gossip — Talking about others behind their backs
  • Fight — Using physical force to get our way

Work-It-Out Responses: These are a few good ways to respond to a conflict.

  • Overlook an Offense — Dealing with an offense yourself by simply deciding to ignore it or deciding not to respond to it
  • Talk-It-Out — Going directly to the other person to talk out your disagreements
  • Get Help — Asking a teacher or other adult to help you decide how to handle the conflict you are involved in

We remind students constantly that choices have consequences. For good or bad, the choices we make will affect us and others and conflict is often the consequence of a choice we have made.

The "Five A's" can resolve conflict. These simple steps will almost always lead to peace.

  • Admit what you did wrong. Include both wrong doings and bad choices.
  • Apologise for how your choice affected the other person. Saying sorry can make all the difference.
  • Accept the consequences for your choice without argument or excuses.
  • Ask for help if you need it.
  • Alter your choice in the future. Think over and plan how you are going to act differently next time.

It is possible to teach children how to resolve conflicts among themselves or with their friends and other people they know, and in doing so, help them develop a skill they will need as they grow and move into adult life.


Cheryl Gibson


What’s On at Edens Landing State School




Homework club 3pm-4pm Senior Computer Lab. Concludes 14th March

Sporting Schools Program 3pm-4pm Prep-Yr3 commencing 22nd Feb concludes 14th March

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Homework Club 2.55pm-4.30pm E Block


Play group 9am -11am each term, children under 5 only. Multi Purpose Hall

Sporting Schools Program 3pm-4pm Prep-Yr3 commencing 23rd Feb concludes 15th March


Running Club 8am-8.30am Senior Oval concludes 24th March

Student Banking 9am


Running Club 8am-8.30am Senior Oval concludes 24th March

Changes to Student Payment Window

The office will be changing the current opening days for student payments as from Term 2.

Office payment window will ONLY be open Mondays from 8.15am- 10.15am commencing Monday 11th April.

Payment Options

Cash or Eftpos Mondays 8.15am-10.15am Office Payment Window
Credit card payments- form available on school website or phone the school office 8am-4pm

Internet Payment Details

School Bank A/c Name: Edens Landing State School
BSB Number: 064-401
Account Number: 10158334
Child’s Reference Code: Child’s last name & initial
Activity Reference Code: i.e Y6 camp

Important points to consider

  • Payments received into the school account after the closing date will not be accepted and a Request for Refund form will be provided.
  • It is important to use your child’s last name AND activity code as the reference when making your payment.
  • If we can identify the student but not the activity, payment will be applied against the oldest debt.
  • If we cannot identify the student, payment will be paid into a holding account.

PE News

Representative News

Recently, Taylor, Alexis and Kelsey competed at the Pacific Rim Swimming Trials. The girls competed very well and set some new personal best times.

Congratulations to Francis who was selected in the Beenleigh Zone Netball Team. She will now compete at the Pacific Rim Trials later this term. Good luck Francis!

Interschool Sport

All students in grade 6 who have nominated to play interschool sport have been selected to represent our school. All forms and payment must be handed in by Monday 9th March.

The interschool sport competition begins next week. If you would like to watch your child/ren play, please feel free to join us. The games will commence from 11:00 and conclude at 2pm. Please contact me at kodon30@eq.edu to find out further information regarding venues and draws.

School Cross Country

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The school cross country – fitness day will be held on Thursday 17th March. This is a really enjoyable day that gives all students from prep to grade 6 the opportunity to participate in a fun-filled race around our school grounds. At Edens Landing, it is our expectation that all students will participate in this event and accommodation is made for varying capabilities. If your child is unable to compete in the race for health reasons a note of explanation must be provided to their class teacher.

Students must have a water bottle, hat, asthma puffer (if required) applied sunscreen and wear closed in running shoes. Students are encouraged to wear a plain coloured sleeved t-shirt representing their house (please see below for house allocation and colour). This is the only acceptable variation to the school uniform with students required to wear normal school shorts. Coloured hairspray, face paint etc is unacceptable. Students must adhere to school dress code standards.

House Allocation according to surname:

A-E Nicolson (green) F-K Freeman (yellow) L-Q- Lawton (blue) R-Z- Riley (red)

Students from prep – year 2 will compete against their own year level. Students from grades 3-6 will compete in age groups according to year born. The timetable for start times is outlined below. These times are an approximate only.


Year Level / Age


Race Time

Year level




Year level




Year level
























In preparation for this event, students will be provided with an opportunity to walk the track. Most students will have to exit the school grounds for part of the course (grades 1-6). Teachers will join other classes so that there is an adequate amount of supervision ensuring that your child is safe during this activity. If you do not give consent for your child to take part in this activity and the cross country, please provide a letter to your classroom teacher or email me kodon30@eq.edu.au

In conjunction with this event, our P&C is conducting a fundraising activity and ask students to obtain donations / sponsorship. Please assist with obtaining sponsorship. Details and sponsorship forms have already been provided.

If you have any more questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Yours in Sport
Ken O’Donnell
Physical Education Teacher

P&C News


The following people have been nominated at the AGM to hold Executive titles with the 2016 Edens Landing State School P&C Association:

President: Kirstin Hansen
Vice President: Rachel Maddalena
Secretary: Tammy Ah You
Treasurer: Vanessa Potter

The next P&C General Meeting will be held in the Staffroom, at 7pm, 21st March, 2016. If you have anything you would like placed on the agenda, please email: exec@elsspc.org.au

New members are always welcome, please come along and learn more about what is happening in your child’s school, and how you can help to make a positive difference. The aim of the P&C is to promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and staff into close co-operation and to assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school such as the Uniform Shop and Tuckshop. Coming to P&C meetings is a great way to find out more about the school and the activities of the P&C. You will meet the Principal, teachers and other parents and hear about a wide range of topics including how all the sub-committees operate.

You do not need to RSVP – just arrive a few minutes before things start and introduce yourself to the Secretary who will then welcome you to the meeting and introduce you to everyone else. After the meeting there is usually time to chat to others.

Shortly your child/ren will be coming home with sponsorship forms for the annual cross country fitness day. Important due dates will be listed on the form, along with safety tips for money collection. All monies need to be placed in the P&C box, which is a locked black box, hanging on the wall near the back entrance to the office (near the glass windows).


The Uniform Shop will be open from 8.30am – 9.30am on Friday mornings.


Student Banking News

New School Banking Rewards available now!!!

Term 2 rewards with the Outback Savers theme now available, while stocks last!!

Flying Snake Tail
Wildlife Writer Set

For every deposit made at the school, no matter how big or small, students receive a silver Dollarmites token.

Once students have individually collected 10 tokens they can redeem them for exclusive School Banking rewards in recognition of their regular savings habits.

There are 2 new items released every term so be sure to keep an eye out for them!

Thank you for supporting the school Banking program.

School Banking day is Wednesday!!


Congratulations to Karen Stoyko who has been awarded Life Membership of the Edens Landing State School P&C Association. Her dedication to the Association for the last 17 years has been immense, and her contributions immeasurable. Thank you Karen.

Tuckshop News

Tuckshop Roster

7th March-11th March

14th March-18th March


AM: Julie PM: Peita-Marie

AM: Julie, Peita-Marie PM: Peita-Marie


AM: Bob, Kelly PM: Kirstin

AM: Bob, Kelly PM: Kirstin


AM: Bob, Marcela PM: Georgia

AM: Bob, Marcela PM: Georgia


AM: Bob, Renee PM: Renee

AM: Bob, Renee PM: Renee


AM: Julie, Kirstin PM: Peita-Marie

AM: Julie, Kirstin PM: Peita-Marie, Kirstin

Any queries please come and see me and have a chat.

Annette Honnery
Tuckshop Convenor
Ph: 3508 7999

Police Beat News

Attention Parents, Carers and Teachers,

It has come to my attention that during school drop off and pick up due to the large number of congestion and vehicles queued waiting to access the stop, drop and go or the stop, collect and go vehicles are parking across and stopping their vehicles on the children’s crossing on Jamie Nicolson Avenue, Edens Landing.

This is causing delays and frustration for our children that are attempting to cross the road in a safe manner and under direction of the crossing supervisors.

I take this time to remind you of our Road Rules Regulation which provides authority for vehicles to be issued an infringement notice if partaking in the behaviour.


I request that we all display a little patience and common sense around our school. I understand that there is a traffic volume issue in and around Edens Landing State School. We require your assistance in keeping our school a safe zone for your children and the children of others. We are in control of the manner in which we behave around our school.

In order to alleviate some of the congestion may I suggest consider dropping off at school a little earlier than you normally would. With collection apply the same principal arrive a little later than you normally would. Be sure to communicate this information with children.

Together we can all make a safe and productive school environment.

Luke Turner
Senior Constable
Officer in Charge
Edens Landing Police Beat

Road Safety Officer News

Edens Landing State School

Children’s Crossing on
Jamie Nicholson Avenue

Parents – Please Remember to:

  • Consider arriving to pick up your child a little later to avoid congestion
  • Avoid stopping and queueing across the children’s crossing when traffic becomes congested - it is dangerous for the crossing supervisor and children, also it’s illegal and you can be fined
  • Observe the speed limit in the school zone
  • Approach the crossing with care
  • Stop when the Crossing Supervisor presents their ‘STOP’ sign to you
  • Respect the ‘No Standing’ zones either side of the crossing; waiting here can prevent the Crossing Supervisor from seeing traffic clearly

The safety of our children concerns all of us, please do your bit.

Edens Landing State School


Using the Two Minute Zone Correctly

The Two Minute (Loading) Zone works best when people drop and go . These zones are designed for motorists who simply want to drop their children off and keep moving. The only way they can do this is if the zone is left free of parked vehicles.

When using the zone, please:

  • Remain in your car
  • Make sure your children know to be ready
  • Plan your trip to avoid arrival at peak times
  • Pick-up or drop-off children via the car’s kerbside doors
  • Drive out safely

Please do not

  • Leave your vehicle and go into the school with the children
  • Double park
  • Stay more than 2 minutes
  • Arrive early in the afternoon and sit in the zone